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Albert Einstein

Relativity applies to physics, not ethics.

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Lust versus Ethics

Lust never rests
Between two souls
But tends to crossfire.

She drew to me closer
While at work we were.
There were under-currents
Deep in the placid ocean.

She feigned her presence
Propelled by Lust,
But refrained from advance,
Repelled by Ethics.

Be merry, Lust lured;
Be virtuous, Ethics warned.
Is she to give in or not?
Lust and Ethics were at war.

I felt her and smelt her
But bent not to taste her,
Yet it is as much worth
As if she was tasted.

A flower when smelt
Is not spoilt but is, when plucked.
So she is not abducted.
Lust and Ethics were at par.

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The Riddle of Cosmos

The Riddle of Cosmos
The singularity of the Universe—
the Bing Bang rang
ten thousand million years ago—
was the theory propounded—So
the scientists in unison sang.

They set themselves to find
the important property that did bind
all matter to confer its mass, size and shape.
The riddle of the cosmos to solve
the physicists did evolve
"The Standard Model" of Particle Physics.

Fundamental particles twelve
of this theory
and fundamental forces four
save gravity
govern the dynamics
of the Universe.

In an invisible ubiquitous field
through the entire Universe' energy field
permeated an influence called Higgs field.
In Particle Physics
with his work on quantum mechanics
in the Universe' over-all dynamics
our Indian scientist " Bose" is seen
having worked with the famous Einstien
to have brought out the statistics, ‘Bose-Einstien'.

This earned the name ‘Boson'
for a sub-atomic particle
for a force carrying article.
By the English physicist Higgs
it was postulated
in the accepted "Standard Model of Physics"
that a missing piece existed.
In the jig-saw puzzle
called the Universe
the missing piece
was the particle ‘Higgs Boson'
now dubbed the ‘God Particle'—
since ‘tis everywhere and powerful
yet so hard to find and full!

The European Organization
For Nuclear Research (CERN)
took upon itself to learn
and detect the elusive particle.

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Mileva And Certainty

Mileva loved him more than the Stars,
more than Time itself.

They both were physics majors
and dreamers who
wanted to take Newton
to new ground.

Both wanted Certainty:
he had his Cosmological Constant
and tried to prove that God does
not throw dice-
that the Universe was orderly.

She wanted Certainty, too,
and some say showed him how
and this is reflected in some of the ideas
which made him famous.

He got Quantum Physics
and The Theory of Uncertainty;
both then
had only Probabilities.

He divorced her
his Nobel Prize money
and he spun away
into Relativity and Gravity;

both lost threads in the fabric
of Space and Time.

Both lost Certainty,

as we all now have,

we have now
and Relativities.

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Was, Is And Will Be

‘All that was, is and will be unto end of time, is in the
Torah, from first to last word: details of species, each
individual, all that happened from birth to death'

The old Hebrew version of the Old Testament is a
crossword puzzle computer program, a Bible code;
skip fifty letters in sequences to find the term Torah
at the beginning of Genesis, Exodus, Numbers
and Deuteronomy

The universe a cryptogram set by the Almighty;
the Bible a time-lock opened by computer, code-
breakers found the names, dates and cities of 66
wise men encoded together in a network criss-
crossing Bible text

No spaces between words - 304 805 letters - in a
continuous line: start on first letter, search names,
words and phrases, skip 1,2,3,4 - X letters; start
on second letter, repeat the process and continue
up to last letter

Find key words & related facts encoded together,
matching words in close proximity, length of skips
between search words to be small, interlocking
words reveal related information in Bible text
only, not in millions of test cases

Bible provides infinite information, related words in
cross-word puzzles cross vertically, horizontally and
diagonally; meets quantum physics theory of unlimited
probability and possibility - I shall never fear
boredom again

Armed with this computer program which resembles
notes of music in never-ending configurations - as
unique as snowdrops and fingerprints; no wonder
everything is contained and explained therein -
as to meaning and origin:

Existence manifests as an intelligent, loving energy
which illustrates quantum physics principles and
relativity in a great testament to creation!

[The Bible Code, Michael Drosnin, Weidenfeld &
Nicolson,1997 -
Quotes from pp.19 - 25]

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Given the way some fought for the status quo when I authored the new Ethics Code and created the city's first Ethics Commission, we are going to need your strong support to get an even tougher Ethics Code passed this year.

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If people knew of ethics violations, they should have sent them to the Ethics Committee. If you think there was serious ethics violation that ought to be looked at, you don't hold it back for retaliatory purposes.

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That attitude does not exist so much today, but in those days there was a very sharp distinction between basic physics and applied physics. Columbia did not deal with applied physics.

