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Relentless Kiss Upon My Face

Dim lights on this winter road,
midnight, a black color of smalt,
Northern Ranges, a night code
on the wet dissonance of asphalt.

Melted snow, a reflective surface,
spring birds are hidden for life;
neon lights, bright epigraphs,
street signs hung, soul's cold knife,

units dispersed - thrown randomly,
lowered sky, Scattered snow smell,
no voices, you left, a runaway,
an existence absent of this quell..

A smiling Abyssos opens above me
that sums my voice's apostasy!
Makes life's floss a bitter glee,
on this scene of my empty sympathy.

My image in a mirroring esteem,
immense depth cut by colds wit,
without you appearing in a dream,
without me appearing on exit.

Immense depth, this grave symbol;
you never listened, cried or wept..
This removal maybe will extol,
all our dreams that here are swept.

Green trees, gendarmes, of whiteness..
A lonely rain insists to trace,
along this solitude of politeness,
as a relentless kiss, upon my face..

Copyright ® G. V.10.17.2011
/ PoemH.28548729

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