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Wise Words

Those old still waters
Run deep
When wisdom is the word
We keep -
Way up
Way down
And everything
All around -
The dark
The light
Into day, and
Out of night -
The wink of an eye
Watching clouds fly by
Sheds tears upon the sun
For the day that's all done -
Sing along
Words of a living song
With the strangers you've yet to meet
Down an untravelled street -
Blaze a path into the heart
Where real journeys start
Burn true thoughts into the head
Out of something so good, deeply read -
Watch those words you say
Moving along your way
The pain you give
May become the pain you live -
As surely as the compassion
You share
May return a blessing
Through someone's thankful prayer -
Find a stranger
To be a friend
For we all become just alike
In the end -
We enter the world
With nothing but a name
We shall leave it
Just the same -
Wisdom is a woman
Love a man
Bring them together
And forever they shall stand -
- Yes, calm waters
Do run deep,
When in our hearts
It is with the wisdom of Love that we speak -

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