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Bible in Poetry: Gospel of St. John (Chapter 12)

Six days before the Passover,
Jesus had come to Bethany;
With Lazarus raised from the dead,
They had a dinner over there.

Then Martha served the food for all,
While Lazarus had reclined there,
And Mary took some perfumed oil,
Anointing Jesus’ feet with love
And dried them with her silken hair,
As house got filled by oil fragrance!

Then Judas Iscariot remarked,
‘Three hundred days’ wages worth oil!
Why should it not be giv’n to poor? ’
(Not that he cared for poor) , he said.

So, Jesus said, ‘Leave her alone;
Let this be for my burial;
You always have the poor with you;
But I’ll not be with you always.’

A crowd of Jews came to see both,
Jesus and also Lazarus,
Whom Jesus had raised from the dead.
The Chief priests planned to kill the two
As people more, believed in Him.

The next day, when the crowd had heard
That Jesus would come for the Feast,
They took palm branches to meet him
And cried aloud, ‘Hosanna, King!
Blest’s He, who comes in the Lord’s name.’

Then Jesus sat upon an ass!
For, it was already written:
‘O daughter Zion, fear no more!
Your king comes seated on an ass! ’

His disciples didn’t understand;
Later, when He was glorified,
They remembered these things of Him,
That happened as written earlier.

The crowd that testified, remained;
They followed Him wherev’r He went;
The Pharisees felt jealous then,
‘We seem to be gaining nothing;
The whole world has gone after Him! ’

Some Greeks had come to worship too.
They came to Philip and asked, ‘Sir,
We wish to see the man, Jesus! ’
Philip and Andrew told Jesus.

Then Jesus told, ‘The hour has come
For Son of Man be glorified.
‘Amen, amen, I say to you,
Unless the wheat grain dies in soil,
It just remains a grain of wheat;
But when it dies, it gives much fruit! ’

‘Whoever loves life, loses it;
Whoever hates it, preserves it
For eternal life, after death.’

‘Whoever serves me, follows me,
Where I’m, my servant too is there;
Father honors, he who serves me.
I’m troubled now. What can I say?
O Father, save me from this hour.
But, for this purpose, I had come! ’
My father, glorify your name.’

A voice from heaven was heard then:
‘I’ve glorified and will again.’
The crowd then thought it was thunder.
But others said, ‘An angel spoke! ’

Then Jesus said, ‘This voice didn’t come
For my sake but, for your sake just.’
Now is the judgment-time on earth;
The world’s ruler is driven out.’

‘And when I’m lifted off the earth,
I’ll draw all people to myself.’
He indicated he would die!

The crowd then asked, ‘We’ve heard the law
That Messiah remains forev’r;
Why should they lift the Son of Man?
Who is this Son of Man truly? ’

Then Jesus said, ‘The light will stay
With you, perhaps, a little while;
Walk while you have the light with you,
So that, the darkness doesn’t overcome.’

‘Whoev’r in darkness walks, knows not
To where he is truly heading.
Believe the Light while it is there,
So that, you are children of light.’
Then Jesus left and hid himself!

Though Jesus performed many signs,
They didn’t believe in him at all.

Isaiah’s word was fulfilled thus:
‘Who has believed our teaching, Lord?
To who was Lord’s might revealed then? ’
He blinded eyes and hearts of theirs,
So that, they may not see by eyes,
Nor understand with help of hearts,
And be converted, to be healed.’

Isaiah saw his glory then.
Many believed in him despite,
The Pharisees order threat’ning
To expel from the synagogue.
They wanted human praise only.

So, Jesus told, ‘Whoev’r believes
In me, believes Him who sent me.
Whoev’r sees me, sees Him as well.
I came into this world as light,
So that, they stay not in darkness.’

‘If hears my words one and heeds not,
I wouldn’t condemn him anytime,
For, I had come to save the world.
Whoev’r rejects my words and me,
Will be condemned on the last day:

‘Because I did not speak on own;
I tell what Father goads me speak.
His Commandment’s eternal life.
So, what I say, I say as told.’

Copyright by Dr John Celes 5-24-2007

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