Doschitai Do Sta
On skazal:ya ustal.
I ego ne vernut.
Ty schitaesh do sta,
Ty mechtaesh usnut.
Ty schitaesh do sta
Sto sluchaynykh imen,
A tebe nado spat I ne dumat o nem,
A tebe nado spat I ne dumat o nem,
A tebe nado spat I ne dumat o nem.
Tvoya lodka pusta
U chuzhikh beregov.
Ty shcitaesh do sta.
Sta russvetnykh snegov.
Eta tema prosta,
Ty zhe znuesh kak byt.
Nado prosto do sta doschitat I zabyt,
Nado prosto do sta doschitat I zabyt,
Nado prosto do sta doschitat I zabyt,
Doschitay, doschitay, doschitay do sta,
Doschitay, doschitay, doschitay do sta,
Doschitay, doschitay, doschitay do sta,
Doschitay, doschitay, doschitay do sta.
4 5 6 7 8...
Sta bessonykh nochey
V labirintakh lyubvi.
Sta sluchainykh klyuchey,
A v itoge nuli.
Sta druzey, sta vragov.
Sto rastayavshikh ldin.
Zabyvai pro nego, 101, 101.
Zabyvai pro nego, zabyvay navsegda,
Zabyvai pro nego, zabyvay navsegda,
Doschitay, doschitay, doschitay do sta,
Doschitay, doschitay, doschitay do sta,
Doschitay, doschitay, doschitay do sta,
Doschitay, doschitay, doschitay do sta.
59, 60, 61, 62...
Doschitay, doschitay, doschitay do sta,
Doschitay, doschitay, doschitay do sta,
Doschitay, doschitay, doschitay do sta,
Doschitay, doschitay, doschitay do sta.
Doschitay, doschitay
song performed by Tatu
Added by Lucian Velea
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Related quotes
Doschitay Do Sta
On skazal:"Ya ustal."
I ego ne vernut'.
Ty schitaesh do sta,
Ty mechtaesh usnut'.
Ty schitaesh do sta
Sto sluchaynykh imen,
A tebe nado spat' I ne dumat' o nem,
A tebe nado spat' I ne dumat' o nem,
A tebe nado spat' I ne dumat' o nem.
Tvoya lodka pusta
U chuzhikh beregov.
Ty shcitaesh do sta.
Sta russvetnykh snegov.
Eta tema prosta,
Ty zhe znuesh kak byt'.
Nado prosto do sta doschitat' I zabyt',
Nado prosto do sta doschitat' I zabyt',
Nado prosto do sta doschitat' I zabyt',
Doschitay, doschitay, doschitay do sta,
Doschitay, doschitay, doschitay do sta,
Doschitay, doschitay, doschitay do sta,
Doschitay, doschitay, doschitay do sta.
4 5 6 7 8...
Sta bessonykh nochey
V labirintakh lyubvi.
Sta sluchainykh klyuchey,
A v itoge nuli.
Sta druzey, sta vragov.
Sto rastayavshikh l'din.
Zabyvai pro nego, 101, 101.
Zabyvai pro nego, zabyvay navsegda,
Zabyvai pro nego, zabyvay navsegda,
Doschitay, doschitay, doschitay do sta,
Doschitay, doschitay, doschitay do sta,
Doschitay, doschitay, doschitay do sta,
Doschitay, doschitay, doschitay do sta.
59, 60, 61, 62...
Doschitay, doschitay, doschitay do sta,
Doschitay, doschitay, doschitay do sta,
Doschitay, doschitay, doschitay do sta,
Doschitay, doschitay, doschitay do sta.
