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True Grit

Cast: Matt Damon, Josh Brolin, Jeff Bridges, Hailee Steinfeld, Barry Pepper

trailer for True Grit, directed by Ethan Coen, Joel Coen, screenplay by , inspired by Charles Portis (2010)Report problemRelated quotes
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A Sicilian Idyll

(First Scene) Damon
I thank thee, no;
Already have I drunk a bowl of wine . . .
Nay, nay, why wouldst thou rise?
There rolls thy ball of worsted! Sit thee down;
Come, sit thee down, Cydilla,
And let me fetch thy ball, rewind the wool,
And tell thee all that happened yesterday.

Thanks, Damon; now, by Zeus, thou art so brisk,
It shames me that to stoop should try my bones.

We both are old,
And if we may have peaceful days are blessed;
Few hours of bouyancy will come to break
The sure withdrawal from us of life's flood.

True, true, youth looks a great way off! To think
It wonce was age did lie quite out of sight!

Not many days have been so beautiful
As yesterday, Cydilla; yet one was;
And I with thee broke tranced on its fine spell;
Thou dost remember? Yes? but not with tears,
Ah, not with tears, Cydilla, pray, oh, pray!

Pardon me, Damon,
'Tis many years since thou hast touched thereon;
And something stirs about thee -
Such air of eagerness as was thine when
I was more foolish than in my life, I hope
To ever have been at another time.

Pooh! foolish? - thou wast then so very wise
That, often having seen thee foolish since,
Wonder has made me faint that thou shouldst err.

Nay, then I erred, dear Damon; and remorse
Was not so slow to find me as thou deemst.

There, mop those dear wet eyes, or thou'lt ne'er hear
What it was filled my heart yesterday.

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The Progress of Taste, or the Fate of Delicacy

Part first.

Perhaps some cloud eclipsed the day,
When thus I tuned my pensive lay:
The ship is launch'd-we catch the gale-
On life's extended ocean sail:
For happiness our course we bend,
Our ardent cry, our general end!
Yet, ah! the scenes which tempt our care
Are, like the forms dispersed in air,
Still dancing near disorder'd eyes,
And weakest his who best descries!'
Yet let me not my birthright barter,
(For wishing is the poet's charter;
All bards have leave to wish what's wanted,
Though few e'er found their wishes granted;
Extensive field! where poets pride them
In singing all that is denied them).
For humble ease, ye Powers! I pray;
That plain warm suit for every day,
And pleasure and brocade, bestow,
To flaunt it-once a month, or so.
The first for constant wear we want;
The first, ye Powers! for ever grant;
But constant wear the last bespatters,
And turns the tissue into tatters.
Where'er my vagrant course I bend,
Let me secure one faithful friend.
Let me, in public scenes, request
A friend of wit and taste, well drest;
And, if I must not hope such favour,
A friend of wit and taste, however.
Alas! that Wisdom ever shuns
To congregate her scatter'd Sons,
Whose nervous forces, well combined,
Would win the field, and sway mankind.
The fool will squeeze, from morn to night,
To fix his follies full in sight;
The note he strikes, the plume he shows,
Attract whole flights of fops and beaus,
And kindred fools, who ne'er had known him,
Flock at the sight, caress and own him;
But ill-starr'd Sense, not gay nor loud,
Steals soft on tiptoe through the crowd;
Conveys his meagre form between,
And slides, like pervious air, unseen;
Contracts his known tenuity,
As though 'twere even a crime to be;
Nor even permits his eyes to stray,
And win acquaintance in their way.

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La Fontaine

The Magic Cup

THE worst of ills, with jealousy compared,
Are trifling torments ev'ry where declared.

IMAGINE, to yourself a silly fool,
To dark suspicion grown an easy tool;
No soft repose he finds, by night or day;
But rings his ear, he's wretched ev'ry way!
Continually he dreams his forehead sprouts;
The truth of reveries he never doubts.
But this I would not fully guaranty,
For he who dreams, 'tis said, asleep should be;
And those who've caught, from time to time, a peep,
Pretend to say--the jealous never sleep.

A MAN who has suspicions soon will rouse;
But buz a fly around his precious spouse,
At once he fancies cuckoldom is brought,
And nothing can eradicate the thought;
In spite of reason he must have a place,
And numbered be, among the horned race;
A cuckold to himself he freely owns,
Though otherwise perhaps in flesh and bones.

