There are two of me, one believes you implicitly, all
arguments and problems are my fault, everything I
say is wrong – as you claim with such conviction –
this enables me to respect and honour you
quite unconditionally
And an inner core, a rebel self who believes for mental
health I should believe something else, I have a right to
an opinion, you make mistakes and refuse to listen, I’m
not the mean and egoistic being you believe me to be
this enables me to tolerate myself
Not die on the spot of shame and humiliation for being me
though you are Doctor Know-It-All and Mr Perfect, I have a
right to be imperfect, horrible me without pretension; - if I did
not move all this into negative me, I would have had nothing
left - but the positive side still believes
Someday I shall be vindicated in love…
poem by Margaret Alice Second
Added by Poetry Lover
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