Still Right For Me
Facing painful truths without getting
upset: we are taught youth should
last forever, an ideal to be achieved
through botox, hormone replacement
therapy and plastic surgery; but just
as I never succumbed to make-up,
I‘m failing in my duty to stay young
It is your right to be angry with me
for not being younger in an age of
increasing sex appeal, we're taught
to believe in physical performance
only, females are expected to fulfil
male fantasies based on artificial
acting in adult movies - therefore
You're right to blame me for being
a failure; I never became the siren
you were taught to dream of - BUT
I am joyful knowing you were just
right for me, the romance shared
was perfect- I'm sorry you were
upset when I told you this, sorry
That you feel I'm failing you today
because you are still right for me
and will always be…
poem by Margaret Alice Second
Added by Poetry Lover
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