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Harrison Ford

Nothing shocks me. I'm a scientist.

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I Am A Scientist

I got it
Got it got it
In me the scientist
Always get stuck on always trying this
I try to live on science alone
Analysis and freaky sensitivity
We've gotta live on science alone
I got it Woohoowoo
Yeah uh I am a scientist
Yeah uh I am a scientist
Yeah uh I am a scientist
We've gotta live on science alone
Religiously I'm speaking on the science 'cause
We've gotta live on science alone
I'll tell you what mathematically I'm having it
I want to live on science alone
Yeah uh I am a scientist
Yeah uh I am a scientist
Yeah uh I am a scientist
We've gotta live on science alone
In me the scientist
Always stuck on always trying this
I try to live on science alone
Analysis and freaky sensitivity
We've gotta live on science alone
Yeah uh I am a scientist
Yeah uh I am a scientist
Yeah uh I am a scientist
'Cause I can live on science alone
We've gotta live on science alone
Yeah uh I am a scientist
Yeah uh I am a scientist
Yeah uh I am a scientist
Yeah uh I am a scientist
Yeah uh I am a scientist

song performed by Dandy WarholsReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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I got it
Got it got it
In me the scientist
Always get stuck on always trying this
I try to live on science alone
Analysis and freaky sensitivity
We've gotta live on science alone
I got it Woohoowoo
Yeah uh I am a scientist
Yeah uh I am a scientist
Yeah uh I am a scientist
We've gotta live on science alone
Religiously I'm speaking on the science 'cause
We've gotta live on science alone
I'll tell you what mathematically I'm having it
I want to live on science alone
Yeah uh I am a scientist
Yeah uh I am a scientist
Yeah uh I am a scientist
We've gotta live on science alone
In me the scientist
Always stuck on always trying this
I try to live on science alone
Analysis and freaky sensitivity
We've gotta live on science alone
Yeah uh I am a scientist
Yeah uh I am a scientist
Yeah uh I am a scientist
'Cause I can live on science alone
We've gotta live on science alone
Yeah uh I am a scientist
Yeah uh I am a scientist
Yeah uh I am a scientist
Yeah uh I am a scientist
Yeah uh I am a scientist

song performed by Dandy WarholsReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Love Science

Ive been around the world, Im going around again
I got a new word up, gonna lay it on my friends
Im still too young, Ive got these emotions in my blood
But when I grow up, gonna be a scientist of love
Working on, love science
Got to know, love science
Show the world, love science
How to be a scientist of love
Tell my friends, love science
Take a chance, love science
Give it up, love science
Im a scientist of love
Feel the power, love science
Study hard, love science
Know the truth, love science
Be a scientist of love
Choose a plan, love science
Pick em up, put em down, love science
Bring it on home, love science
Got to be a scientist of love
Hey you!
Sometimes you get screwed up, and youre looking for a cure
But you dont want to see just another amateur
I know the kind of expert you must be thinking of
Go out and find yourself a scientist of love
Some say that loves a game, a random circumstance
Im not the type to leave that kind of thing to chance
You might sit back and wait, but Im taking off the gloves
Im gonna crack this case like a scientist of love
1, 2, 3!
If loves what we want, if loves what we need
Why cant we make love from suspicion and greed?
If loves what we want, if loves what we need
Why cant we make love?
Ive got no time to waste just waiting for the bus
This is the place, the space to get down and serious
School is in, the lab is open for research
I do declare that love is a walking, talking church
Ive got to quell the beast, be a credit to my sex
Ive got to give at least as much as I expect
Cant get no rest til I discover what I need
Gotta start somewhere, that why I believe, believe, believe
Believe the word, love science
Party down, love science
Thinking hard, love science
How to be a scientist of love
Place to place, love science
Hour to hour, love science
Cant hold back, love science
Got to be a scientist of love

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song performed by Todd RundgrenReport problemRelated quotes
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Goldilocks And Goldilocks

It was Goldilocks woke up in the morn
At the first of the shearing of the corn.

There stood his mother on the hearth
And of new-leased wheat was little dearth.

There stood his sisters by the quern,
For the high-noon cakes they needs must earn.

“O tell me Goldilocks my son,
Why hast thou coloured raiment on?”

