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Leaving The Ones Who Do Not Benefit

Doesn't it seem,
Demons come out of hiding.
The moment you decide...
You will live your life,
To do good and what's right!

They begin to hover around like vulchers.
Making attempts to prevent,
Positive interaction.

And this becomes an attraction of sorts,
To thrawart something fresh.
And what becomes presented...
Loses its breath,
To ultimately let die the 'vision'!

Not from the trying.
But a wicked incision of the naysayers.
Who either disapprove of the doer...
Or the amount of attention given.
And 'who' receives the credit.

And those who know what they've done,
Are the first to shout out with cries...
To gossip in ears with lies.
'Why isn't anyone reaching out to get things done?
Every and anyone who 'could' do something...
Refuses to offer a giving hand! '

Of course this is believed.
And more join forces to roll their eyes.
Instead of rolling up their despising sleeves.
Leaving the ones who do not benefit at all...
The ones left who best deceive!
The ones who question,
Why there isn't...
More unity in their communities.

More often than not...
These are the culprits!
Heard rehashing old debates,
With venom not hardly dormant...
In them.

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