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Time-crossed Lovers

Rocket ships were crossing paths at near the speed of light;
solo voyagers, boy and girl, both escapees in flight.
Brushing past, each looked within the others inner space,
pensive faces noted shipboard clocks' unequal pace.

Seemed as if each others time ran slower than their own,
pressing home how destiny had cast them off alone.
Knowing how inertial frames are relatively cast,
yet it felt as if their lives were disappearing fast.

Destinations calculated, to the heavens hurled;
onboard navigation systems, led to chosen worlds.
Ah, but love had other plans and interfered with fate;
he prepared to turn his ship while she slowed down to wait.

Recklessly, he risked the hull to brake and alter course;
months it took, with heavy strain, deceleration's force.
Further months to trace her path and match her slackened speed,
driven by an overwhelming solitary need.

Travelling apace, he docked and breached the airlock rim;
inside atmosphere was cold and one light flickered dim.
Every sense was tensed with fear, but persevere he must;
there he found her, ever patient, waiting, bones and dust.

Changing frames of reference fixed his time to deathly slow,
so she died from many years of waiting for her beau.
Special relativity is fair enough, but then,
general relativity demands one think again.

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Leman Lemon Relativity


May 'rose' today, tomorrow symbolize
All once pomegranate represented?
Unthorned, unexpected rose' demise,
Destiny preferring lemon scented?
Eternity bears witness as time flies
Many former meanings are repented
As generation challenges, defies,
'Universal truths' plinths uncemented.
Defining lemon love we recognize
Evolution, ever discontented,
Modifies, old favorites downsized,
As newer fight for light misrepresented,
Unsatisfactory in any guise,
DEfinitions, reputations dented.

26 July 2008

robi03_1791_robi03_0000 ASX_LZX

Leman Lemon Relativity poem © Jonathan Robin

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Philosophy undigested.. Random thoughts!

Philosophy undigested..

The mysteries mysterious forces,
Make both Mister
And Miss, one positive and another negative,
No one knows who is what!
Only our postulates
About mystery and mysterious
That always can be more mysterious,
And more are less hide axioms
And sometimes
We talk about nirvana,
Some times about,
Some times about God and demon,
Mara or MAYA,
Forgetting all that is in mind,
Who is real, who is that developed sense,
Is He a non sense?
Look at the outer world,
Senses tell the reality is relativity,
And relativity is the reality,
But look at the inner world we are nothing but non existing entity,
Is it real that we are that existence,
where is the God and God appeared before me to teach,
Who is God,
where he is?
Which is true, nondual, or dual,
Even the light is not a non dual,
Why mysteriously, mister attract a miss,
Mister wants mistress,
And mis wants to become a mistress,
Even the master needs a mistress?
Is it that we make a mistake?
Life is that mystery,
Looks mysteriously at its own mysteries!
Life is the product of nature and the product that challenges to mysterious nature and wants to see nature in its tree naked form,
Life itself is schizophrenic and symptomatic and systematically nyphomanic system and the greatest maniac!
Is it true nothing is there are void is that makes all this dreams or is there any greatest Self dreaming and fooling and laughing and suffering its own folly?
If every thing is false,
Every thing is folly why can't mankind kind enough
Its mass suicide can save Earth and precious life on Earth!
Why Buddha didn't Go when he knew universe is void?
Why at last he said farewell note?
Why Sankara ran to his mother when she breathed last?
Because it is BRAHMAN SATYA!
The infinite the is still infinite when in life or without life

Something that look real is not real,
some that looks at unreal is real life is a real game of the real

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Song of Great Souls, Shankara and Einstein

Soul feathered with love, the
Divine.. Breaking the doors of cage flew
high and high.. Even above the sky, , into space..
Then able to dive like penguine,
and then like a whale to depth of
ocean within. Seeing the wonderful
and after finding itself is divine, Raised to the surface became
enchanting bird with
colourful feathers
And with sweetest possible
voice, . Entered the cage and with
heartful of love,
Started singing.. I am the Truth!
I am the creative Truth, and I am
the Love.
I am the thinker and I am the
thought and My dream is this

I am that nature
I am that energy
I am that consciousness
I am the Father
I am the Mother
I am the brother
I am the sister
I am the space
I am the energy
I am the water
I am the air
I am the fire
I am the Earth
I am every where and in
everyone's heart..

Let me sing..
I am that
from every throat..
Immortal energy,
Neither born
Nor die!
I am that,
thou art that and
There is nothing un real..
Everything is real in love
and knowledge
And I am the basis of all
Say I am that, Say I am you, say you are me!

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Relativity must replace absolutism in the realm of morals as well as in the spheres of physics and biology.

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Prose: On The Existence Of God

A brief statement about certain controversial questions and issues relating to some core religious topics such as:
What is God?
Where is God?
Who Is God?
and a new or old philosophy and perspective (depending on the readers views) offering an explanation to these age old questions.