Doschitay, Doschitay.
song performed by Tatu
Added by Lucian Velea
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Na dan kada naucimo kako ulice dobijaju imena
I zaronimo u geometriju oštrih slijepih uglova
Što žive svoje živote izmedu dva sna
Milimetri snage mogu se istopiti
U mapama i stazama
Muzejima na raskršcu
U semaforima što bespomocno trepcu
Kad želje bilborduju staze do pakla
U slike obmane grube zabave za posjetioce što kažu
Mi smo sad fini pristojni ljudi
Više ne gledamo kako mecka igra
Probadana žaracem
Jer smo saznali bol njenog makabra
Ali ipak smo stavili rukavice
Otišli do njenog Zoo vrta
Tražeci da nam da intervju
Iako nikad ni rijec nije rekla
Na dan kada naucimo kako ulice dobijaju imena
Ispisuje se jedan aforizam bola
Što hrani se na kraju redova
I stiska adresu remek djelo
On pulsira 'mjesta molim mjesta da pokucam
Bez imena mrtva ste ulica
Došao sam da zaplacem kraj zvona na vratima
Što zvoni spram putujeceg prodavca snova
Što došao je samo da pozdravi majku
Jer danas ne prodaje ništa
Cak ni Boga za mjesecni prihod
Nijedan recept za srecniji život
Danas je došao da pita spavace sobe na spratu
O malom djecaku što mokrio je u krevet
I skrivao svoje košmare pod dušek
I matrici dizajniranoj što živi u kutiji za igracke
Medu jednonogim olovnim vojnicima
Kraj lutke djevojcice sa šibicama
Obešcašcene pod Božicnom jelkom'
Na dan kada naucimo kako ulice dobijaju imena
Vozovi stanu zanijemili na šinama
Slijepi se putnici iskrcavaju peroni pucaju
Trgovi se crvene od paradajz revolucija
Što flertuju sa metaforama krvi
Bare podojene majkom hrabrošcu
Isparavaju u sušama južnih zraka
I vracaju se sa rodama što ne radaju djecu
Na dan kada naucimo kako ulice dobijaju imena
Zidovi stružu svoju farbu suzno tražeci
Boju necijih ociju u svakoj zidanost da udave
I apokalipticno kripticni grafiti
[...] Read more
poem by Miroslava Odalovic
Added by Poetry Lover
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See quotes about animals, or quotes about sadness
That Had Them/Sto Imalo Ih Je
...that they had
the nightmares that had them
and the time they had that had them
with a little practical first aid kit
in case the world ends the way it's been
at least yearly anounced
sometime from March to December
and almost imperceptibly that they had
the goals the dreams that had them
as well as the time that had them
they had? like a never made of always
most of all they knew
that they were known by things they never knew
with a will of a throne it red carpet like walked them
from dire to straights only blood
they had in the dropp recorded they were
in a biometrical test that had them
tested on the meaning of the cells immemorial
they had blood? like a clock an hour hidden by their brother
for being an eternal possession of naming
the names they had that had them
covenantly uttered amidts the language made of light
the light they had a sight amidst the blindness
that had them for being had amidst the darkness
twilightly with the hands unembraced sand and a candle of fear
what they shiverred with shivered them summoned by the wind to sway
for the wind it was the last singing that sang them
amidst singing the last swaying that swayed them sleepless
the dream they had? that had them dreamt fate vowed stricken
never awake for awake a new different possession had them
the gap overstepped by waiting the pit of knowledge eye apples
off the knowlede of good and evil they watched
that watched them without blinking carefully
the result of the reason tainted by memory
with too much possession at the eye bottom ti watch
the same old passion with which poetry
builds the world and destroys the worlds a stone to stone
omen and glimmer
...koji imali su
što imali su da imalo ih je
noćne more što imale si ih
i vrijeme imali što imalo ih je
sa malim praktičnim setom za hitnu pomoć
u slučaju da svijeta okonča kako se bar jednom godišnje
negdje od marta do decembra uvijek najavljuje
i sasvim neznatno što imali su
ciljeve snove što imali su ih
a i vrijeme što imalo ih je
[...] Read more
poem by Miroslava Odalovic
Added by Poetry Lover
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- quotes about time
- quotes about insomnia
- quotes about apples
- quotes about eyes
- quotes about language
- quotes about wind
- quotes about poetry
- quotes about dreaming
- quotes about walking
Hat hogy is kezdjem, oh, hogy mondjam el?