GOOD folks, of cuckoldom, pray what's the harm,
To give, from time to time, such dire alarm?
What injury 's received, and what 's the wrong,
At which so many sneer and loll their tongue?
While unacquainted with the fact, 'tis naught;
If known:--e'en then 'tis scarcely worth a thought.
You think, however, 'tis a serious grief;
Then try to doubt it, which may bring relief,
And don't resemble him who took a sup,
From out the celebrated magic cup.
Be warned by others' ills; the tale I'll tell;
Perhaps your irksomeness it may dispel.

BUT first, by reason let me prove, I pray,
That evil such as this, and which you say,
Oft weighs you down with soul-corroding care;
Is only in the mind:--mere spright of air:
Your hat upon your head for instance place,
Less gently rather than's your usual case;
Pray, don't it presently at ease remain?
And from it do you aught amiss retain?
Not e'en a spot; there's nothing half so clear;
The features, too, they as before appear?
No difference assuredly you see?
Then how can cuckoldom an evil be?
Such my conclusion, spite of fools or brutes,
With whose ideas reason never suits.

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Nightmare On My Street

Artist: dj jazzy jeff & the fresh prince
Now I have a story that Id like to tell
About this guy you all know he had me scared as hell
He comes to me at night after I crawl into bed
Hes burnt up like a weenie and his name is fred
He wears the same hat and sweater every single day
And even if its hot outside he wears it anyway
Hes home when Im awake but he shows up when I sleep
I cant believe that theres a nightmare on my street
It was a saturday evening if I remember it right
And we had just gotten back off tour last night
So the gang and I thought that it would be groovey
If we summoned up the posse and done rushed the movie
I got angie
Jeff got tina
Ready rock got some girl Id never seen in my life
That was all right because the lady was chill
Then we dipped to the theater set to ill
We saw elm street and man it was def
And everything seemed all right when we left
But when I got home and laid down to sleep
That began the nightmare, but on my street
It was burning in my room like an oven
My bed soaked with sweat
And man I was bugging
I checked the clock and it stopped at 12:30
It had melted it was so darn hot
And I was thirsty
I went downstairs to grab some juice or a coke
Flipped the tv off, and then I almost choked
When I heard this awful voice coming from behind
It said, you got my favorite letter but now you must die
Man, I aint even wait to see who it was
Broke inside my drawers and screamed, so long, cuz
Got halfway up the block
I calmed down and stopped screaming
Then thought, oh, I get it, I must be dreaming
I strolled back home with a grin on my grill
I think that since this is a dream I might as well get ill
I walked in the house, the big bad fresh prince
But freddy killed all that noise real quick
He grabbed me by my neck and said
Heres what well do
We gotta lotta work here, me and you
The souls of your friends you and I will claim
Youve got the body and Ive got the brain
I said, yo fred
I think you got me all wrong
I aint partners with nobody with nails that long
Look, Ill be honest man, this team wont work

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song performed by Will SmithReport problemRelated quotes
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Sing It

This is actually strictly dialogue between Barry and his grandfather, Joe, made circa 1951 or right around that time. They were at a "Record Your Own Voice" booth, and this is approximately how the conversation went.
JOE: All right! "A Happy Birthday", come on, go ahead, sing.
BARRY: What? What?
JOE: Sing. I have the words for you, sing it. Sing it. Sing to me! "A happy birthday to you"
BARRY: N-no, I can't! I have to go to the bathroom.
JOE: All right, go ahead, Barry, sing it, sing it! Sing it! Go ahead.
BARRY: When?
JOE: I said now. Go ahead, sing it. "Happy" Go ahead, come on. Come on, sing it! Come on, go ahead.
JOE: Like this, "Happy" Come on, go ahead. All right, my dear grandson, "A Happy Birthday". Barry's gonna sing to you a nice song. Go ahead, Barry, sing it! Go ahead, sing it! Come oncome on, Barry, sing it! Sing "A Happy Birthday". Barry, don't you want to sing it? Come on, Barry, sing itWell, I'm sorry, my dear grandson, Barry, don't want to sing for you. OK, what do you want to sing? Do you want to sing a rhumba? All right, sing the rhumba. Go ahead, Barry, sing it! Go ahead, Barry, sing it! Go ahead, Barry. Come on, sing it. Come on, Barry! You gotta talk to make a record. Don't you want to make a record? Don't you want to make a record? You want to make a record, Barry? Huh? Go ahead!

