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We use competitive markets to arrange for delivery of our food supply.

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Overweight with Food

Are you just a tub of lard and
Vastly overweight?
Do you think that when you die you'll
Need a piano crate
To act as coffin for your frame? -
Chosen as you die in shame, with
Only you to take the blame
For years of eating much the same:
A daily calorific fest
Gourmands of your ilk digest!

Is your heart in final fling and
Nearly set to burst?
Are your arteries bunged and clogged and
Feeling now the worst
For wear? - your aneurysm fit to blow
While blood as thick as rising dough
Cries 'Halt! ' to any hope of flow:
A dreadful state to put on show
In front of any nurse!
Best you hail a hearse.

Copyright Mark R Slaughter 2009

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Salad is Incompatible with Life

Yes, my waist is fifty inches -
Big for me because I'm short.
And yes, I like my cheddar cheese
When partnered with a vintage port.

Okay, okay, that double cream
Is always served with pud,
And cake and biscuits with my tea
Are just no bloody good

For my poor hardened arteries,
But see my point of view,
Please dear wifey if you please,
A Salad makes me spew!

I'd rather eat a bowl of air
Than crunch away on greens;
Drink water from the toilet bowl
Or nibble on my jeans!

But salad! Are you there?
You know it makes me snappy -
So let me fill my face with grub,
Stay fat, and die young happy!

Copyright Mark R Slaughter 2009

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100 STD's 10,000 MTD's

There are STD's, sexually transmitted diseases.
and then there are MTD's, meat transmitted diseases.

The latter take a lot more lives.


In Animal Flesh: Blood Sweat Tears as well as Carcinogens Cholesterol Colon Bacteria

Animal products kill more people annually in the US than
tobacco, alcohol, traffic accidents, war, domestic violence,
guns, and drugs combined. USAMRID wrote that consumption of pig flesh caused the world's most lethal pandemic in WW1,
euphemistically called flu. Anthrax
used to be called wool sorters'
disease. Smallpox used to be called
cow pox or kine pox because of
its origin in animal flesh.



a partial list in alphabetical order

acidification diseases
addiction (to trioxypurines)
adrenalin (secreted by terrorized
animals before and during slaughter)

ANTIBIOTICS (too many to list) (crowded factory farm animals standing in their own feces are often infected)

creiophilic bacteria survive
the freezing of animal flesh
thermophilic bacteria survive
the baking boiling and roasting

bacteriophages (viruses FDA allows to
be injected)
colon bacteria.. euphemistically
called ecoli animals defecate
all over themselves in terror
John Harvey Kellogg MD studied
the exponential rate into the billions

Mad Chicken

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Syrup Sponge

Pour a pint of cream
Upon my spongy bulge!

Scoop me with a
Hefty spoon;

Taste my essence -
Do you swoon?

Feed your self-esteem; indulge
In me until you burst -

Death by syrup sponge - you're cursed!

And as the count in inches gain
Upon your weary waist, the strain
Will tell, but you'll not care -
Steeped in sponge, you're unaware!

Copyright © Mark R Slaughter 2010

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To The Judge

_A Voice From the Interior of Old Hoop-Pole Township_

Friend of my earliest youth,
Can't you arrange to come down
And visit a fellow out here in the woods--
Out of the dust of the town?
Can't you forget you're a Judge
And put by your dolorous frown
And tan your wan face in the smile of a friend--
Can't you arrange to come down?

Can't you forget for a while
The arguments prosy and drear,--
To lean at full-length in indefinite rest
In the lap of the greenery here?
Can't you kick over 'the Bench,'
And 'husk' yourself out of your gown
To dangle your legs where the fishing is good--
Can't you arrange to come down?

Bah! for your office of State!
And bah! for its technical lore!
What does our President, high in his chair,
But wish himself low as before!
Pick between peasant and king,--
Poke your bald head through a crown
Or shadow it here with the laurels of Spring!--
Can't you arrange to come down?

'Judge it' out _here_, if you will,--
The birds are in session by dawn;
You can draw, not _complaints_, but a sketch of the hill
And a breath that your betters have drawn;
You can open your heart, like a case,
To a jury of kine, white and brown,
And their verdict of 'Moo' will just satisfy you!--
Can't you arrange to come down?