“Why should I wear the hodden grey
When I am light of heart to-day?”

“O tell us, brother, why ye wear
In reaping-tide the scarlet gear?

Why hangeth the sharp sword at thy side
When through the land ’tis the hook goes wide?”

“Gay-clad am I that men may know
The freeman’s son where’er I go.

The grinded sword at side I bear
Lest I the dastard’s word should hear.”

“O tell me Goldilocks my son,
Of whither away thou wilt be gone?”

“The morn is fair and the world is wide
And here no more will I abide.”

“O Brother, when wilt thou come again?”
“The autumn drought, and the winter rain,

The frost and the snow, and St. David’s wind,
All these that were time out of mind,

All these a many times shall be
Ere the Upland Town again I see.”

“O Goldilocks my son, farewell,
As thou wendest the world ’twixt home and hell!”

“O brother Goldilocks, farewell,
Come back with a tale for men to tell!”

So ’tis wellaway for Goldilocks,
As he left the land of the wheaten shocks.

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The Columbiad: Book VII

The Argument

Coast of France rises in vision. Louis, to humble the British power, forms an alliance with the American states. This brings France, Spain and Holland into the war, and rouses Hyder Ally to attack the English in India. The vision returns to America, where the military operations continue with various success. Battle of Monmouth. Storming of Stonypoint by Wayne. Actions of Lincoln, and surrender of Charleston. Movements of Cornwallis. Actions of Greene, and battle of Eutaw. French army arrives, and joins the American. They march to besiege the English army of Cornwallis in York and Gloster. Naval battle of Degrasse and Graves. Two of their ships grappled and blown up. Progress of the siege. A citadel mined and blown up. Capture of Cornwallis and his army. Their banners furled and muskets piled on the field of battle.

Thus view'd the Pair; when lo, in eastern skies,
From glooms unfolding, Gallia's coasts arise.
Bright o'er the scenes of state a golden throne,
Instarr'd with gems and hung with purple, shone;
Young Bourbon there in royal splendor sat,
And fleets and moving armies round him wait.
For now the contest, with increased alarms,
Fill'd every court and roused the world to arms;
As Hesper's hand, that light from darkness brings,
And good to nations from the scourge of kings,
In this dread hour bade broader beams unfold,
And the new world illuminate the old.

In Europe's realms a school of sages trace
The expanding dawn that waits the Reasoning Race;
On the bright Occident they fix their eyes,
Thro glorious toils where struggling nations rise;
Where each firm deed, each new illustrious name
Calls into light a field of nobler fame:
A field that feeds their hope, confirms the plan
Of well poized freedom and the weal of man.
They scheme, they theorize, expand their scope,
Glance o'er Hesperia to her utmost cope;
Where streams unknown for other oceans stray,
Where suns unseen their waste of beams display,
Where sires of unborn nations claim their birth,
And ask their empires in those wilds of earth.
While round all eastern climes, with painful eye,
In slavery sunk they see the kingdoms lie,
Whole states exhausted to enrich a throne,
Their fruits untasted and their rights unknown;
Thro tears of grief that speak the well taught mind,
They hail the æra that relieves mankind.

Of these the first, the Gallic sages stand,
And urge their king to lift an aiding hand.
The cause of humankind their souls inspired,
Columbia's wrongs their indignation fired;
To share her fateful deeds their counsel moved,
To base in practice what in theme they proved:
That no proud privilege from birth can spring,
No right divine, nor compact form a king;
That in the people dwells the sovereign sway,
Who rule by proxy, by themselves obey;

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I think a good scene in a movie would be where one scientist tells another scientist, 'You know what will save the world You're holding it in your hand.' And the other scientist looks, and in his hand are peanuts. Then when he looks up, the first scientist is being taken away to the insane asylum.

in Deep ThoughtsReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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All The Time In The World

All God's secrets to unravel,
That was his holy quest...
First the secret of time travel,
Would make folks most impressed.
The scientist spent many years,
Inventing wondrous things
And he got praise from all his peers
And, oh, what joy that brings...

Time travel was a hidden truth
Within God's precious plan...
The scientist misspent his youth,
Such is the plight of Man....
But suddenly the truth was known!
He knew it could be done!
As if by God it had been shown,
Energy from the Sun!

