Nuclear Is Safe? No They Lied To You
A list of non classified nuclear disasters
chalk one up for Chalk River Canada
rating 5 a “reactor shutoff rod failure,
combined with several operator errors,
led to a major power excursion of more
than double the reactor's rated output
at AECL's NRX reactor” then a big deal.1952
Entrant two Windscale Pile United Kingdom
rating 5 a “Release of radioactive material to
the environment following a fire in a reactor
core.” Toast a good year for nuclear disasters.1957
graphite core of a British nuclear “[weapons
programme] reactor at Windscale, Cumberland
(now Sellafield, Cumbria) caught fire, releasing
substantial amounts of radioactive contamination
into the surrounding area.” Radioactive fire.
A warm welcome to entrant three. Kyshtym
Russia rating 6 a “Significant release of
radioactive material to the environment
from explosion of a high activity waste tank.” 1957
Please all welcome contestant one back
Chalk River Canada (rating?) “Due to
inadequate cooling a damaged uranium
fuel rod caught fire and was torn in two.” 1958
Champagne pops cheer another good year
Vinč a Yugoslavia (rating?) “During
a subcritical counting experiment a power
buildup went undetected - six scientists
received high doses.” What detailed detail? 1958
Applause please for our first American entry
Santa Susana Field Laboratory US (rating?)
“Partial core meltdown.” Sounds serious.
Tick one deep operations public cover up.1959
Time to take a nice country waltz in a US county
Westinghouse Waltz Mill Westmoreland County
(rating?) a core melt accident in a test reactor? 1960
Looks like American is going for a hat trick
Charlestown US (rating?) “Error by a worker
at a United Nuclear Corporation fuel facility
led to an accidental criticality”. Human error? 1964
Yes score a limelight hat trick for team USA
Monroe US (rating?) “Sodium cooling system
malfunction.” Human error or mechanical?
Again deep cover details lacking team USA.1966
Heavy duty classified dudes. (Date? Rating? Location?
Unknown?) Soviet icebreaker ‘Lenin’, “USSR’s first
nuclear-powered surface ship, suffered a major accident
(possibly a meltdown...) in one of its three reactors.
To find the leak the crew broke through the concrete and
steel radiation shield with sledgehammers, causing
irreparable damage. It was rumored that around 30 of the
crew were killed. The ship was abandoned for a year to
allow radiation levels to dropp before the three reactors
were removed, to be dumped into the Tsivolko Fjord on
the Kara Sea, along with 60% of the fuel elements packed
in a separate container.” Soviet widow maker. Winter 1966-1967
Now we return to previous country entrant two.
Dumfries and Galloway, Chapelcross Scotland UK
United Kingdom (rating?) reactor core “Graphite
debris partially blocked a fuel channel causing a
fuel element to melt and catch fire.” Heavy Metal Fire? 1967
A pleasant skip across to continent Europe
Lucens Switzerland (rating?) a “Total loss
of coolant led to a power excursion and
explosion of experimental reactor.” Bad? 1969
Future forecast Japan blows three reactors at
Fukushima due to coolant lacking back up power? 2011
Crossing ‘The Wall’ with ease a nuclear breeze
we enter Cold War Griefswald East Germany
rating 3 vodka toast hot partly damaged reactor
excessive heating damaged ten fuel rods.1975
Greifswald East Germany (rating?) Foot noted as
“Excessive heating which damaged ten fuel rods” 1989
Reality investigative journalism reveals near core
meltdown, the fifth dangerous incident at the plant.
“Three out of six cooling water pumps were switched
off for a test. A fourth pump broke down and control
of the reactor was lost” accident reportedly attributed
to sticky relay contacts. Sneaky cover up. December 7,1975
main trough fire destroyed current supply control lines
of 5 of 6 main coolant pumps, rating 4, declassified 1989
A quick visit to a former Soviet satellite state
rating 4 Jaslovské Bohunice Czechoslovakia
“Damaged fuel integrity, extensive corrosion
damage of fuel cladding... release of radioactivity.”
