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Darling Dear.. Taste The Honey Drops!

Darling dear!

Taste the honey drops
and feel me thereafter-
ask your senses,
' which is sweeter more? '

' Oh..sweeter more is my feel of you! '

Roll on silky cushions
and touch my body thereafter-
ask your fingers,
' which is softer more? '

' Hey..softer more is your body sure! '

Taste the three kings of fruits
then taste my fruity lips-
ask your lips,
' which is tastier more? '

'Ah...tastier more are your ripened lips! '

Swim in the cool stream
then immerse yourself in my eyes-
ask your self,
' which gives you pleasure more? '

' Ha...your eyes gives me pleasure more! '

Enjoy the grandeur of sunset hours
and look at my beauty thereafter-
ask your eyes,
' which one is grandeur more? '

' Yea..grandeur more is your beauty! '

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