Face My Nemesis
Amid the office noise I am learning @
is called ‘arobase' - a quarter to three is
trois heures moins le quart, three minus a
quarter - enough to shut my brain down,
numbers have a deadly impact on me
Stop all synapses firing at once, I turn
into a dunce, stare vacantly at pages
of information I can't understand, why
should life be thus, as a mathematical
genius I could have been rich
In a universe that can be described in a
world famous mathematical equation
where E is energy, m mass, c the
speed of light, whatever it means -
everything is relative
And I must face my nemesis, numbers
expressed in French in a minefield of
arobases while telling time, I'm sinking
into the depths of my black hole brain,
information goes in - but never
Comes out again…
poem by Margaret Alice Second
Added by Poetry Lover
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