Can't you arrange it, old Pard?--
Pigeonhole Blackstone and Kent!--
Here we have 'Breitmann,' and Ward,
Twain, Burdette, Nye, and content!
Can't you forget you're a Judge
And put by your dolorous frown
And tan your wan face in the smile of a friend--
Can't you arrange to come down?

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Feeling Out Of Sorts?

Feeling out of sorts these days?
Want to know what you can do?
Need help? Here are 50 ways,
Maybe you'll benefit from a few



1. Changing sleep patterns: restlessness, hot feet, waking up two or three times a night. Feeling tired after you wake up and sleepy off and on during the day.
There is something called the Triad Sleep Pattern that occurs for many: you sleep for about 2-3 hours, wake up, go back to sleep for another couple of hours, wake again, and go back to sleep again. For others, the sleep requirements have changed. You can get by on less sleep.
Lately I have been experiencing huge waves of energy running into my body from the crown. It feels good, but it keeps me awake for a long time, then subsides.

Advice: Get used to it. Make peace with it and don't worry about getting enough sleep (which often causes more insomnia) . You will be able to make it through the day if you hold thoughts of getting just what you need. You can also request your Higher Power to give you a break now and then and give you a good, deep night's sleep.

If you can't go back to sleep right away, use the waking moments to meditate, read poetry, write in your journal or look at the moon. Your body will adjust to the new pattern.

2. Activity at the crown of the head: Tingling, itching, prickly, crawling sensations along the scalp and/or down the spine. A sense of energy vibrating on top of the head, as if energy is erupting from the head in a shower. Also the sensation of energy pouring in through the crown, described as 'sprinkles'.

This may also be experienced as pressure on the crown, as if someone is pushing his/her finger into the center of your head. As I mentioned in #1, I have been experiencing huge downloads of energy through the crown.
In the past, I have felt more generalized pressure, as if my head is in a gentle vise. One man related that his hair stood on end and his body was covered with goosebumps.

Advice: This is nothing to be alarmed about. What you are experiencing is an opening of the crown chakra. The sensations mean that you are opening up to receive divine energy.

3. Sudden waves of emotion. Crying at the dropp of a hat. Feeling suddenly angry or sad with little provocation. Or inexplicably depressed. Then very happy. Emotional roller coaster. There is often a pressure or sense of emotions congested in the heart chakra (the middle of the chest) . This is not to be confused with the heart, which is located to the left of the heart chakra.

Advice: Accept your feelings as they come up and let them go. Go directly to your heart chakra and feel the emotion. Expand it outward to your all your fields and breathe deeply from the belly all the way up to your upper chest. Just feel the feeling and let it evaporate on its own. Don't direct the emotions at anyone.

You are cleaning out your past. If you want some help with this, say out loud that you intend to release all these old issues and ask your Higher Power to help you. You can also ask Grace Elohim to help you release with ease and gentleness. Be grateful that your body is releasing the see motions and not holding onto them inside where they can do harm.

One source suggests that depression is linked to letting go of relationships to people, work, etc. that no longer match us and our frequencies. When we feel guilty about letting go of these relationships, depression helps us medicate that pain.

4. Old 'stuff' seems to be coming up, as described above, and the people with whom you need to work it out (or their clones) appear in your life. Completion issues.

Or perhaps you need to work through issues of self-worth, abundance, creativity, addictions, etc. The resources or people you need to help you move through these issues start to appear.

Advice: Same as #3. Additionally, don't get too involved in analyzing these issues. Examining them too much will simply cycle you back through them over and over again at deeper and deeper levels. Get professional help if you need to and walk through it.

Do not try to avoid them or disassociate yourself from them. Embrace whatever comes up and thank it for helping you move ahead. Thank your Higher Power for giving you the opportunity to release these issues. Remember, you don't want these issues to stay stuck in your body.

5. Changes in weight. The weight gain in the US population is phenomenal. Other people may be losing weight.

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Through the eyes of a Field Coronet (Epic)


In the kaki coloured tent in Umbilo he writes
his life’s story while women, children and babies are dying,
slowly but surely are obliterated, he see how his nation is suffering
while the events are notched into his mind.

