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Every Question Has An Answer

When wings of birds can no longer spread
To fly high to their greatest flights
May differ an old man who can hardly head
Up and down the stairs with all his plights

When old age becomes the agony of living
And illnesses contribute to fall apart
It's like limbs of trees with wind wailing
Then down the ridge they topple and part

So, why envy the strong, bold, and beautiful
And the solid rich, who seems to have it all
When each one, in fact, has time in particular
To dust we will return, and so they are

Life in all its fairness, love is wonderful
When it's from the heart, pure and simple
To adhere the mind not be poisoned by others
To betray its honesty; otherwise, it withers

Stellar dreams, some stars may rise and shine
Along the road, some teams may win or lose
But when they reached this fame and whine
Over money, greed comes to suck all its cause

It's true! In life, every question has an answer
Either right or wrong, it depends how we try
For no truth to blame others when failures were
The grief of falling apart, should we ask God why?

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