And so the man looked at the sky
To see the Sun above,
Considered all that energy
And knew it was enough!
When NASA heard his plan unfold,
They sent him on his way!
But Russian spies were very bold
And kidnapped him that day!

The Russians interviewed him soon,
Gave everything he'd need...
At first, they flew him to the moon
To help him to succeed...
The spaceship left the moon and went
Towards the Sun that shone,
As if the Russians were Hell-bent,
As they for months were gone...

Then suddenly the past was changed!
New timelines were enforced!
A billion human lives were changed
With energy they sourced...
Success at last, yet at a price!
The scientist was thrilled,
Yet then there was a sacrifice...
The scientist was killed...

The Russians kept the secret hid
Until I found it out!
And when they learnt the things I did,
They chased me all about!
That's why through time I travelled back!

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Soul Almighty

[Bob Marley]
Hey happy people, this here is something new
I know you're gonna like it
So let me tell you what we're gonna do
Souls almighty [uh]
Don't you know we got the rhythm
Souls almighty [oh]
We are willing
Funky, Funky Chicken [ooh]
And the Mashed Potato
Do the Alligator
Let's do it together
Souls almighty
Do you dig me ya'll
Souls almighty, my soul is raw
[ooh-ee yeah]
Get yourself together
In any kind of weather
Things will be mighty better
If you get it together [witness]
Souls almighty [ooh]
Don't you know we got the rhythm
Souls almighty [exactly when baby]
[You're not with him]
Get yourself, yourself together
In any kind of weather [I'll come home baby]
Things will be mighty better
If we, if we get it together
Souls, don't you know we got the rhythm
Hit it brother
Souls Almighty
O' baby, when you're not with him
Funky, Funky Chicken
And the Mashed Potato [oh]
Do the Alligator
Do it together ya'll [uh]
Shocks of [mighty]
Souls and shocks, souls and shocks
We got, we got, we got the rhythm
Sing your song brother
My baby's with him, ooh
Get yourself together
In any kind of weather
Things will be mighty better

song performed by Bob MarleyReport problemRelated quotes
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Vision Of Columbus - Book 6

Naval action of De Grasse and Graves. Capture of Cornwallis..
Thus view'd the sage. When, lo, in eastern skies,
From glooms unfolding, Gallia's coasts arise.
Bright o'er the scenes of state, a golden throne,
Instarr'd with gems and hung with purple, shone.
Great Louis there, the pride of monarchs, sate,
And fleets and moving armies round him wait;
O'er western shores extend his ardent eyes,
Thro' glorious toils where struggling nations rise;
Each virtuous deed, each new illustrious name,
Wakes in his soul the living light of fame.
He sees the liberal, universal cause,
That wondering worlds in still attention draws;
And marks, beyond, through western walks of day,
Where midnight suns their happier beams display,
What sires of unborn nations claim their birth,
And ask their empires in that waste of earth.
Then o'er the eastern world he turn'd his eye;
Where, sunk in slavery hapless kingdoms lie;
Saw realms exhausted to enrich a throne,
Their fruits untasted and their rights unknown:
A tear of pity spoke his melting mind–
He raised his sceptre to relieve mankind,
Eyed the great father of the Bourbon name,
Awaked his virtues and recall'd his fame.
Fired by the grandeur of the splendid throne,
Illustrious chiefs and councils round him shone;
On the glad youth with kindling joy they gaze,
The rising heir of universal praise.
Vergennes rose stately o'er the noble throng,
And fates of nations on his accents hung;
Columbia's wrongs his indignation fired,
And generous thoughts his glowing breast inspired;
To aid her infant toils his counsel moved,
In freedom founded and by Heaven approved.
While other peers, in sacred virtue bold,
With eager voice the coming scenes unfold;
Surrounding heroes wait the monarch's word,
In foreign fields to draw the glittering sword,
Prepared with joy to trace the distant main,
Mix in the strife and join the martial train;
Who now assert the rights of sovereign power,
And build new empires on the western shore.
O'er all, the approving monarch cast a look,
And listening nations trembled while he spoke.
Ye states of France, and, ye of rising name,
That work those distant miracles of fame,
Hear and attend; let Heaven the witness bear,
We lift the sword, we aid the righteous war.
Let leagues eternal bind each friendly land,

