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Battlements exist in every soul's burden,
adjacent to any isotropy advertent,
his destiny impends in darkened flame,
in Hades' Nyx - for Charon's fame.

A chill of lonely an unaltered sight
One tear only, his childhood's kite.

His companions fled to other lands,
tried to count steps as blindmen wands,
and failed; as their beguiled spirit,
egresses to danger, or wants to kill it.

and then Nyx came; a soul's indictment,
foolish it was, a buffoon's agreement..

He recalls hopes, cornered to their path,
a silver cross to grasp, as soon as wrath,
depicts of choices expired or ended,
betrays gallantry never acquainted.

Accordment to fading of values advertent,
a holy abstinence in temptations afferent.

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