song performed by Barry ManilowReport problemRelated quotes
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Brand New Funk

Artist: dj jazzy jeff and the fresh prince
[fresh prince]
Its new, its out of the ordinary
Its rather extrordinary, so yo bust this commentary
A literary, genius, and a superior beat creator
Have come together, and we made a
Musical composition which we think is a remedy
To cure all the dance floors thats empty
You wanna dance? we got what you want
Jazzy jeff and fresh prince bustin out with the brand new funk
It was kind of an accident, the way that it happened
One day I was rappin, and on the beat, jeff was backin me up
And all of a sudden, he brought in a cut
And I dropped my microphone and said, what the...?
Hold up, jeff, wait a minute, play it
He just smiled and said, yeah def aint it?
It was {funky} it made wanna {get, get down!}
And we knew almost at once it was the {brand new funk}
So we continued to listen to it
And we knew it was def when I started rappin to it
So I gave a hi-five to jeff
And without hesitation popped in my cassette
I took it home that night, and analyzed it
Rewound the tape over and over, and memorized it
That friday, we went to the club
And out and out cold tore it up!
You shoulda seen the people dancin and shakin and movin and jumpin
And spinnin and clappin, while the beatboxin was groovin
And screamin and yellin while on the microphone I was flowin
Fresh rhymes I was showin, the people say, yo keep goin
So I continued to rock, while jeff was on the beatbox
Special assistance from my homeboy ready rock
People barged just to get up front
To get a birds eye view of what we call the brand new funk
Yo jeff! {rock the beat}
Yo jeff! {rock the beat}
Yo jeff! {rock the beat}
* jazzy jeff cuts and scratches *
Yo jeff! {rock the beat}
Yo jeff! {rock the beat}
Yo jeff! {rock the beat with your hands..}
* jazzy jeff cuts and scratches *
Now get funky with the beat!
* jeff starts spinning backwards *
Now turn it all around!
The most original, amazing, astounding, miraculous
Remarkable, startling, sensational, stupendous
Music, that has ever been created
Is ours - but believe me it was complicated
But we have done it, so now we can breathe

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song performed by Will SmithReport problemRelated quotes
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Pump Up The Bass

Artist: dj jazzy jeff and the fresh prince
[fresh prince]
In the place to be
Dj jazzy jeff and yours truly the fresh prince
Ay jeff, do me a favor, give em just a lil touch of the bass
Not a lot, just a lil touch jeff
Word word
Ay jeff do me a favor man, jazz it up
Now bring it all back
Yo man now break it down and let me go for mine
When I first started out, jeff used to come to my house
Just as soon as school let out, he used to
Come to my crib, and you know what we did?
We bugged out like two little kids, word
Jeff on the wheels, and me on the m.i.c.
A better combination there could never be
So lets go back, for old times sake
Yo jeff! (what? ) pump up the bass!
I . like . my . music . loud!
The volume, pumpin, the kickdrum thumpin
The people jumpin, up out there seats
When this record comes on, you think somethings wrong
The bass is too strong
You dont have to check your record, its not defective
Its just the way we wanted it, pump it, get it?
We like it loud, strong like a magnum force
I am the lyricist, jeff is the rhythm source
This combination, is virtually omnipotent
That means invincible, you know, dominant
So dont you cross our path, just stay out our face
Or well knock you down, pump up the bass!
Yo jeff man, how bout a funky scratch
Now get funky with it
Now bring in the snare
Now break it down and bring it all back to me
Now pump up the bass!
Im hyped -- psyched up
And Im flowin, so come on lets go in
To the next segment, of this hip-hop fantasy
You say this cant be happening, why cant it be?
Its an equation, mathematically correct
Its jeff + prince, equals, hit records
Sounds too easy? word, I know it does
You wanna know why? well yo its cause
Me and jeff, oh, jeff and i, excuse me
Blend like kool-aid, and flow like an uzi
Thats why we cant be taken or broken or braken, whatever
And if you think we can, youre mistaken, were clever
Cause all we did to make this record a hit
Was turn down the treble, pump up the bass kit

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song performed by Will SmithReport problemRelated quotes
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As We Go