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The Shepherds Calendar - July

Daughter of pastoral smells and sights
And sultry days and dewy nights
July resumes her yearly place
Wi her milking maiden face
Ruddy and tand yet sweet to view
When everywhere's a vale of dew
And raps it round her looks that smiles
A lovly rest to daily toils
Wi last months closing scenes and dins
Her sultry beaming birth begins

Hay makers still in grounds appear
And some are thinning nearly clear
Save oddly lingering shocks about
Which the tithman counteth out
Sticking their green boughs where they go
The parsons yearly claims to know
Which farmers view wi grudging eye
And grumbling drive their waggons bye
In hedge bound close and meadow plains
Stript groups of busy bustling swains
From all her hants wi noises rude
Drives to the wood lands solitude
That seeks a spot unmarkd wi paths
Far from the close and meadow swaths
Wi smutty song and story gay
They cart the witherd smelling hay
Boys loading on the waggon stand
And men below wi sturdy hand
Heave up the shocks on lathy prong
While horse boys lead the team along
And maidens drag the rake behind
Wi light dress shaping to the wind
And trembling locks of curly hair
And snow white bosoms nearly bare
That charms ones sight amid the hay
Like lingering blossoms of the may
From clowns rude jokes they often turn
And oft their cheeks wi blushes burn
From talk which to escape a sneer
They oft affect as not to hear
Some in the nooks about the ground
Pile up the stacks swelld bellying round
The milking cattles winter fare
That in the snow are fodderd there
Warm spots wi black thorn thickets lind
And trees to brake the northern wind
While masters oft the sultry hours
Will urge their speed and talk of showers
When boy from home trotts to the stack

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Political Scientist

He is drinking water from the faucet from the river
From the tributary it comes through rusted pipes
Outside his window he sees the water that's supposed to be clean
By the chemicals polluted by the candy factory lines
Someplace on the edge of town
Someplace on the edge of town
Is where they live --
Political scientists
So now she is crawling on her hands and her knees
She is dirtying her jeans choking on her own perfume
With a pen she writes below the sink in someone's restaurant
This place is inconvenient for my name
She forgets to write it anyway
She forgets to write it anyway
The government supplies the cocaine
Political scientists
There's no guarantees
There's no guarantees
There's no guarantees
Banging hard upon a crooked drum
She feels them tearing down Salvation Army houses back in Michigan
Her husband's divorced but he treats her that way of course
Because he needs her just like he needs medicine
She forgets to write him anyway
She forgets to write him anyway
What's red and white and nearly over
Political scientist
Political scientist
Political scientist
There's no guarantees
There's no guarantees
There's no guarantees

song performed by Ryan AdamsReport problemRelated quotes
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The Problem of the Idea

The Philosopher:

'The Problem of the 21st century
is the problem of the Origins of the Idea.'

The Idea has driven much
of human history-
a major motivator
many taken together are
Ideas compose all Human Dreams.

But ask what is this Idea
and silence ensues;
ask where is it
in the human mind
and we'll get charts of its activity centers
but nothing about what it is
or where it comes from.

The Scientist:

Well, we don't have to know what a thing is
to utilize it.
We can identify behaviors and integrate
harness them to purpose.


Sure like the Atomic Bomb. It was built because
we could integrate various disciplines
and make things go bang
without thinking of Consequence.
technical Ideas-too have consequences.


So you would hold up all human progress
until the over-arching Idea comes along
before we act?

Ah, but note that progress that destroys
the planet is not
progress at all
but only a blind mistake;
one I might add,
that did not have
an Idea or Clue

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Speak to him in his tongue.

A scientist told a farmer
About a pesticide’s use, saying
“Efficacy of it is indisputable
but its residue is incompatible”
The farmer took it to mean
that it is good to use and used it.