A chance to remember a really famous blow out
Middletown, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania US
rating 5 Three Mile Island US “Severe damage to
the reactor core.” A cooling system meltdown.1979
Let us adjourn sip wine in Orléans near gay Paris
rating 4 Saint Laurent des Eaux France. “Melting
of one channel of fuel in the reactor with no release
outside the site.” Nicely swept under the mat.1980
A new island entrant extreme earthquake risk Japan
rating 2 Tsuraga Japan “100 workers were exposed
to doses of up to 155 millirem per day radiation.” 1981
Wow this was a honeymoon warning not heeded?
Ontario New York (rating?) “A steam pipe burst at
the Ginna Nuclear Generating Station, resulting in a
loss of coolant and gasses were intentionally vented
to the atmosphere to reduce risks of explosion.” 1982
Japan attempted this procedure blow it three times.2011
Buenos Aires Argentina rating 4 “An operator error
during a fuel plate reconfiguration in an experimental
test reactor led to an excursion... operator absorbed
2000 rad (20 Gy) of gamma and 1700 rad (17 Gy) of
neutron radiation which killed him two days later.” 1983
Let us now speed through so many more to do?
Hamm-Uentrop Germany (rating?) “Spherical
fuel pebble became lodged in the pipe used to
deliver fuel elements to the reactor.” Sparks? 1986
Not the Flintstones Bamm-Bamm bam it’s dangerous.
Chernobyl Ukraine (USSR) rating 7 “Widespread
health and environmental effects. External release
of a significant fraction of reactor core inventory.” 1986
So brief? Someone really hid scary data on this mega
disaster. Power excursion, explosion, complete meltdown.
Fifty fatalities initially reported mostly cleanup personnel.
explosion combustion of graphite reactor core spread
radioactive material across Europe. “100,000 people
were evacuated from the areas immediately surrounding
Chernobyl in addition to 300,000 from the areas of heavy
fallout in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia” still radiating.
“An 'Exclusion Zone' was created surrounding the site
encompassing approximately 1,000 mi² (3,000 km²) ”
and deemed off-limits for human habitation... studies
by governments, UN agencies and environmental groups
have estimated the consequences and eventual number
of casualties. Their findings are subject to controversy.”
Why because the estimated kill list topped over a million!
This was a power excursion explosion, complete meltdown!
Chernobyl still stealth killing chilling data not funny haha!
Vandellos Spain rating 3 “Near accident caused by fire
resulting in loss of safety systems at the nuclear power
station” meant rain in Spain could radiate the plain.1989
Less detail given but commonality is disaster obvious.
Cadarache France rating 2 “Spread of contamination
to an area not expected by design” proves design error.1993
Back in the US, back in the US, USSR another disaster?
Tomsk Russia rating 4 “Pressure buildup led to an
explosive mechanical failure” another Soviet oops.1993
Yes big time. “The accident exposed 160 on-site
workers and almost two thousand cleanup workers
to total doses of up to 50 mSv (the threshold limit
for radiation workers is 100 mSv per 5 years) . Nasty.
Oh dear another bad disaster ridden radiated year
Ishikawa Prefecture Japan rating 2 “Control rod malfunction” 1999
No! Want accurate gossip on this shameful cover up?
“Operators attempting to inser one control rod during
an inspection neglected procedure and instead withdrew
three causing a 15 minute uncontrolled sustained reaction
at the number 1 reactor of Shika Nuclear Power Plant. The
Hokuriku Electric Company who owned the reactor did not
report this incident and falsified records, covering it up until”.2007
Oh dear really naughty Japan needs a new safe nuclear plan?
Ibaraki Prefecture Japan rating 4 “An accidental critality”
Old inadequately training, cost cutting part-time, workers trick?