The proof of That which is not restricted to any construct of the human mind and is beyond imagination is Divine. This is sometimes revealed to a select few in the form of a revelation or philosophy from time to time and is what history calls religion and is also uplifting and blissful.
The ordinary human mind and intellect cannot comprehend or fathom that which is beyond it but only staggers at the attempt, bewildering as it is to the ego which is the seat of the mind and limited individual personality. (See Note #1)

Standpoint 1
It is generally stated that neither the existence nor the non-existence of God can be proven. But if there is absolutely nothing or everything is somehow taken away, then whatever is left or there is that remains can only be the place, source or state from which everything is brought into existence and sustained for a while within its own infinite being and by its own infinite or unlimited latent capacity of power, knowledge and blissful freedom of imagination and creation.

Standpoint 2
The state of absolute nothing (colorless, formless, odorless, indivisible, unfathomable) , if there ever was such a state, would then be the complete and infinite unmanifest state or prior condition of this Boundless and Eternal Being or God from where all the universe, as we have come to know and see to date, has come and in which it still must exist without any exception regardless of what there appears now to be.

Standpoint 3
All the planets, moons, suns, stars, galaxies, nebulae and whatever else there may be are nothing other than, relatively speaking, like the atoms, molecules, compounds, cells etc that go to make up the body of a living physical entity, and in this specific and particular case, the manifest cosmic being known as or called the universe, and the so called black holes would then be found to be the arterial pathways of the energy or substance known as dark energy and matter which is of a non atomic nature (See Note #2) . It should also be noted that the simplest and first atom or atomic substance or element is hydrogen, which is made up of just an electron and a proton, and is the most abundant atomic substance in the universe. In other words from the one formless substance of dark energy and matter come hydrogen) , helium, lithium, etc (in the order of the atomic scale) : from the simplest and lightest to the most complicated, densest and heaviest.

Standpoint 4
This then is the reason why we should consider the infinitely large of the outer universe with all the cosmic forces and objects known and unknown on the one hand, while its opposite, the infinitely small, being that of the inner universe, in the form of man's mind and emotions together with the sub and atomic forces on the other, both co-existing at the same time without an apparent beginning or end, that make up the whole visible and invisible creation which is seemingly expanding, until the endless end, in something greater than itself, for how else could this ever be? (See Note #4)

Standpoint 5
The preceeding points help to validate the statements in the scriptures which say "as above so below" and that "we are made in the image and likeness of God" (ie: our soul or spirit within) , and an aspect of Einstein's theory of Relativity that mentions or postulates of ‘the curvature of space' and certain aspects of Quantum Physics. The preceeding points also bring together both views of the so called ‘Big Bang' and ‘Steady State' theories that have gained popularity in modern times and where the former seems to be the more widely accepted view.

Standpoint 6
The five so called elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether mentioned in certain philosophical texts and which correlate to the five lower energy centers (or Chakras) of the human body are complemented by two higher ones being those of Light and Sound of the two higher centers. This also explains the scripture where it is written "in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God" and where "God said let there be light and there was light" (See Note #3) which indicates that from the ‘Word of God' or primeval sound came light, then ether, air, fire, water and earth in a descending order. The last five mentioned elements deal specifically with life and conditions on our own world and also other worlds where one, some or all of the seven kingdoms of evolution are to be found in various stages of development.

Standpoint 7
If man is made in the image and likeness of God then whatever can be seen outside can also be seen inside in the sense that there is nothing but God that really exists and that the essence of God is in man's soul and spirit. An analogy of this would be to look at a dropp of an infinite ocean (without boundaries or divisions) and to recognize or realize that the dropp of the ocean is nothing other than the ocean itself which may apparently seem to be separate or limited due to a bubble of ignorance and limited perception (the effect of duality or God's Cosmic Illusion or Maya) . The illusion of duality becomes less apparent and is indeed negligible to the point of non existence as man evolves spiritually and realises his oneness with the essence or real part of his inner being which is non other than a dropp in (not separate from) this indivisible infinite ocean of God. This is where an individual sees or perceives the underlying all-pervasive reality everywhere, also known as or called the seeing of 'Unity in Diversity'. When this 'essence' is made the focus of an individual's consciousness and is continually invoked upon by various means it then becomes activated or awakened, so to speak, from a dormant latent state, to one of a highly charged and source seeking intelligent energy that is returning back to its real home or state from the lowest center of consciousness (gross, dense and material) in the human body to the highest centers being those in the higher parts of the body which are of a much finer or subtle consciousness and associated with light and sound (i.e. the primeval sound and light of creation) which come from God or the state of infinite consciousness. This is also the state of Absolute Nothing mentioned in Standpoint 2 above from where Absolutely Everything has come from or manifested within its own Being and the Infinite Existence (all that exists does so within God) due to the infinite latent capacity of power, knowledge and blissful freedom of imagination and creation (Standpoint 1) .
(#1) See also my other prose titled 'God is the Highest Good'.
(#2) The universe is the infinite creation and creature of God.
(#3) See The Old and New Testaments of The Holy Bible.
(#4) We use a telescope to see into the body of the universe being incredibly large and use a microscope to see things or signs of life that are incredibly small.