Hisz aki megrthetn, az nem felel
Elragadta t a dlyfs jkiraly
Ki ezer ve mar a szerelemre var
Elragadta, megszerezte
Szerelemlanccal megktzte
De a szive csak az enym
Fnyes urak, ha nem tudnatok
Kt ember kell a boldogsaghoz
s mar csak az enym
A felkel nap fnye eltakar
A fltkenysg ugy a szivembe mar
Hisz oly hatalmas, fnyes a vlegny
Hat hogyan szallhatnk harcba vle n?
Elragadta, megszerezte
Szerelemlanccal megktzte
De a szive csak az enym
Fnyes urak, ha nem tudnatok
Kt ember kell a boldogsaghoz
s mar csak az enym
De azrt n nem adom fel
Trtnjen ugy, ahogyan kell...
Mert az n mesmben a hsk gyznek
A kt szerelmes egymas lesz
Ezrt n nem adom fel...
Mert az n mesmben a hsk gyznek
A kt szerelmes egymas lesz
Ezrt n nem adom fel...
Elragadta, megszerezte
Szerelemlanccal megktzte
De a szive csak az enym
Fnyes urak, ha nem tudnatok
Kt ember kell a boldogsaghoz
s mar csak az enym
Elragadta, megszerezte
Szerelemlanccal megktzte
De a szive csak az enym
Fnyes urak, ha nem tudnatok
Kt ember kell a boldogsaghoz
s mar csak az enym
song performed by Dido
Added by Lucian Velea
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That's not it-To nije to
Excuse me sir
You look like someone I've met before
And I am sure it is like that
I'm sure everyone has met everyone before
In what's called preceding lives
Do you believe in that sir
I mean those karmas
Moving along cyclic zodiacs
Made of illiterate stars
Sounds quite familiar to me
A life through trials and errors
I think sir
When I outstretch the palm of my hand
(Do not worry you don't have to give me any
Of your monthly revenue
I am not that kind of a beggar)
When I outstretch the palm of my hand
And look at those divinely entangled lines
So cryptic
That are supposed to determine my fate
I think there's got to be some mistake there
That they are not there to determine me
But to tell me that this palm belongs to me only
That I am just like you sir
A creature born once a creature divine
Unrepeatable and free
For most when I outstretch the palm of my hand
To see my own geometry of the universe
Or to turn it into a fist
To strike the face of Fortune
Then I think sir
For sure we've all met before
In the faces of Adam and Eve
Hitting their foreheads against the ground
Once they vaguely hinted the Heaven is perhaps
Nothing but a wholeness of a soul in unity with its Creator
And Hell the lack of the same thing
Yes I am sure we've met before
In the face of Christ crucified on the cross
That redeemed us through his blood
For a dream in which an Idiot
Will not have to find a compartment
In which he would, with a roomful of thoughts
In his head just like me right now,
He would not have to repeat
That's not it that's not it until he cannot
Thinking perhaps about those marbles of lifeful life
Whose glimmer fades away once they break out on the surface
To dry in the fire of their own eyes
Thinking that's not it that's not it
[...] Read more
poem by Miroslava Odalovic
Added by Poetry Lover
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- quotes about Switzerland
- quotes about divine
- quotes about travel
- quotes about literacy
- quotes about inventors
- quotes about tourism
- quotes about novels
- quotes about literature
Darkness winged in forebodings paths
A lock of hair medallion hidden
Like the mole of the beginning
You were born for
You were lived away endlessly
In hidden pain you drummed
A star paved Sideroad made by raindrops
With raindrops into streams flown away away
Swelling in the duration strength
A little necklace of death
Around your neck
The circles of time you spinned
A lock of hair medallion hidden
Like the mole of the beginning
You were born for
In dusty steps you crafted noise
A rusty gates steal made
Opened despite the fear
The eyes always staring behind
Behind and behind
Unnoticed by endless mirrors
Misty clouds you lifted
Within a never ripe enough eyes
For the revelation
Tied within the revealed
In an invisible veil chain
What you’ve been lived away for
Self facing
In hidden pain you drummed
A lightful road made in darkness
Labyrinth of paths for whom the reward
For what, which efforts
Spasmodically embracing you held
Spasmodically embraced and nailed