Tokaimura “Fatal over exposures of workers
following a criticality event at a nuclear facility”.1999
“Twelve hours after the start of the incident residents
within 10 km were asked to stay indoors”.
Another better late than never scenario; to be reused.
Ikitelli Turkey rating 3 “Loss of a highly radioactive
Co-60 source” “combined with several operator errors,
led to a major power excursion of more than double
the reactor's output” surge juicing up the power grid.1999
Yanangio Peru rating 3 “Incident with radiography
source resulting in severe radiation burns” smarting.1999
Welcome to heralded high tech twenty first century?
Authorities have finally implemented adequate nuclear
fool proof safety procedures right? Wrong. So Sorry.
Paks Hungary rating 3 “Partially spent fuel rods
undergoing cleaning in a tank of heavy water
ruptured and spilled fuel pellets” ruptured scary.2003
Sellafield England UK rating 3 Release of a large quantity of
radioactive material, contained within the installation”.2005
Braidwood Illinois USA (rating?) a nuclear material
leak. “Tritium contamination of groundwater was
discovered at Exelon's Braidwood station.” How much? 2005
Atucha Argentina rating 2 “Overexposure of a worker
at a power reactor exceeding the annual limit” 2005
Erwin Tennessee USA rating 2 “Thirty-five litres of a
highly enriched uranium solution leaked during transfer”.2006
A “required public hearing on the licensing of the plant
was not held due to the absence of public notification.’ Naughty!
Forsmark Sweden rating 2 “Degraded safety functions
for common cause failure in the emergency power
supply system at nuclear power plant”. Maintenance? 2006
Fleurus Belgium rating 4 “Severe health effects for a
worker at a commercial irradiation facility as a result
of high doses of radiation” Human mechanical error? 2006
Onagawa Japan “Reactor shutdown after the 2011
Sendai earthquake and tsunami caused a fire”. 2011
Miyagi earthquake produced vibrations above plant design 2005
Results. Unit 1 was shut down due to test results. November 2006
Unit 2 confirmed pipe leak due to debris damage. May 2006
Pressure control difficulties prompted further inspections. June 2006
METI and Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency determined
plant's performance was not satisfactory. July 2006
Unit 3 pipe integrity concerns reactor was shut down. July 2006
Reactor repaired restarted. Tō hoku earthquake. November 2006
Damaged turbines a fire broke out; plant shut down. March 2011
Fukushima Japan (rating?) after early trickie dickie lie reports
rating 5 (later updated when data could no longer be hidden) rating 7
Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant, Japan had partial meltdowns in
multiple reactors, emergency power failure,3 hydrogen explosions?
Reactor shutdown after the 2011 Sendai earthquake and tsunami
failure of emergency cooling caused an explosion Level 3 at the
Fukushima II Nuclear Power Plant, overheating plus radioactivity.
Stuart Arm incorrectly states, 'apart from Chernobyl, no nuclear
workers or members of the public have ever died as a result of
exposure to radiation due to a commercial nuclear reactor incident.'
Among cover ups lethal doses were received workers timed out?
Beware new nuclear flu especially nuclear waste escapes near you?
“Benjamin K. Sovacool has reported that worldwide
there have been 99 accidents at nuclear power plants.
Fifty-seven accidents have occurred since the Chernobyl disaster,
and 57% (56 out of 99) of all nuclear-related accidents have occurred
in the USA. Relatively few accidents involved fatalities.” Statistics?
The “Paul Scherrer Institute found in separate studies that during
the period from 1970 to 1992, there were just 39 on-the-job deaths
of nuclear power plant workers worldwide.” Stuart Arm found none?
Most sources quoted were limited to the “List of civilian nuclear accidents - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia” to allow reader ease in data checking.
Copyright © Terence George Craddock
Written in March 2011 on the 18.3.2011. Data check December 2nd 2011.
poem by Terence George Craddock
Added by Poetry Lover
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