Artist: dj jazzy jeff and the fresh prince
{*jazzy jeff cuts and scratches slick rick*
As we go a little somethin like this, hit it!}
[fresh prince]
Now lets get this party, started off the right way
Oww and hoe I think the crowd might say
When were on stage you know you cant resist
{as we go a little somethin like this, hit it!}
Im the ultimate, and thats all I can say
I sat down for about eight hours a day
Tryin to figure out the proper description of me
And I came to the decision that
Theres no one syllable or phrase
That can adequately describe this new craze
But Ill sum it up in one sentence, lets see
Ok, Ive got it, all praise me!
Yup -- thats about the size of it
I know it sounds kinda strange, doesnt it?
But when were on the stage you know you cant resist
{as we go a little somethin like this, hit it!}
{*jazzy jeff cuts and scratches slick rick*
As we go a little somethin like this, hit it!}
[fresh prince]
It was a friday afternoon if I remember it correctly
But I cant quite recall the time exactly
But it was somewhere around, two or three or four
Oh forget it, lets just go on
Anyway I stepped out of school
Sneaks were gucci shirt was polo and my pockets were full
Blew some kisses to the girlies cause I like to tease
They started chantin my name, I said, ladies.. please!
I grabbed my friends and hopped in my benz
Grabbed on martini and rossi passed out to my posse
Things were lookin good, I had plans for later on
Plans for donna michelle, plans for stacy leshaun
Word! I was ready, I wonder if jeffs home
Let me give him a call, on my car phone
Yo jeff, whats shakin? coolin, whassup?
Girlies Im with it, come pick me up!!!
I caught up with ready on the way to jeffs
A whole carload of girlies and they all was def
We walked into jeffs and said, girls, you cant resist
{as we go a little somethin like this, hit it!}
{*jazzy jeff cuts and scratches slick rick*
As we go a little somethin like this, hit it!}
[fresh] yo jeff man, are you with me?
{jeff scratches.. hit it!}
[fresh] I didnt hear you man, are you with me?
{jeff scratches.. hit it!}
[fresh] Im with it to get busy!

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song performed by Will SmithReport problemRelated quotes
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I Wanna Rock

Aright you ready
You rollin right
We rollin aright
Yo in the place to be
About this time
DJ Jazzy Jeff and yours truly the fresh prince in the house
We bout to get busy ol skool style
Yo jazzy on the wheels me on the m-i-c
Lets seewe got a couple of new additions
Sumthin new age
We got little john on the d-r-u-m-s get busy
On the keys my man james what you doing back there
Oh yeah
So we about to do it a little sumthin like this
Aight jeff back to the ol skool lets do it
Now I'm the prince and that's jazzy jeff
We shown for years that we are def
So heres some more for ya'll to just come get it
Rip the wheels j, hit it
Yeah we going back to the ol skool
We got dj jazzy jeff on the wheelz
We got to show em we got to show em the way it used to get done man
We got to show them the way it used to get done jazzy
Yo rip it up for a bit give em a little scratch make it funky fresh
Cause you know you the dopest that ever did it man
The worlds supreme dj dj jazzy jeff
That's how I like it
That's how I like it
See a lot of djs came out trying to do what jeff started see
But jeff is the man the lord supreme on the wheelz of steel
Yo jazzy get busy for em
Get busy for em man
Yeah haha
That's my man going down
(I wanna rock right now)
Say what jeff
(I wanna rock right now)
What you wanna do
(I wanna rock right now)
What you wanna do jeff
(I wanna rock right now)
What you wanna do jeff
(I wanna rock right now)
cant hear you(I wanna rock right now)
one more time j(I wanna rock right now)
say it one more time j(I wanna rock right now)
get busy for em(I wanna rock right now)
say what jeff(I wanna rock right now

song performed by Will SmithReport problemRelated quotes
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Squire Hawkins's Story

I hain't no hand at tellin' tales,
Er spinnin' yarns, as the sailors say;
Someway o' 'nother, language fails
To slide fer me in the oily way
That LAWYERS has; and I wisht it would,
Fer I've got somepin' that I call good;
But bein' only a country squire,
I've learned to listen and admire,
Ruther preferrin' to be addressed
Than talk myse'f--but I'll do my best:--

Old Jeff Thompson--well, I'll say,
Was the clos'test man I ever saw!--
Rich as cream, but the porest pay,
And the meanest man to work fer--La!
I've knowed that man to work one 'hand'--
Fer little er nothin', you understand--
From four o'clock in the morning light
Tel eight and nine o'clock at night,
And then find fault with his appetite!
He'd drive all over the neighberhood
To miss the place where a toll-gate stood,
And slip in town, by some old road
That no two men in the county knowed,
With a jag o' wood, and a sack o' wheat,
That wouldn't burn and you couldn't eat!
And the trades he'd make, 'll I jest de-clare,
Was enough to make a preacher swear!
And then he'd hitch, and hang about
Tel the lights in the toll-gate was blowed out,
And then the turnpike he'd turn in
And sneak his way back home ag'in!

