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What Did You Expect?

You left when you announced you were leaving me.
What did you expect?
Tears of remorse and a begging of regrets?

When I heard your words,
I didn't object but accepted.
My mind is at total rest.

What I gave to you,
Was my all and best.
And the only thing you showed to me,
Was a disrespect.

My dignity and pride,
I will always protect.
And I thank God,
I did not allow you to come near them.

It wont be me awakening,
To a cold shoulder I did not expect.
You will be the one receiving that...
From the next one and the next one...
And all the others,
You thought would love you...
Better than my best!

And being 'done' by the likes of you,
Has given me a sense of complete rest.
you have no idea how much you've been spoiled.

You left when you announced you were leaving me.
What did you expect?
Tears of remorse and a begging of regrets?
I know who I am.
And you will discover that,
When you are shut out unwanted...
To stand alone on someone's doorstep,
Whining like a wet puppy!

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