The hope drunk from its own yearning
A star made Sideroad
In raindrops held
The rain filled with the mind
Long time forgotten by the window pane
Glass smashed
The strength of entrance under the eaves
The trace of a swelling pourdown
A roaring downflight waterfall
In raindrops into streams flown away away
Pour down pour down pour down
Fill in the emptiness of the heart
The hands unembraced hanged around
Darkness winged forebodings paths
A necklace of death around your neck
[...] Read more
poem by Miroslava Odalovic
Added by Poetry Lover
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See also quotes about rain, quotes about flying, quotes about beginning, quotes about water, quotes about beer, quotes about birth, quotes about life, quotes about strength, or quotes about worry
Geometry of peace/Geometrija spokoja
Lost in the depths of our silence
There’s a single moment of peace
For which it is a gift to live
It’s turned into point at which
Beauty spelled universe laughs
It’s turned into a point at which
The spirit settles down
The one that governs the waters
Governs the soil and heavens
It’s turned into a monada
At one with the light
Uniquely addressed by love
A particle of life
It craves the lines of space
With which the universe draws
The features hinted at
And an inexpressibility unspotted by an eye
Framework canons harmony depicted
The freedom of mercy and want are faced
It craves the body chiseled in wisdom
Of an eye in love with its sight
The lips in love with their words
An ear in love with its song
The hand awestruck by touch
The feet awestruck by paths
It craves the body chiseled in the rhythm
The lungs breathing heartbeat
The blood streaming ebbs in each drop
And the cords of a universal voicing
Of the first ‘Here I am’ tenderly
Endlessly addressed with ‘Thou,
A perfectly painted icon of life eternal
Return into Me, into the Word.’
Geometrija spokoja
Izgubljen u našim dubinama ć utnje
Raduje se tren tihog spokoja
Za koji je blagodatno živjeti
On postaje tač ka u kojoj smije se
Ljepotom ozarena vasiona
On postaje tač ka u kojoj smiruje se
Duh što nad vodama kopnom nebesima vlada
[...] Read more
poem by Miroslava Odalovic
Added by Poetry Lover
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Vado a casa e casa non ce lho..... oh love
Vado a casa e casa non la so
Ho provato a stare senza te..... oh love
Son perduto e son tradito
Ma ti sto annusando
E ti sto cercando
E non so mica dove sei
Stanco pi stanco al vento
Che piove gi
Sta gocciolando
In questa notte sola che
Cancella i passi e il tempo
Cancella me, cancella il mondo
Notte aperta che non ho chiuso pi.......... x te
Chiama e forse tintercetter
Chiama forte che non mi trovo pi.......... oh love
Son tradito e son perduto
Ma ti sto cercando
E ti sto annusando
E non so ancora dove sei
Stanco pi stanco al vento
Che piove gi
Sta gocciolando
In questa notte sola che
Cancella i passi e il tempo
Cancella me, cancella il mondo
Guardo fuori
Dove va la strada
Dei perduti odori
(Vieni, la notte aperta per te)
Questa notte di porte, di carezze
E di stelle aperte di notte
I need somebody to love
I need somebody to love
I need somebody to love
I need somebody to love
Amore in mano al vento
Non piove ma
Sta gocciolando
In questa notte sola che
Cancella i passi e il tempo
Cancella me, cancella il mondo
I need somebody to love
I need somebody to love
Dedicated to my dog Tobia
song performed by Zucchero
Added by Lucian Velea
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Free Yourself and Let It Go
Deflated ego?
You think I say the things I do to you,
To deflate your ego?
I am hoping my assistance,
Helps you get rid of it.
And seeing no benefit in being limited.
And that's what your ego has done!
Made you believe you are number one.
And everything you do is correct.
Without a self examination...
Needed to allow you to live your best yet.
Deflated ego?
I may say some things to you that upsets.
I may even criticize something you do,
You accept as your best.
I might even attempt to strip,
That façade you charade.
Since it's your ego that has you 'tripped'...
When you see it for what it is,
You will realize your greatness has nothing to do with it.