Alarmed, the scientist went to him
And warned him not to use it
And if he does, the consumers would suffer.
“Don’t use it. It saves the crop
but will kill the stomach of eaters”,
the scientist told him in plain words.
The farmer understood and threw it.
You be in his language to a layman.
23.12.2000, Pmdi

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Carbon Dating

Are we not in the first years of dating
Does a boy know how to handle
While his hands are yet fumbling
Didn't he promise to make her honest
And the next hour change his mind

This is the scientist's suicide
Carbon dating

i heard rumors of a set date
And while the rumor was yet being spread
It was proclaimed the truth

And this truth was spread all throughout
And by the evening another rumor was brewed

And the next day of school yeasterday's
Truth was a lie
You see how school and scientists lack
The knowledge of basic english

A new date is set
Thou the date is different from yesterday's
Today it is printed and pressed
Insomuch that children are pronounced dunce
If they do not subscribe the new date on a a test

The scientist is school's hero
Once it was God
Once children were caresed by the truth

But school has wanted a divorce
And now our children are handled by scientist boy's
Fumbling hands

And they ask

Why is our nation broken?

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Rolling The Eyes

Stephen struggled not to roll his eyes,
Built on the ground, his legs sprouted.
Being friendly his fire came from the heart,
Guns were from his soldiery a lesson
To the brave and the oxen who invaded.
His eyes gained sight every now and then,
After the shocks the eyes repainted the scene.
The shocks gravely impaired Stephen,
On the sloping ground, on the carved land.

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Let's Do It

Birds do it, bees do it
Even educated fleas do it
Let's do it, let's fall in love
In spain, the best upper sets do it
Lithuanians and letts do it
Let's do it, let's fall in love
The dutch in old amsterdam do it
Not to mention the fins
Folks in siam do it - think of siamese twins
Some argentines, without means, do it
People say in boston even beans do it
Let's do it, let's fall in love
Romantic sponges, they say, do it
Oysters down in oyster bay do it
Let's do it, let's fall in love
Cold cape cod clams, 'gainst their wish, do it
Even lazy jellyfish, do it
Let's do it, let's fall in love
Electric eels i might add do it
Though it shocks em i know
Why ask if shad do it - waiter bring me
"shad roe"
In shallow shoals english soles do it
Goldfish in the privacy of bowls do it
Let's do it, let's fall in love
Transcribed (from the stated recording) by todd peach
Other verses i've seen in print follow:
In old japan, all the japs do it
Up in lapland little laps do it
Let's do it, let's fall in love
The chimpanzees in the zoos do it
Some courageous kangaroos do it
Let's do it, let's
Fall in love
I'm sure giraffes on the sly do it
Even eagles as they fly do it
Let's do it, let's fall
In love
Electric eels i might add do it
Though it shocks em i know
Why ask if shad do it - garcon de
"shad roe"
The world admits bears in pits do it
Even pekingeses at the ritz do it
Let's do it, let's
Fall in love
The royal set sans regret did it
And they considered it fun
Marie antoinette did it -
With or without napoleon

song performed by Ella FitzgeraldReport problemRelated quotes
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I Know The Truth

(duet with elton john)
How have I come to this
How did I slip and fall
How did I throw half a lifetime away
Without any thought at all
This shouldve been my time
Its over, it never began
Facing a world, for once not on my side
I simply turned and ran
I try to blame it on fortune
Some kind of twist in my fate
But I know the truth and it haunts me
I learned it a little too late
I know the truth and it mocks me
I know the truth and it shocks me
I learned it a little too late
People have faith in me
I think I once did too
I promise whoever has a hold on our lives
Ill see the bad times through
This should have been my time
Its over, it never began
Facing a world, for once not on my side
I simply turned and ran
I try to blame it on fortune
Some kind of shift in the stars
But I know the truth and it haunts me
Its flown just a little too far
I know the truth and it mocks me
I know the truth and it shocks me
Its flown just a little too far
I try to blame it on fortune
Some kind of twist in my fate
But I know the truth and it haunts me
I learned it a little too late

song performed by Janet JacksonReport problemRelated quotes
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Canto the Fourth


I stood in Venice, on the Bridge of Sighs;
A palace and a prison on each hand:
I saw from out the wave her structures rise
As from the stroke of the enchanter’s wand:
A thousand years their cloudy wings expand
Around me, and a dying glory smiles
O’er the far times when many a subject land
Looked to the wingèd Lion’s marble piles,
Where Venice sate in state, throned on her hundred isles!


