A Dream Is Still a Dream Until It Becomes Real
Call me weird to dream the impossible
When some phobias are in the stream of my blood
To live in the rainforest yet I'm hypochondriac
To walk on the terrain of trees in to the deep woods
When in fact I have ophidiophobia
Call me insane to reach the unreachable
Countries of my dream when I know I hate to fly
To see the distant world it has offered
London, Rome, or Tokyo - you name it
But the truth is: it's about my batophobia
It is such a fool of me to wish I could cross
Atlantic Ocean or the Pacific by a cruise
The Caribbean is too much to aspire
A step into the sand to tickle my feet
If I could only break my thalassophobia
But I doubt with all the phobias
A man like me has chrometophobia
For I have a strong-willed-mind
To cross the legal line to obtain wealth
And make these dreams become real
poem by Efren Petalver Carranza
Added by Poetry Lover
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