In fact it is keeping you,
Inflated with bs and other nonsense.
Deflate your ego?
You think I do that,
From a threat I feel.
To diminish you in some way...
So I would have a greater appeal?
And deflating your ego would give me thrills?
You need to free yourself and let it go.
If you believe that keeping it,
Inspires a greater you with heights to reach!
Free yourself and let it go.
That ego you've got stunts your growth!
Free yourself and let it go.
That ego you've got stunts your growth!
Free yourself and let it go.
That ego you've got stunts your growth!
Stunts your growth!
Stunts your growth!
That ego you've got stunts your growth!
Stunts your growth!
[...] Read more
poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar
Added by Poetry Lover
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Like It's Mixed With Yeast
Feed my ego,
Let it lift...
Like it's mixed with yeast.
Like delicious bisquits whipped.
Or a cake that bakes to rise,
To the heights of the sky.
Feed my ego,
Let it lift...
Like it's mixed with yeast.
Like delicious bisquits whipped.
And no one can get enough of it.
I admit I seek applause,
To arouse my roar.
And when I don't get it,
I wish for it a bit!
I admit I seek applause,
To arouse my roar.
And when I don't get it,
I wish for it a bit!
I admit I seek applause,
To arouse my roar.
Feed my ego,
Let it lift.
Feed my ego,
Let it lift.
I admit I seek applause,
To arouse my roar.
Feed my ego,
Let it lift.
Feed my ego,
Let it lift.
Like it's mixed with yeast.
Delicious bisquits whipped,
No one can get enough of it!
Feed my ego,
Let it lift...
Like it's mixed with yeast.
And allow everyone to get a sample piece to eat.
Feed my ego,
Let it lift...
Like it's mixed with yeast.
[...] Read more
poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar
Added by Poetry Lover
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Mi affogherei
e anche se non mi viene
io senza lei
e anche se non c' miele
mi viene dolce
e penso sempre lo stesso
mi affogherei
Io senza lei
riesco appena a sentire
che non ci sei
e riesco appena a stupirmi
va tutto bene
e penso sempre lo stesso
mi affogherei...eei
Sto bene se non torni mai
Sto bene se non torni mai
Sto bene se non torni mai... mai
Mi affogherei
e anche se non conviene
io senza lei
e anche se non c' miele
mi viene dolce
e penso sempre lo stesso
mi affogherei...
Sto bene se non torni mai
Sto bene se non torni mai
Sto bene se non torni mai...mai
song performed by Verdena
Added by Lucian Velea
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Senza Una Donna
Non e' cosi' che passo i giorni Baby come stai
Sei stata li e adesso torni Lady Hey, con chi stai
Io sto qui e guardo il mare
sto con me, mi faccio anche da mangiare
si e' cosi', ridi pure, ma non ho piu' pauredi restare
senza una donna
come siamo lontani
senza una donnasto bene anche domani
senza una donna
che m'ha fatto morir
senza una donna
E' meglio cosi'
Non e' cosi' che puoi comprarmi Baby, tu lo sai
E' un po' piu' giu'
che devi andare lady Yes, se ce l'hai
io ce l'ho vuoi da bere
guardami sono un fiore
Be' non proprio cosi', ridi pure, ma
non ho piu' paure di restare
Senza una donna
come siamo lontani
senza una donna
sto bene anche domani
senza una donnache m'ha fatto morir.......
Io sto qui e guardo il mare
ma perche' continuo a parlare
non lo so ridi pure ma
non ho piu' paure di restare
Senza una donna
come siamo lontani
senza una donna
sto bene anche domani
senza una donna
che m'ha fatto morire
senza una donnavieni qui come on here
senza una donna
ora siamo vicini
senza una donna
sto bene anche domani
senza una donna
che m'ha fatto morir.
