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Requirements Set By Advertisements

I live a life that is not mine, sitting in
one place for hours on end without
a wonderful book offering mental
challenges or great adventures
to stimulate the mind

Stuck with dead words, no meaning,
metre or rhythm - no music therein -
cold lines indicting people for being
human - imprisoning them for living
the adventures & dreams

Held up to them in advertisements -
brainwashing everyone to believe
real happiness resides in owning
wealth- living pampered lives-so-
impossible to feel guilt

For taking what is rightfully theirs:
happiness - if they were not born
into riches their duty is- to rectify
this ‘cause advertisements claim:
ALL are deserving of -

- wonderful lifestyles and products
to beautify their appearance; there-
fore; why should our laws ostracise
them for fulfilling the requirements
- set by advertisements?

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