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Dare not to be a Saint

let the sweetest bloom of strawberry hack the
virgin of the bees and wash away the thirst
of the Lilies in the stream

let the ranging mountain lucidly view the
terrains of the eagle eyes and capture the prey
for a night flying mock of the wings, where
the hungry fish wage the turmoil wave

let the fusion of the night dream the horizon
of beautiful tomorrow, fulfill the window of
the future and lead cool waiting hand reach
the high way of success

let the song be the melody of the heart; strings
every hope of happiness for joy branches the
clings of harmony of wish in each coming day,
the verdicts open to claps

come my soul, and settle the savor of faith,
dare not to bangs the sacredness of the angel;
for nay! wisdom allure belief and nothing but
a sole searching of gratefulness, as the heart
stood in the affirmation of thy grace

oh! luminous sacred fire, hover thy faith, for
nothing comes to renew of the sinfulness, yet
a heart that repent promise the soul to the
paradise of saint not of men, the total surrender
of the faithful

may the heaven brings the angelic soul to the
face of the One.......

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