Lying even heavier on him is the treason
of some other Afrikaners who for own gain
have delivered him, to imprisonment in this place of hatred
and thoughts go through him to write a book.


The Afrikaner nation sprouted
from Dutchmen,
who fought decades without defeat
against the super power Spain

mixed with French Huguenots
who left their homes and belongings,
with the revocation of the Edict of Nantes.
Associate this then with the fact

that these people fought formidable
for seven generations
against every onslaught that they got
from savages en wild animals

becoming marksmen, riding
and taming wild horses
with one bullet per day
to hunt a wild antelope,

who migrated right across the country
over hills in mass protest
and then you have
the most formidable adversary
and then let them fight

in a natural wilderness
where the hunter,
the sniper and horseman excels
and any enemy is at a lost.

Let them then also be patriotic
into their souls,
believe in and read
out of the word of God

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Curious Delivery Indeed

Average duration of
Human pregnancy is 273 days
We heard of a delivery
Just a day's back
And delivery took place
After 255 days
Though seemingly premature
It was not at all
But a perfect delivery
As expected
All safe and fine
Normally a child has one mother only
But a lot of mothers delivered this
And it was delivered not at home,
Hospital, operation theatre,
Why it was not delivered on earth
It was delivered at a place
Which can be reached
Only after 255 days of travel
And at times speeding at
Twenty thousand kilometers per hour
No doctor, nurse why for that matter
No one attended the delivery
All were remotely controlled
Yet the delivery was safe
The child landed smooth
Descending gently
On the land
And believe the child is already
On the move
Taking photographs
Collecting samples
Doing anything which its mothers
Ask it to do remotely controlling
Its each movement
Let us congratulate the mothers
Who conceived the child
And let us complement them
For safely delivering it
Let us wish they conceive similar children
And deliver them at farther destinations
Let us pray that the child
Named curiosity
Stay there healthily and longer
And keep performing assigned tasks
On the surface of mars, the planet
Curious delivery indeed

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Living In A World That Some Can Not Leave

Living high in a castle,
Without a mote.
Isn't easy to do...
When one searches the horizon,
For a delivery...
Of an awaited treasured boat.

And one who demands,
They can command steps quicker...
While jumping double dutch,
Without a visable rope.
Should be left alone...
If a commitment to doing this is shown.

Living in a castle and there is no mote...
And waiting for delivery of a big boat,
While jumping double dutch without a visable rope...
Some need!

People should be left to live lives they believe!

Living high in a castle,
Without a mote.
Isn't easy to do...
When one searches the horizon,
For a delivery...
Of an awaited treasured boat.

And one who demands,
They can command steps quicker...
While jumping double dutch,
Without a visable rope.
Should be left alone...
If a commitment to doing this is shown.

People should be left to live lives they believe!

Living in a castle and there is no mote...
And waiting for delivery of a big boat,
While jumping double dutch without a visable rope...
Some need!

People should be left to live lives they believe!

Living in a castle and there is no mote...
And waiting for delivery of a big boat,
While jumping double dutch without a visable rope...
Some need!

People should be left to live lives they believe!

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The Real Thing

I've seen your face a thousand times
I've seen your face a thousand times
Have all your stories memorized
Have all your stories memorized
I've kissed your lips a million ways
I've kissed your lips a million ways
But I still love to have you around
But I still love to have you around
I've held you too many times to count
I've held you too many times to count
I think I know you inside out
I think I know you inside out
And we're together most days
And we're together most days
But I still love to have you around
But I still love to have you around
And you're the one I want and it's not just a phase
And you're the one I want and it's not just a phase
And you're the one I trust, our love is the real thing
And you're the one I trust, our love is the real thing
Don't go away
Don't go away
My love (my love)
My love (my love)
I want you to stay
I want you to stay
In my life
In my life
Don't go away
Don't go away
My lover (my love)
My lover (my love)
I'm happiest when we spend time
I'm happiest when we spend time
You're a salty water, ocean wave
You're a salty water, ocean wave
You knock me down, you kiss my face
You knock me down, you kiss my face
I know the storms will always come
I know the storms will always come
But I still love to have you around
But I still love to have you around
Heavens knows what will come next
Heavens knows what will come next
So emotional, you're so complex
So emotional, you're so complex
A rollercoaster, built to crash
A rollercoaster, built to crash
But I still love to have you around
But I still love to have you around