She looks a sea Cybele, fresh from ocean,
Rising with her tiara of proud towers
At airy distance, with majestic motion,
A ruler of the waters and their powers:
And such she was; her daughters had their dowers
From spoils of nations, and the exhaustless East
Poured in her lap all gems in sparkling showers.
In purple was she robed, and of her feast
Monarchs partook, and deemed their dignity increased.


In Venice, Tasso’s echoes are no more,
And silent rows the songless gondolier;
Her palaces are crumbling to the shore,
And music meets not always now the ear:
Those days are gone - but beauty still is here.
States fall, arts fade - but Nature doth not die,
Nor yet forget how Venice once was dear,
The pleasant place of all festivity,
The revel of the earth, the masque of Italy!


But unto us she hath a spell beyond
Her name in story, and her long array
Of mighty shadows, whose dim forms despond
Above the dogeless city’s vanished sway;
Ours is a trophy which will not decay
With the Rialto; Shylock and the Moor,
And Pierre, cannot be swept or worn away -
The keystones of the arch! though all were o’er,
For us repeopled were the solitary shore.


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poem by from Childe Harold's Pilgrimage (1818)Report problemRelated quotes
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Childe Harold's Pilgrimage: A Romaunt. Canto IV.

I stood in Venice, on the Bridge of Sighs;
A palace and a prison on each hand:
I saw from out the wave her structures rise
As from the stroke of the enchanter's wand:
A thousand years their cloudy wings expand
Around me, and a dying Glory smiles
O'er the far times, when many a subject land
Look'd to the winged Lion's marble piles,
Where Venice sate in state, thron'd on her hundred isles!

She looks a sea Cybele, fresh from ocean,
Rising with her tiara of proud towers
At airy distance, with majestic motion,
A ruler of the waters and their powers:
And such she was; her daughters had their dowers
From spoils of nations, and the exhaustless East
Pour'd in her lap all gems in sparkling showers.
In purple was she rob'd, and of her feast
Monarchs partook, and deem'd their dignity increas'd.

In Venice Tasso's echoes are no more,
And silent rows the songless gondolier;
Her palaces are crumbling to the shore,
And music meets not always now the ear:
Those days are gone -- but Beauty still is here.
States fall, arts fade -- but Nature doth not die,
Nor yet forget how Venice once was dear,
The pleasant place of all festivity,
The revel of the earth, the masque of Italy!

But unto us she hath a spell beyond
Her name in story, and her long array
Of mighty shadows, whose dim forms despond
Above the dogeless city's vanish'd sway;
Ours is a trophy which will not decay
With the Rialto; Shylock and the Moor,
And Pierre, cannot be swept or worn away --
The keystones of the arch! though all were o'er,
For us repeopl'd were the solitary shore.

The beings of the mind are not of clay;
Essentially immortal, they create
And multiply in us a brighter ray
And more belov'd existence: that which Fate
Prohibits to dull life, in this our state

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Sad eyes

I could read nothing on her face
But eyes could speak with grace
Intense struggle was going on in her mind
Yet her face revealed nothing for me to find

She had resolve of steel metal
Her husband had died of an accident which proved fatal
She could hardly think of anything now to settle
She was on decline and loosing her rose petals

She must be facing now lot many problems
Something struck to remind her of grave troubles
People may try their level to pound on her flash
Soon she may be heading for an open war or clash

Life is not bed of roses for all persons
Some people are blessed with support from sons
Some are looked after well by circumstances
Many are lucky not to have experienced such things even at once

She was not that lucky to have enough support
She may murmur and say when will reach her ship at the port
I listened to these words with much pain
But had no solution to relieve her from drain

She spoke to me with intense projection
She was not leaving the field by inaction
I saw in her eyes thunder storms and lightening
Nothing could deter her now from hardening

She had her own sphere, space and cover
I read her resolve to carry on and move further
No person was expected in her life to explore
I feared nothing unusual coming from her

Some people may loose courage if receive shocks after shocks
Luck also will be sending troubles in bundles from its stocks
It is seen and observed that ill luck would try everything to finish
But strong people may face it bravely and simply not perish

She was from fine blend and held very good character
Many times she would claim her self as an actor
I thought of great circus where each one is expected to play part
With magnificent acts, independent from each other as an art

I made little survey of human feeling
What will be the most fearsome act and almost killing?
I thought of illogical fear with devastating effects
Not realizing the unavoidable circumstances in fact

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