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The Case Of A Waterfall

a waterfall can be seen in different angles
different versions can be said
how a waterfall falls from a very high cliff

the first version is the waterfall itself
the second as you turn clockwise
gives you the version of a fog hanging on a cliff
or a horizon of white clouds
the third version, as you turn another quarter
again on a clockwise direction gives you a water fountain
going up the sky
and the last version on another clockwise
or quarter turn gives you the rage of the river
flowing to the sea

that is how reality appears to our very eyes
some points of view

how life becomes depends on how we see it
coupled with our faith
within ourselves

to one who sees a twisted point of view from a dog's eyes
life appears like a tick sucking blood from the armpit of
a puppy

blood is drained and stored on a bloating stomach
of the tick. Life is actually, how you see it.

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