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Joy & Pain We Caused

Chapter nine: Cataclysm - reading with
bated breath, too many facts to take in,
storyline developing, who can ever prove
one hypothesis more true than another -
only matters that conjecture is presented

The single criterion is the quality of ideals
formulated by a civilisation; though attempts
to carry out dreams demeaned by avaricious
minds; wonderful that people of integrity still
chase ideals, wondering how these dreams
came into being

I think relativity - time & space interwoven,
divine supernatural intervention as natural
law in manifestation - a conscious energy,
aware of all simultaneously, scattered clues
picked up by receptive minds - I love all
forms of ideals

From the Mabhabarata's advice on living a
moral life - Buddha's reverie under a tree -
a Hindu revering a pantheon of gods; glad
to be introduced to many religions in all
their beauty; quantum physics explains
infinite possibility

Anything can be made true by faith, no more
angry, jealous gods - but benevolent energy
providing abundantly, free choice determines
what we accomplish, in life after death we
experience all the joy and pain we caused
unto others - and

That is quite enough…

Act of God - Tutankhamun, Moses & The Myth of Atlantis -
The True Story of The Greatest Cataclysm to shape
Civilisation - Graham Phillips, Pan Books,1998
p.207 - 298

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Voyage around the Square Root of Minus One

I often heard
that while the sciences concern themselves
with objective truths
the arts deal with subjective phenomena.

Many years ago I held the same view,
but later came to the conclusion
that this is just a well-combed popular myth.

It is an untenable credo
because the sharp separation
of the arts and sciences is a rigid
and arbitrary mandate, full of holes.

Although all subjects have their specificities,
at the same time they also share
many common traits with each other.

There is art in science and science in art.

Artists, for example,
apply geometry to represent
a three dimensional scene in a painting,
which is a two dimensional surface.

By using ‘objective' geometrical perspective,
Renaissance artists, among them Alberti,
Brunelleschi, Uccello, Leonardo and Dürer,
developed in Europe the ‘subjective' illusion
of perceptual realism.

Later, in the Dutch Republic of the 17th century,
Johannes Vermeer applied expensive pigments
to the canvas and conducted
pioneering research in optics that enhanced
the supreme quality of his work,
imbuing his paintings with sublime,
otherworldly light.

In the 19th century
the Romantic painter John Constable
prepared detailed studies
of the landscape and weather conditions
of England, before transcribing them
into images of stunning accuracy and grace.

Following the closing of the Weimar Bauhaus
by the Nazis in 1933, the artist Josef Albers
moved to the USA, where he worked at
Black Mountain College and at Yale University.

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The other salient characteristic of the Declaration is its universality: it applies to all human beings without any discrimination whatever; it also applies to all territories, whatever their economic or political regime.

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Henry David Thoreau

The Artist is he who detects and applies the law from observation of the works of Genius, whether of man or Nature. The Artisan is he who merely applies the rules which others have detected.

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Evolution, of course, is not something that simply applies to life here on earth; it applies to the whole universe.

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Harmonic Creed

the one who knows less
knows more of humility,
the other who knows more
knows less.

the one
applies humility.

the other applies
what humility there is
in respect of
the greater humility of
the one.

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Bigger The Fool

(jim rushing/larry cordle)
Her long legs looked like trouble
As she sasheyed through the door
And my mind flashed a warning sign
That I chose to ignore
For the prize I thought I could win
The risk seemed mighty small
The bigger the fool the harder the fall
Fell in love in the heat of passion
Oh, but passion has its price
Under all that beauty
Beat a heart that was made of ice
God knows as far as I could see she didnt have a flaw
But the bigger the fool the harder the fall
I said a woman to keep
The softer the skin
The sweeter the love
The more bitter the end
Well, one lesson Ive learned that applies to all
The bigger the fool the harder the fall
One day she was lovin me
The next day she was gone
And I became another verse
To a lonesome heartbreak song
Now that Ive learned to face the truth
The words stick in my craw
Well, the bigger the fool the harder the fall
I said a woman to keep
The softer the skin
The sweeter the love
The more bitter the end
Well, one lesson Ive learned that applies to all
The bigger the fool the harder the fall
The bigger the fool the harder the fall

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