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If I Close Would You Open

let the Poseidon
of Greek god’s hover
my day and open my lips to
whisper the sweet embrace of your

let me do
the herculean task to
make the gate of your bosom heart and listen
to my
pleading of stay, rapture the
anger that made you pave with me; since you
come to my life,
find me the way and close my knee to
vow all the luck that bends my open heart
to pray

let me do this again without
the peculiar feeling that take me in the shadow of
weird intense feeling to lie
down my flesh into the fuming fire
of love, please settle my arm in your heart
and die with you in the humid sky
where the beacon of giving taste my lips
to surrender

lead me to rest my dear and open my soul to
die without pain in memory of me
I love you

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