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Love Of The Light

The love of God is glory and pride,
happiness and a crown of joyfulness,
the love of God gladdens the heart,
giving happiness, joy and eternal life
For those who love, love without end
She was created created with the faithful in their mother's womb
She has made a home in all creation, an age old foundation
and to their descendents will she faithfully cling,
The fullness of wisdom is to love God;
She intoxicates them with her fruits;
She fills their entire hearts with treasures
and their souls with her produce.
The crown of wisdom is to love God,
She makes peace and health flourish.
The lord has seen and assessed her,
he has showered down knowledge and intelligence,
he has exalted the renown of those who practice her.
The root of wisdom is to love God,
and her branches are eternal life

Whoever loves in the light will accept its corrections.
Those who look for the light will win its favor.
Whoever seeks the light will be nourished by it,
even the hypocrite will find it a lesson learned.
Those who love the light win its approval,
their good deeds shining alongside the light.

The sinner comes to acknowledge and gain forgiveness
he finds a savior form headstrong behavior,
Foreigners and the proud all know about love and the light

Anyone who loves in the light, loves with unconditional compassion,
Anyone who loves in the light, loves out of free will.

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