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False Teeth - A Children's Poem

Our teacher had false teeth;
She kept them in a box
Inside the classroom cupboard
Which she forgot to lock,
So we broke in at break-time
And took them out to play.
They fell into a puddle
And turned a muddy grey.

We gave them back to teacher;
She had to grit her teeth
Or, rather, to de-grit them
For grit was underneath
Under the muddy covering
Mixed with her chewing gum.
This made her gums quite tender;
She didn’t find it fun.

But later we regretted
The mischief that we’d made;
When lessons stopped for playtime,
Our teacher soon explained
That punishment must fit the crime
So, for our evil sin,
Just like her now-cleaned gnashers,
She had to keep us in.

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