Some folks hint, and I make no doubt,
That that's what wore his old wife out--
Toilin' away from day to day
And year to year, through heat and cold,
Uncomplainin'--the same old way
The martyrs died in the days of old;
And a-clingin', too, as the martyrs done,
To one fixed faith, and her ONLY one,--
Little Patience, the sweetest child
That ever wept unrickonciled,
Er felt the pain and the ache and sting
That only a mother's death can bring.

Patience Thompson!--I think that name
Must 'a' come from a power above,
Fer it seemed to fit her jest the same
As a GAITER would, er a fine kid glove!

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Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

We're sergeant pepper's lonely hearts club band
We hope you have enjoyed the show
Sergeant pepper's lonely hearts club band
We're sorry but it's time to go.
Sergeant pepper's lonely.
Sergeant pepper's lonely.
Sergeant pepper's lonely.
Sergeant pepper's lonely.
Sergeant pepper's lonely hearts club band
We'd like to thank you once again
Sergeant pepper's one and only lonely hearts club band
It's getting very near the end
Sergeant pepper's lonely
Sergeant pepper's lonely
Sergeant pepper's lonely hearts club band.

song performed by BeatlesReport problemRelated quotes
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William Cowper

On The Death Of Damon. (Translated From Milton)

Ye Nymphs of Himera (for ye have shed
Erewhile for Daphnis and for Hylas dead,
And over Bion's long-lamented bier,
The fruitless meed of many a sacred tear)
Now, through the villas laved by Thames rehearse
The woes of Thyrsis in Sicilian verse,
What sighs he heav'd, and how with groans profound
He made the woods and hollow rocks resound
Young Damon dead; nor even ceased to pour
His lonely sorrows at the midnight hour.
The green wheat twice had nodded in the ear,
And golden harvest twice enrich'd the year,
Since Damon's lips had gasp'd for vital air
The last, last time, nor Thyrsis yet was there;
For he, enamour'd of the Muse, remain'd
In Tuscan Fiorenza long detain'd,
But, stored at length with all he wish'd to learn,
For his flock's sake now hasted to return,
And when the shepherd had resumed his seat
At the elm's root within his old retreat,
Then 'twas his lot, then, all his loss to know,
And, from his burthen'd heart, he vented thus his woe.
Go, seek your home, my lambs; my thoughts are due
To other cares than those of feeding you.
Alas! what Deities shall I suppose
In heav'n or earth concern'd for human woes,
Since, Oh my Damon! their severe decree
So soon condemns me to regret of Thee!
Depart'st thou thus, thy virtues unrepaid
With fame and honour, like a vulgar shade?
Let him forbid it, whose bright rod controls,
And sep'rates sordid from illustrious souls,
Drive far the rabble, and to Thee assign
A happier lot with spirits worthy thine!
Go, seek your home, my lambs; my thoughts are due
To other cares than those of feeding you.
Whate'er befall, unless by cruel chance
The wolf first give me a forbidding glance,
Thou shalt not moulder undeplor'd, but long
Thy praise shall dwell on ev'ry shepherd's tongue;
To Daphnis first they shall delight to pay,
And, after Him, to thee the votive lay,
While Pales shall the flocks and pastures love,
Or Faunus to frequent the field or grove,
At least if antient piety and truth
With all the learned labours of thy youth
May serve thee aught, or to have left behind
A sorrowing friend, and of the tuneful kind.
Go, seek your home, my lambs, my thoughts are due
To other cares than those of feeding you.

