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To All Beloved Poem Hunter Poets

Dedicated to: Terence George Craddock and Eric Cockrell.

To all beloved poets,

(Firm in my believe: all poets are indeed beloved.
For I hold each and everyone of you dearly in my heart.)

Please refrain from becoming disenchanted
by all your pensive eyes behold.
Please keep in mind:
we wander this razed terrain together,
though scattered afar and abroad.
Wandering still, after many countless ages,
trapped (as it may seem)
but for a purpose,
a purpose not of our own.
The purpose to serve humanity.

From your receptive spirit flows the unyielding momentum of creation.
In your eyes, rests the immeasurable essence of the Clear Light.
Your mouth delivers the living voice of all sentient beings.

Within you a certain purity steeps,
pouring out from your words,
passing through me like holy basil,
inspiring with clarity
moments I have fallen weak.

Those enlivening words crafted in the depths of your being,
the wisdom plain to see
yet unrecognizable to most,
the wisdom you pluck from the surrounding landscape,
the wisdom ripe in air the above your bed,
these ever precious truths mustn't be coarked,
your purity mustn't be adulterated
by the harshness of transient beings.

Oh Benevolent Apex spirits!
Athene's Aonian messengers!
Enlightened Agents,
Born again Bodhisattvas,
Descendents of the stars!
Aeolian muses sent forth from Helicon's summit!
Arise from ye ancient slumber!
Let us awaken the world to
the age of conscious anointment!

Together we are the wind and water,
the pure, true elements of movement and change!

Peaceful drifting multitudes
clarion vessels changing
earth adapted attitudes
universal wind chimes
egret flocks of great faith
buoyant beings of light
naked bathing
e'er singing joyously
awash in compassion's
cleansing churning sea

Never again shall the soul's love
be turnt off or deterred.

A sign! A sign!
No need to look to the sky for a sign,
for signs abound in plain sight all around!

Kindred spirits of all ages
in any other age distance
would mandate they be strangers
The world today now shares a voice
the lovely enlightened counter culture
Inspiring teaching informing
supporting reminding
coming together to care for the world
Enriching heats across the globe
carrying eternal pieces of every soul

Pure visionary poets
shining lucid light of mind
life preserves offered in words
precise views captured
moment to moment
maya reporters of the
highest integrity
and moral magnitude
creating portals of poesy
forever opening windows to the world

Infinite Driblets in a bottomless cup
yearning to wash against the crest of the highest lip.
Soulful cisterns replete with earth anointing fluid.
Untrammeled well-springs, traveling without clog
Flowing beyond borders and time
inspiring cloud burst after cloud burst
Thundering pluvial chariots
of impassioned blood and brine,
cleansing the oppressive eyes
echoing anthems of peace,
reciting verses of rebellion!
Freely flowing, spreading liquid gems!
carving new paths in the land,
with bone not knife,
Torrential storms
slaking the impoverished desert roots
in this tyrannous drought of
terrorism, treasonous regimes,
and lethal nationalist sentiments.
Raising our Voice, our music,
in demonstrations of Debka;
vaulting weapons of worldwide mass dissatisfaction.

Soothing, enlivening, earth shaking,
creating and destroying,

Passionate, organized, connected to the world,
immersed in the struggle!
We are the sprouting seeds of soaring Eolian spirits!

Our glowing medals of enlightened compassion shine throughout the world.
Our volitional ammunition marks our place in history!

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