Circle Of Love
The circle of love as you well know
Started off very slow.
It all started with the creation of man
For all this was in GODS plan.
Man instinctively protected his mate
From any and all dooming faiths.
And the women learned how to clothe and feed their man
So that they could protect and feed off the land.
This was the beginning of the circle of love
And has lasted throughout the ages
And is noted in histories pages.
Now that circle has gotten to you and I
And we can’t change it, no matter how we try.
It started off at our birth, with the love from
Our mother and father, and nowadays
It’s gotten much harder.
Unlike the days of the cave mans life
Where they protected their children and wives.
Everything has to do with money
And that’s not very funny.
For now they put the dollar
Above all that we see in life
And to feed our families it becomes a sacrifice.
But this circle of love will continue to strive
For it is built in most of mankind.
poem by Louis Rams
Added by Poetry Lover
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