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Waltzing down street Mulberry
Barry and his noble steed saw Cherry
A pretty butterfly with blueberry
He took out his heartberry
And saved her face as sweet cherry
Cheery Barry danced in Mulberry
Love had come to maul Barry
Sweep him off his feet, his eyes stary
His hers, will you marry me?
Cherry married Barry in festivity
And made him merry in longevity
Time had come with activity
And left love lame in passivity
Less witty, less sweety, just Cherry
In poverty, lack of love and serenity
The time had come to maul Barry
Barreling him down with quarreling
And worrying and murmuring
Barry had in time learned to drown her voice with:
A crumbling rumble in a tumbling world
Round and round it rolls without a sound
A troubling trouble in a mumbling heart
A flickering flicker of a trembling light
An increasing bicker in a bickering fight
A murmuring murmur of a frightened heart
A flickering light in a tunnelling dark
A dimming light of my only love...
Barry, Barry, she bagged and tagged
Each flaw brought under her microscope
Always right, ask her horoscope
Chasing him out with a fumbling thud
Bringing him back with sorrying
And lash batting and warm hugging
And telling him change had come
To set her free and waking him up
To pineapple upside down cake
And kissing him but in the wake
Of reality, Barry had strolled to Mulberry
And saw cherry, not Cherry, just a butterfly
That did not make him cry
But made him fly and made him smile
And brought to him the peace he missed
The love he kissed when at first he met Cherry
Memory played just the way she hissed
When he pissed her off the cliff
The cliff oh the cliff, their love
It had jumped down the cliff and down below
Whatever made them stay
Was blown away the day that Barry
Made a way, looked her way

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My Fault

the tears run down my face
for yet again they disprove of him
when will they like him cause
I will never date anyone else but him
so I’ll just have to put up with this
shit for two more years
I’m sure if we can make it through that
we can make it through anything

some times I wish for another
but I know I couldn’t be able to brake his heart
for his pain would be so great
that it might kill the both of us
for his pain becomes mine
and mine becomes his
because of the bond of life
has always been there under our noses
we were just to blind to notice
once we did notice we feel hard and fast.
the faster we fell
the harder it was to break us apart
right now I feel as if our bond and our lives
are consumed by our love
neither one of us could live with out the other in our lives
for we feed off of each other
I cant stand being away from him

but yet there is anther that they will approve of.
the other guy(josh) is tearing my heart into two pieces
and my beautiful relationship with my boyfriend
I really don’t want that to happen
so every day I tell my self
I don’t like josh a million times
but once I see him he takes my breath away
he makes me almost faint and as he comes closer to hug me
my knees become week and
I want to given to the little devil on my shoulder that’s saying
look at josh he is gorgeous go with josh
take him into your world and show him a good time
but the angle says no
you love mason take mason into your world and mason is hot
take mason into your world
not josh... no josh..... stay away from him he’s trouble

yes josh is gorgeous but I love mason
and I always will love mason
no matter what happens
not even a huge crush such as josh
cause I’ am mason’s soul mate and he is mine
we belong together and not apart for we are in love

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The Conversation. A Tale

It always has been a thought discreet
To know the company you meet;
And sure there may be secret danger
In talking much before a stranger.
Agreed: what then? Then drink your ale;
I'll pledge you, and repeat my tale.

No matter where the scene is fix'd,
The persons were but oddly mix'd;
When sober Damon thus began,
(And Damon is a clever man!)
I now grow old, but still from youth
Have held for modesty and truth;
The men who by these sea-marks steer
In life's great voyage never err:

Upon this point I dare defy
The world; I pause for a reply.

Sir, either is a good assistant,
Said one, who sat a little distant;
Truth decks our speeches and our books,
And modesty adorns our looks:
But farther progress we must take;
Not only born to look and speak,
The man must act. The Stagirite
Says thus, and says extremely right.
Strict justice is the sovereign guide
That o'er our actions should preside;
This queen of virtues is confess'd
To regulate and bind the rest.
Thrice happy if you can but find
Her equal balance poise your mind;
All different graces soon will enter,
Like lines concurrent to their centre.