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song performed by Gwen StefaniReport problemRelated quotes
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The Clean Plater

Some singers sing of ladies' eyes,
And some of ladies lips,
Refined ones praise their ladylike ways,
And course ones hymn their hips.
The Oxford Book of English Verse
Is lush with lyrics tender;
A poet, I guess, is more or less
Preoccupied with gender.
Yet I, though custom call me crude,
Prefer to sing in praise of food.
Yes, food,
Just any old kind of food.
Pheasant is pleasant, of course,
And terrapin, too, is tasty,
Lobster I freely endorse,
In pate or patty or pasty.
But there's nothing the matter with butter,
And nothing the matter with jam,
And the warmest greetings I utter
To the ham and the yam and the clam.
For they're food,
All food,
And I think very fondly of food.
Through I'm broody at times
When bothered by rhymes,
I brood
On food.
Some painters paint the sapphire sea,
And some the gathering storm.
Others portray young lambs at play,
But most, the female form.
“Twas trite in that primeval dawn
When painting got its start,
That a lady with her garments on
Is Life, but is she Art?
By undraped nymphs
I am not wooed;
I'd rather painters painted food.
Just food,
Just any old kind of food.
Go purloin a sirloin, my pet,
If you'd win a devotion incredible;
And asparagus tips vinaigrette,
Or anything else that is edible.
Bring salad or sausage or scrapple,
A berry or even a beet.
Bring an oyster, an egg, or an apple,
As long as it's something to eat.

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fresh fish



'The beach at Sanibel... an Arlington Cemetery of shells.'
Every suffocated or strangled fish is first given
waterboarding sensations.
Fishes more frequently than
mammals or birds are cut open
alive, while their eyes watch
the knifing of others and their
gills struggle for absent air.

Fish cannot scream.
Greed for suffocated fish flesh causes seals to be clubbed in Canada, Norway, S Africa etc., dolphins to be knifed in Japan, whales to be murdered by
Norwegian Japanese Icelandic and American Inuit fishermen, bears
to be murdered in Alaska, untold thousands of fishermen to
be lost in tsunamis,700 Bangladesh fishermen lost in just 1 storm, Thai fishermen working for slave wages, tens of millions around
the world to die of stomach cancer, food poisoning etc.**

What's in fish? unreported Mad Fish
Disease, nuclear toxins a million
times more concentrated than in
sea water, AIDS from unprocessed
human waste dumped into
the oceans, hepatitis, anaphylactic shock, ecoli,
and other food poisoning,
throat, stomach and other cancers,
mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic, pbb's, pcb's, thousands
of carcinogenic industrial waste products, and heavy metal sired
brain damage, pfiesteria (red tide) which poisons the fishes


Are all anglers stranglers?

Dick Gregory: Eating fish liver oil is like eating the filter out of a car.

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Bulls and Bears

Markets crashed
Hopes dashed
Brokers lashed
Doctors cashed
traders bashed
Overnight bankrupt
Shutters shut
Investors harassed
Analysts embarrassed
Govt. appeals
Don’t desperate feel
Markets volatile
Remain agile
Strong fundamentals
Good long term potential
Global concerns
Markets govern
Recession- sub prime crisis
Inflation-sky high prices
Bears overpower
Bulls run for cover
Bears or bulls
Markets pulls
Smart picks
Take risks
I f you are Weak hearted
Stay away from the markets.

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Not Easy To Overcome

There are huge potentials of the markets waiting for you over there,
So why can't you take advantage of it to express yourself?
For there are no finger prints in this world which are the same,
But the masters are not easy to overcome.

Show up to the course and be very objective and realistic to your muse,
And bring out a constructive commitment towards your goals!
For writing is like a skill which has an artistic roll to play always,
But the masters are not easy to overcome.

Aim at the potential markets around you and try to get there!
For i will meet you when you get there;
But breaking through these markets will let you feel heaven right here on earth!
All the same, the masters are not easy to overcome.

These huge potentials of these markets are what you need,
But criticise me if i am wrong;
For the true potentials of your talents are what makes up the markets,
And you need a break through to satisfy your muse with your mind!
But the masters are not easy to overcome.