song performed by Zucchero
Added by Lucian Velea
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Yes I Am That Cast Away Shadow/Da Ja Sam Ta Odbacena Sjenka
Merry go spin that walks through your door
Chasing the tail of a wild beast night
And jealous of the moon that snarles at the hunt
Yes I can turn the wisps of smoke spelled signs
Into the raincall that falls into your eyes
To fulfill a promise made within a drop
Of plenitude vacancy jigsaw puzzled thought
Reverberating through your starvexed mind
Yes I once wrote an ode to a Moon beam
And a biography of a pallid white
Paling across the face of earth
And loved it the way a woman loves its own disease
No I can never belong to you
Unless you belong to yourself
Da ja sam ta odbacena sjenka
Što se ludo vrti prolazi ti kroz vrata
I što juri rep divlje zvjeri noci
Ljubomorna na mjesec što reži pri lovu
Da mogu pretvoriti zvuk srocen od pramena dima
U kišni zov što ti u oci sipa
Da ispuni obecanje sazdano u kapi
Punoce praznine zagonetke klackalice misli
Što odzvanja zvijezdom uznemirenim umom
Da jednom sam napisala odu zraci Mjeseca
I biografiju blijedila preko lica zemlje
I zavoljela ga kao što žena voli sopstvenu bolest
Ne ne mogu ti nikada pripasti
Osim ako ne pripadneš sebi
poem by Miroslava Odalovic
Added by Poetry Lover
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Cose Della Vita/ Cant Stop Thinking Of You
Duet with eros ramazzotti
(e.ramazzotti/a.cogliati)(english lyrics: t.turner/j.ralston)
Producer: eros ramazzotti
Album: eros (eros ramazzotti)
Sono umane situazioni
Quei momenti fra di noi
I distacchi ed I ritorni
Da capirci niente poi
Gia come vedi
Sto pensando a un po
Theyre just human contradictions
Feeling happy feeling sad
These emotional transitions
All the memories weve had
Yes, you know its true
I just cant stop thinking of you
No I just cant pretend
All the time we spent could die
Wanna feel it again
All the love we felt then
Confinanti di cuore solo che ognuno sta
Dietro gli steccati degli orgogli suoi
Sto pensando a te
Sto pensando a noi
Sono cose della vita
Vanno prese un po cosi
Some for worse and some for better
But through it all weve come so far
Gia... come vedi
Io sto ancora in piedi perche
Sono umani tutti I sogni miei
Con le mani io li prenderei, si perch
Whats life without a dream to hold? ?
Take my hand and never let me go
Its part of life together
But what future does it hold? ?
Sono cose della vita
Ma la vita poi dove
Yes, you know its true
I just cant stop thinking of you
Questa notte che passa piano accanto a me
Cerco di affrontarla, afferrarla
If our hearts miss a beat
Or get lost like a ship at sea
I wanna remember, I can never forget
Cant stop thinking of you
Sto pensando a noi
Cant stop thinking of you
Cant stop
song performed by Tina Turner
Added by Lucian Velea
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Cose Della Vita
Sono umane situazioni
Quei momenti fra di noi
I distacchi ed i ritorni
Da capirci niente poi
Gia come vedi
Sto pensando a un po'
They're just human contradictions
Feeling happy feeling sad
These emotional transitions
All the memories we've had
Yes, you know it's true
I just can't stop thinking of you
No I just can't pretend
All the time we spent could die
Wanna feel it again
All the love we felt then
Confinanti di cuore solo che ognuno sta
Dietro gli steccati degli orgogli suoi
Sto pensando a te
Sto pensando a noi
Sono cose della vita
Vanno prese un po' cosi
Some for worse and some for better
But through it all we've come so far
Gia...come vedi
Io sto ancora in piedi perche
Sono umani tutti i sogni miei
Con le mani io li prenderei, si perch
What's life without a dream to hold?
Take my hand and never let me go
It's part of life together
But what future does it hold?