'Twas thus, in short, these two went on,
With yea and nay, and
Through many points divinely dark,
And Waterland assaulting Clarke,
Till, in theology half lost,
Damon took up the Evening Post,
Confounded Spain, composed the north,
And deep in politics held forth.
Methinks we're in the like condition
As at the Treaty of Partition:

[...] Read more

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The Last Duet

(With Lily Tomlin)
You creep
Into my heart
And make my heart burn
You sneak
Into my mind
And make my head ache
There are things I long to tell you
You're much too blonde
You snore
It's time to face the music
Bye bye
Don't slam the door
And I don't want
I don't want
I don't want
I don't want
No, I don't want your flowers anymore
This is the last duet
Last chance you're gonna get
No more ha harmony
For you and me
This is the final song
And when the music's through
This is the last duet
I'll ever do with you
You're not the one that I want
Ooh ooh ooh
Tood-le-oo (Honey)
Don't go breakin' my back
Don't call me
I'll call you
Back together

[...] Read more

song performed by Barry ManilowReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Writer Damon Runyon

Shirley Temple launched her career,
with Littlest Miss Marker,
making her Best Star of the Year.
Damon Runyon wrote this story,
It was a drama, not very gory.
Damon wrote “Guys and Dolls”
which is a Broadway musical,
Manhattan’s Hell’s Kitchen named after him
named Runyon’s Way to this day.
He named his mobster friend Otto, Regret,
A horse player who used to bet.
now Regret is in Shirley Temple’s hit.
Later, Otto ended up getting killed,
Damon did damage control,
Damon wrote “Otto would have been effective as
a bodyguard as a child aged two year old.
Damon died at 66, he had throat
cancer the year was 1946.
History’s first telethon of the nation,
washosted Milton Berle for
Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation.
Damon sounds like an interesting and a sensational writer,
I will read more of his writings to become brighter.

Written By Suzae Chevalier on September 24,2011

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Added by Poetry Lover
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Writer Damon Runyon

Shirley Temple launched her career,
with Littlest Miss Marker,
making her Best Star of the Year.
Damon Runyon wrote this story,
It was a drama, not very gory.
Damon wrote 'Guys and Dolls'
which is a Broadway musical,
Manhattan's Hell's Kitchen named after him
named Runyon's Way to this day.
He named his mobster friend Otto, Regret,
A horse player who used to bet.
now Regret is in Shirley Temple's hit.
Later, Otto ended up getting killed,
Damon did damage control,
Damon wrote 'Otto would have been effective as
a bodyguard as a child aged two year old.
Damon died at 66, he had throat
cancer the year was 1946.
History's first telethon of the nation,
washosted Milton Berle for
Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation.
Damon sounds like an interesting and a sensational writer,
I will read more of his writings to become brighter.

Written By Suzae Chevalier on September 24,2011

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Added by Poetry Lover
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Who Stole The D. J.

Artist: dj jazzy jeff and the fresh prince
Let, let, lets go
Calling all cars, calling all cars
Be on the lookout someone has stolen the d.j.
Agent f.p. get on the case immediately
Lets, lets go
[fresh prince]
I got the call about eleven fifteen
Twelve oclock arrived on the scene
Looked around and things were ill
The party was at a dead stand still
People sittin around no music
The situation was somewhat confusing
But Im a detective I knew right away what happened
Somebody stole the d.j.
Who or why I had no clue
But I knew what I had to do
No eat no sleep, just work
Then walked past this fly mini-skirt
I had to dis her quick before she greeted
Come on baby Im working, beat it
Come on Im busy, just go away
Gotta find out who stole the d.j.
Lets, lets go
[fresh prince]
This mystery needed to quickly be solved
Cause there were kids involved
Friday and saturday nights had no songs
Why, because the d.j. was gone
Smiles you used to dance and sing around
Now were replaced by frowns
And it was up to me to solve the mystery
And get back the disc jockey
I found an eye witness
But his breath wreaked of chitlins
All I know is his breath did pound
Buddy forget it, just write it down
No fingerprints no clues
The only witness was the bad breath dude
It was up to me to save the day
And find out who stole the d.j.
Lets, lets go
[fresh prince]
Through the door this dame walked in
I swear to james bond a perfect ten

[...] Read more

song performed by Will SmithReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

It was twenty years ago today,
Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play
They've been going in and out of style
But they're guaranteed to raise a smile.
So may I introduce to you
The act you've known for all these years,
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.
We're Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band,
We hope you will enjoy the show,
We're Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band,
Sit back and let the evening go.
Sgt. Pepper's lonely, Sgt. Pepper's lonely,
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.
It's wonderful to be here,
It's certainly a thrill.
You're such a lovely audience,
We'd like to take you home with us,
We'd love to take you home.
I don't really want to stop the show,
But I thought that you might like to know,
That the singer's going to sing a song,
And he wants you all to sing along.
So let me introduce to you
The one and only Billy Shears
And Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.

song performed by Paul McCartneyReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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