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Seaport Of Beni Ansar

Interpol sent me off to research the Seaport of
Beni Ansar called ‘alhaj jimi ahmed' according
to Wikimapia sounding a warning: Beware of
filthy, sleazy Moroccan men waiting outside
all nice hotels, seaports, bus & train stations

I sighed, following my role models Miss Lemon
and Miss Moneypenny I am stuck behind my
desk, only fantasise about sleazy types, being
so conventional, they don't even spare me a
glance, cultivation of a haughty demeanour

Has never been required in my little life, I smile
at everyone I pass and seldom need to fend off
an unwanted advance, maybe once - it is rather
sad when sleazy, filthy types do not even touch
the carefully designed collage of my life…

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