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I-Pod Oblivion

Two boys
with dreams in their eyes
looking forward
to have a date
with dame luck.

Shine in their eyes
young and energetic
but not so worldly wise
none thought them to be
sitting ducks.

Gyrating and swinging
shut out of whole world
murmering to beat
oblivious of surroundings
enjoying the musical treat.

Demon on track smelling the blood
I-pod, its agent
passing the word
to be quick and haste
come and taste.

With both senses closed
roaming in musical heaven
with ‘kolaveri d’*
poor souls could not see
their cruel fate.

Mangled pieces of flesh
strewn all over the trac
brute reminder of the fact
danger lurking around
with every damn musical pack.

Bothered none
technology won
caution thrown to wind
in the process of unwinding
cuts short the life, so promising.

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