Sono cose della vita
Ma la vita poi dov'e
Yes, you know it's true
I just can't stop thinking of you
Questa notte che passa piano accanto a me
Cerco di affrontarla, afferrarla
If our hearts miss a beat
Or get lost like a ship at sea
I wanna remember, I can never forget
Can't stop thinking of you
Sto pensando a noi
Can't stop thinking of you
Can't stop
song performed by Tina Turner
Added by Lucian Velea
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Let's Go Home Honey / Hajdemo Kuci Duso
She was sitting at a corner
A certain corner of a street made of cardboard
With a cardboard in a cardboard
A dinar fake of gold shining
Her fingers stretching accordion
Like sticky dough that won't go off the hands
She was playing playing so awfully
Her voice cold broken broken fingers blue
Stretching spiders down the scale D-minor
Of a morning full being sung for a dinar
For a dinar a happiness for two dinars the two
She was screaming barefoot each black under her nails
Each black on her tiny teeth
Each black in her hair
Each black in her eyes
She was playing
She was playing for the people
Mottled coats passing by in their buttonedness
That address each other with you
With what's new and how are you
With what are you doing with nothing
With each conquered form of com munication
She was playing playing endlessly
Poor sounds off the broken voice
Pinned wire vocal cords she did not know
She did not recognise the coat
A certain unbuttoned coat two pockets
Two sleeves and a collar
She did not know she did not recognise
Across the zebra crossing towards the prison
Towards the cage where she was playing
She did not recognise
A silently approaching Death that will
As lightly as a feather of a dove or a sparrow's nest
Lift her up from the pavement
To hug her silently tenderly singing
It's over now you little girl
Let's go home, honey
Ona je sjedala u jednom uglu
U jednom uglu ulice od kartona sa kartonom
U kartonu dinar od lažnog zlata presijava
Njene prste što razvlace harmoniku
Ko ljepljivo tijesto što s ruku nece da se smakne
Ona je svirala svirala užasno loše
I glas joj pukao od hladnoce od prstiju plavih
Što razvlace pauke duž ljestvice D-mol
Pune jutarnje otpjevanosti za dinar
Za dinar za srecu za dva dinara dvije
Urlala bosa svako crno ispod nokata
[...] Read more
poem by Miroslava Odalovic
Added by Poetry Lover
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This is not my face/Ovo nije moje lice
This is not my face
This thing oozing out of your insipid reflection theories
When you're putting it into A is A A is B B is C
You know
C is maybe a newly born naked
Syllogism pointing at a tzar
So that you can ask him ask him
‘Tzar tzar oh master tell us what's the time'
And the tzar cannot hear you for he's got a goat's ears
This is not my face
This thing you're folding after you've ironed it
And placed it among the skirts trousers and shirts
You know
A shirt is perhaps a flag of my home
Put on a post to limit the borders of pain
So that you may ask it ask it
‘Does it hurt does it hurt tell us what's the time'
And the pain cannot hear you for its ears are cut
This is not my face
This thing you're turning to see it from each side
Whenever you turn it from A to B from B to C
You know
C is perhaps just a point without a face
Thrown into the universe
A monada looking for the Father
Why don't you take your reflections home
Ovo nije moje lice
To što curi iz bljutavih teorija odraza
Kada ga sklapate u A je A, A je B, B je C
C je možda ko od majke roden
Silogizam što upire prstom u cara
Pa ga pita pa ga pita
Care care o gospodare ko'ko ima sati
A car ne cuje jer ima kozje uši
Ovo nije moje lice
To što sklapate poslije peglanja
Medu suknje pantalone i košulje
[...] Read more
poem by Miroslava Odalovic
Added by Poetry Lover
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Swami (Plus Strings)
Tovbb nem tudok vrni
Mostmr megteszi brmi
Az lesz a veszted
Hogy rvnylik a tested
Az alkalom itt van
Ht hdolj be halkan
Szzezer ve
Mindig ez a vge
Mindegy a sznhely
Nem kell, hogy sznlelj
Szeress vagy vess meg
n birtokba veszlek
Olvadni kezd most a Hold
Az arcod a prnn
Csak egy furcsa-furcsa folt
cska kis kzhely
Gynyr trvny
Hogy a szerelem rvny
Tovbb nem tudok vrni
Mostmr megteszi brmi
Az lesz a veszted
Hogy rvnylik a tested
Ltod, nlam a fegyver
de reszketned nem kell
Mert ez csak gynyrt fakaszt
Ht hzd meg a ravaszt
Ugye rzed a tavaszt?
