Corella agitates and Redback spins.
Inspector Numbat eyes them with distrust.
Rosella whistles tunes and Dingo grins;
Companions round the billabong at dusk.
Unearthing plots and sifting dirt for clues,
Mendacious Emu's trouble-making trails,
Surveilling Wallaby's tracks and Kangaroo's,
The keen Inspector's always on their tails.
And Wombat's buried many past misdeeds.
'Not guilty', lies Koala, looking sweet.
The Inspector knows the only thing he needs
Is one last puzzle piece to make complete.
Although he's got the culprits nailed this time,
Lamentably, he's not yet found the crime.
Spurs and silt,
Platypus glides.
Ibis sidles by.
Cicadas criticize.
Ironbark rustles a song -
'Oh where has poor Echidna gone,
Unnoticed by the billabong throng'.
Shy, unseen, spurs and silt, Platypus glides.
poem by Diane Hine
Added by Poetry Lover
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