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Master Of Your Own Domain?

It's out of your hands
Beyond your control
No matter your demands
No matter your goal

The alarm commands
When you arise
The clock demands
When to open or close your eyes

Your appetite determines
What and when you partake
Your thirst decides
Of what and when to slake

Your education, not you,
Determines the course you take
And an indifferent boss
Decides how much you make

The car you drive
Is not chosen by your labors
But by the herd instinct
To keep up with your neighbors

Even one's appearance
Is not totally within one's means
Since even your visage is controlled
By crazy combinations of genes

So call it Kismet, call it Karma,
name it Fate if you so deign.
You'll not… were never…
nor ever, will truly reign

(think "George Costanza")
As master of your own domain

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