Olvadni kezd most a Hold
Az arcod a prnn
Csak egy furcsa-furcsa folt
cska kis kzhely
Gynyr trvny
Hogy a szerelem rvny
song performed by Monkees
Added by Lucian Velea
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How Lucy Backslid
De times is mighty stirrin' 'mong de people up ouah way,
Dey 'sputin' an' dey argyin' an' fussin' night an' day;
An' all dis monst'ous trouble dat hit meks me tiahed to tell
Is 'bout dat Lucy Jackson dat was sich a mighty belle.
She was de preachah's favoured, an' he tol' de chu'ch one night
Dat she travelled thoo de cloud o' sin a-bearin' of a light;
But, now, I 'low he t'inkin' dat she mus' 'a' los' huh lamp,
Case Lucy done backslided an' dey trouble in de camp.
Huh daddy wants to beat huh, but huh mammy daihs him to,
Fu' she lookin' at de question f'om a ooman's pint o' view;
An' she say dat now she would n't have it diff'ent ef she could;
Dat huh darter only acted jes' lak any othah would.
Cose you know w'en women argy, dey is mighty easy led
By dey hea'ts an' don't go foolin' 'bout de reasons of de haid.
So huh mammy laid de law down (she ain' reckernizin' wrong),
But you got to mek erlowance fu' de cause dat go along.
Now de cause dat made Miss Lucy fu' to th'ow huh grace away
I 's afeard won't baih no 'spection w'en hit come to jedgement day;
Do' de same t'ing been a-wo'kin' evah sence de worl' began,--
De ooman disobeyin' fu' to 'tice along a man.
Ef you 'tended de revivals which we held de wintah pas',
You kin rickolec' dat convuts was a-comin' thick an' fas';
But dey ain't no use in talkin', dey was all lef' in de lu'ch
W'en ol' Mis' Jackson's dartah foun' huh peace an' tuk de chu'ch.
W'y, she shouted ovah evah inch of Ebenezah's flo';
Up into de preachah's pulpit an' f'om dah down to de do';
Den she hugged an' squeezed huh mammy, an' she hugged an' kissed
huh dad,
An' she struck out at huh sistah, people said, lak she was mad.
I has 'tended some revivals dat was lively in my day,
An' I 's seed folks git 'uligion in mos' evah kin' o' way;
But I tell you, an' you b'lieve me dat I 's speakin' true indeed,
Dat gal tuk huh 'ligion ha'dah dan de ha'dest yit I 's seed.
Well, f'om dat, 't was 'Sistah Jackson, won't you please do dis er dat?'
She mus' allus sta't de singin' w'en dey 'd pass erroun' de hat,
An' hit seemed dey was n't nuffin' in dat chu'ch dat could go by
'Dout sistah Lucy Jackson had a finger in de pie.
But de sayin' mighty trufeful dat hit easiah to sail
W'en de sea is ca'm an' gentle dan to weathah out a gale.
Dat 's whut made dis ooman's trouble; ef de sto'm had kep' away,
[...] Read more
poem by Paul Laurence Dunbar
Added by Poetry Lover
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No Protocol
To forgive someone misdeeding,
Is to be shatterproof...
When deceivers are loose,
And do whatever they choose.
To forgive someone misdeeding,
Is to be shatterproof...
When deceivers are loose,
And do whatever they choose.
They have no protocol.
None that can be seen at all.
Their main gig is to ego boost,
And dupe too.
Their main gig is to ego boost,
And dupe too.
Their main gig is to ego boost,
And dupe too...
To make more fools,
Of whomever they choose.
Their main gig is to ego boost,
And dupe too.
Their main gig is to ego boost,
And dupe too.
Their main gig is to ego boost,
And dupe too.
Because they have no protocol.
None that can be seen at all.
To forgive someone misdeeding,
Is to be shatterproof...
When deceivers are loose,
They have no protocol.
None that can be seen at all...
Their main gig is to ego boost,
And dupe too.
Their main gig is to ego boost,
And dupe too.
Their main gig is to ego boost,
[...] Read more
poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar
Added by Poetry Lover
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