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In_Time_Mate Or In_Time_I_Date Sting [H]Alter-Wring Or Sing Altar Ring? After Gellet Burgess Abstrophy

'Forever' seems an attitude -
whenever iover-stated -
fantastical as fervent mood
through which it is created.
Sweet dreams evolve as covert feud
quite unanticipated
when he or she, or both, prim, prude,
fast, loose, find faith inflated
when practicalities intrude
on idyll time-outdated.
Familiarity, once wooed
contempt breeds, dissipated
when lovey-dovey interlude's
perceived plot perpetrated
on pipe-dream theme somewhat askewed
when truth is estimated.

Is passion palled by plenitude,
or, consecrated, sated?
castrated by its magnitude,
once baited is abated?
Is passion passing interlude
its pride of place vacated
when self by self is too imbued -
in_time_mate intim_I_dated,
passion pursuant to pursued
with chaste and chased related,
missel_toe issue tissue wooed?
bourgeois romance out-dated?

Is love cavorting in the nude
tryst trophy team instated,
with double assets well accrued
pendant physicians placated?
Or is it just lust for bust crude
between divorce created
by cheesy lawyers out for feud
too well remunerated,
communication mis-construed,
excuse pre-fabricated?
Is family sollicitude
ideal deal which rich waited?

Is love submissive servitude
to idyll over-rated
triple A by Moody's in the Mood,
Fitch, Standard Poor downrated?
or self through wealth from shelf rescued
by bright knight silver plated.
Is true romance a tale well cued
from fact, or fiction weighted,
ideal two feel that ne'er unglued
becomes prevaricated?
Is self-protective platitude
romance and all related?

Can entente hand in glove allude
to kith, kin, karmic fated?
Is XY XY turpitude
when XX feels deflated
or need to feed seed's needs construed
as sharing pairing baited
by reproductive fair game food,
seeds generations bated?
Track records rarely all include,
beware, life's dice are weighted!

Is prime mate musing magic trick,
or sleight of wishful thinking
which senses sweeps in augenblick,
then changes course a-winking?
Is lovelorn candle, life's trimmed wick,
in time's rhyme ego linking?
fidelity through thin and thick?
complicity gone kinking?
Are all emotions fiery flick
or blatant double-thinking
returned to loved-one double quick,
upon reflection sinking?

Is lust light uncontested beam,
star-studded, scintillated,
or shared commitment as a team
regularly restated?
Are passion plays part of heart's scheme
[t]win-win anticipated
to foster further fondness, gleam
fantastically fated
as variations on a theme
confirm the term related?
Or should one, wary of extreme,
prepare for fall check-mated?

Is passion part of heaven's game
Chance challenging unshrinking,
deflecting Fate from some false aim,
from former flame unthinking?
Is passion love, love passion tame,
or echo self-hoodwinking?
Truss channelled through trust karmic chain
or opportunist skinking
twinned souls sole, self-centered claim
staked counter Fate moves inking?
or shameless counterfeit quitclaim?
on blameless vestal pinking?

Can passion rhyme with peaches, cream,
through humdrum soar elated
to reach peak plateau, stay supreme,
joy never dissipated?
Or must Time take its toll, lose steam,
as tears evaporated?
Is troth plight tsunami torrent stream
wave pupils wide dilated
or self-delusion's mirage dream,
peer pressure instigated?

Love, hate, hate, love, chase interlude
between haste chaste created
to fill the void both gal and dude
avoid, lose/lose deflated.
Yet can love live, forgive, when crewed
by team at odds, unsated?
Base too unstable to be viewed
as else but dissipated,
time no prime rhyme can ease, bestrewed
confetti falsely fĂȘted.
Corps core intact, authentic feud
maintains 'gainst hate and hated.

Should devil dance, dare to intrude
between twinned karmas fated,
and counterfeit love reconstrued
two-timing triplicated
then authenticity's tease cued
by motives manipulated
and all proves vain - no gain, pain brewed -
pawns challenged, chest check-mated.
Quantum entanglements delude
all who love/hate equated
no 'opposites' each must preclude
the other re-instated.

IS Love? if 'tis, if tisn't, what's the use?
Grounds hidebound logic lists sound vain, abstruse!

Abstrosophy Gelett Burgess
If echoes from some fitful past
Could rise to mental view,
Would all their fancied radience sue
Or would some odors from the blast,
Untouched by time, accrue.

Is present pain a future bliss,
Or is it something worse?
For instance, take a case like this:
Is fancied kick a real kiss
Or really the reverse?

Is plenitude of passion palled
By poverty of scorn?
Does Fiction mend what Fact has mauled?
Has Death its wisest victims called
When idiots are born?

(12 December 2001)

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