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As Many Illusions… (Revised)

A perfect evening feeding rainbow-coloured
beads to eyes ravenous for beauty, a favourite
movie, callous girl who cries on family loss -
her mom especially - fights to get them back,
along with her I too had fervent tears

Washing dishes after a fabulous meal to chansons
française - musique folklorique pour enfants:
Brave Marin and Mam'selle Angèle - long
thought lost - feeling passionate and oh
so very young again

Music still retains its charm after so many years
I see delightedly; I thought increasing age inured
me to the joys of youth, not true - small things
relished when young still fill my heart
with wonderment, especially

If I allow recall to go right back to those moments
of magic when I tried to create as many illusions
as possible…

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