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Ill Supply The Love

You supply the night,
Baby, Ill supply the love
You supply the night,
Baby, Ill supply the love
I see a horseman in the sky,
It makes me turn and wonder why
I hear the same old fourteen reasons,
Must be the changin of the seasons
I met the girl across the sea,
She saved my life and came with me
A tender night of dark persuasion,
Could be my first and last occasion
(instrumental break)
Chorus repeats 2x:
Baby, Ill supply the love,
Baby, Ill supply the,
Ill supply the love

song performed by TotoReport problemRelated quotes
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Some food

Some food is
Medicine is some food...
Some food is poison...
Some food is Tenson...

Some food is Fear...
Some food is lovely...
Some food is Bland...
Some food is sweety...

Some food is spicy...
Some food is nothing...
Food is not only food
A good eatable medicine...

At only some food...
Some food...!

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A Food For Everything!

Meals are the food for the body;
Knowledge is the food for the mind;
Meditation is the food for the spirit;
Music is the food for the love of heart;
Dreams are the food for the consciousness;
Prayer is the food for the Almighty;
Love is the food for the living heart;
Thoughts are the food for the brain;
Colourful ink is the food for the pen;
Ideas are the food for the stories;
Truth is the food for the will;
Sun’s energy is the food for the plants;
Plants are the food for the living beings;
But one man’s food is another man’s poison!

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Fish ‘n Chips - Food of Life

Oh how I crave for fish ‘n chips:
Our fine cuisine of world renown.
I dined on such a subtle dish
When QEII received her crown.

Oh how I need some fish ‘n chips;
I'll queue in pouring rain or snow!
What better way to warm my hands,
As soggy chips make fingers glow.

We Brits are famed for culinary finesse,
Like steak ‘n kidney pud no less;
Wondrous tripe; cottage pie;
Bangers and egg in lard to fry!

But fish ‘n chips - the crowning glory -
A dish to trounce the great kebab!
You think I care for chicken masala?
It's cod and chips that grow my flab.

Oh how I yearn for fish ‘n chips,
All poshly wrapped in the Daily Star,
Then caked and drowned in salt ‘n vinegar -
And stinking out my brand new car!

Copyright © Mark R Slaughter 2010

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There Is a Lesson in This

When one confesses that they have not been their best.
There is a lesson in this many don't expect.
When one confesses that they have not been their best.
They're making changes to arrange,
A ridding of routines that has brought them mental stress.

When one confesses that they have not been their best,
They feel this needed.
With a lesson in this many don't expect.
And it is needed.
When one chooses to confess they're not the best,
With honesty.
They're making changes to arrange,
A ridding of routines...
That caused them mental stress.

When one confesses that they have not been their best,
They feel this needed.
With a lesson in this many don't expect.
And it is needed.
When one chooses to confess they're not the best,
With honesty.
They're making changes to arrange,
A ridding of routines...
That caused them mental stress.

When one confesses that they have not been their best.
There is a lesson in this many don't expect.
When one confesses that they have not been their best.
They're making changes to arrange,
A ridding of routines that has brought them mental stress.

All day,
And all night...
They want to let it show,
That they can be their best.

All day,
And all night...
They want to let it show,
That they can be their best.

To everybody!
All day,
And all night...
They want to let it show,
That they can be their best.
To everybody!

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Junk Food Junkie

Johnny's got an addiction
He's strung out without conviction
He was raised with a microwave
Sticky trashy fast food slave
He's a junk food junky
He could be a lot more spunky hunky
But he's a junk food junky
Blame it on the food yeah, you know it's bad
Mother doesn't really know
Shopping in a glossy show
Then again her budget's low
Her health so bad it makes her slow
She's a junk food junky
She's stressed and very jumpy
She's a junk food junky
Blame it on the food yeah, we know its bad
Blame it on the food yeah, we know it's bad
Jenny's in a fix
With her arithmetics
Poor concentration
Boys in the classroom cause agitation
She's a junk food junky
She could be a lot more fun
But she's a junk food junky
Blame it on the food yeah
Blame it on the food yeah
Blame it on the food yeah
You know it's bad
You know it's bad
B a d ! !

song performed by X-Ray SpexReport problemRelated quotes
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