Crazy Me
Am I crazy? Maybe I am?
In everything I give my heart soul as hard as I can
So I over think, whirling brain analyses a lot
But does that mean I’ve lost the plot
Others give up when they don’t understand
But I remain questioning an answer I demand
So does this really make me mad
Looking for answers that won’t be had
My mind it turns round and round
Searching for answers not to be found
When people leave and they move on
I my brain seeks to understand what Ive done wrong
However much I try to understand they don’t speak
But does that make me crazy and weak
I look at life and things happening in the world
And question if the truth, peace ever be heard
Some call me crazy that is true
And maybe I am still mad to you
But I guess at the end of the day
I’m me crazy like it or not I’m this way
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