A Deathless Bridge For Loving Souls To Unite!
I and she, standing close, facing mikes,
Melted our voices into golden fibres of melodies
To the accompaniment of percussions and strings
And poured out our souls in mellifluous tunes into mikes
In varying emotions, moods and intensities
Of love, longing, separation and meeting of passionate hearts,
But, between me and she, it was just profession,
Uncoloured by any distant dreams of desire or love!
Yet, the joys and sorrows and longings
That rode on our songs, clasped their hands together,
Embraced and twined in passionate hugs
And winged along the skies in surcharged emotions;
And powered the electrons of love in excited hearts
To reach out to the craving atoms of longing hearts!
O how blessed are we, defying time and distance,
To be a deathless bridge for loving souls to unite!
poem by Sundaram Chandrakalaadhar
Added by Poetry Lover
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