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The same people who can deny others everything are famous for refusing themselves nothing.

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Fundamental of Liar Chapter CXIII: Denial

Deny it with smile, deny it with silence
Deny it with elegance, deny it with distraction
Deny it with anger, deny it with challenge
Deny it with promise, deny it with comfort
Deny it with tear, deny it with emotion
Deny it with effort, deny it with cruelty
Deny it with forget, deny it with indifferent
Deny it with joke, deny it with lie

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Famous Groupies

All stand back, let the people see
Take a snap of the famous groupies for me
Behold the famous groupies
They are alike as two peas
And where the other goes, the other goes
But though the famous groupies
Are only paid in rupies
Nobody knows what the famous groupies know
And nobody goes where the famous groupies go
There was a bango player
Who kept an extra layer
Of dunlopillo mattress in his van
But when the famous groupies
Arived with their twin snoopies
Nobody saw which way the poor boy ran
Nobody does it like a famous groupie can
All stand back, let the people see
Take a snap of the famous groupies for me
There was a lead guitarist
Who lived in epping forest
And all he ever wanted was to blow
When the girls were with him
He never lost his rhythm
And nobody knows what the famous groupies know
Nobody goes where the famous groupies go
There was a classic story
Of a roadic nicknamed rory
Who used to practice voodoo on the side
When the famous twosome
Suggested something gruesome
All that they found was a crater two miles wide
Which left the music business absolutely horrified
Ladies and gentlemen, those magnificent examples of
Female pulchritude and luminosity, direct from their
Global perambulations to the very boards of this
Supremely magnificent proscenium arch - ladies and
Gentlemen; I give you famous groupies!

song performed by Paul McCartneyReport problemRelated quotes
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I Wont Deny You

Written by chuck jackson and marvin yancy
Hmm...., well, well, well, well, well
The mailman smiled as he handed me the news, tell you chil
I nearly jumped out of my shoes, the postcard read returning home tonight
My body jumped with pure delight, I know youre gonna need
Some tender lovin care, whatever you need you know Ill be right there
(honey I wont deny you) thats one thing honey, that Ill never, never do
(honey, I wont deny you) you took care of me, Ill take of you
(doot, doot, doo, doo, doo) now when Im down (repeat doo, doo)
You make me feel better, and your love for me really keeps me together
Come rain or shine, night or day, whenever you call me itll be okay
If you wanna stop by cause youre in the neighborhood
Or if you want me to make you feel real good (repeat honey I wont deny you)
Oh, no (I wont deny you) thats one thing Ill never do to you
You took care of me, Ill take care of you (doot, doot, doo, doo, doo)
You know my body hungers for you and I know thats right
And when I cant get it, I get so uptight, here by my side
Is where you aught to be if you bring your lovin home to me
(repeat honey I wont deny you) i, thats one thing Ill never do to you
I wont, cause you took care of me and Ill take care of you, oh, yeah, yeah
Musical interlude
Yeah, yeah, yeah, oh, (I wont deny you, I wont deny you)
Here by my side is where you aught to be, if you bring your lovin home to me
I (I wont deny you, honey I wont deny you) thats one thing Ill never do, no
(I wont deny you) i, I wont deny you, I wont deny you, I wont deny you,
(doo, doo, doo, doo, doo) I wont deny you

song performed by Natalie ColeReport problemRelated quotes
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The Pastime of Pleasure : The First Part.

Here begynneth the passe tyme of pleasure.

Ryyght myghty prynce / & redoubted souerayne
Saylynge forthe well / in the shyppe of grace
Ouer the wawes / of this lyfe vncertayne
Ryght towarde heuen / to haue dwellynge place
Grace dothe you guyde / in euery doubtfull cace
Your gouernaunce / dothe euermore eschewe
The synne of slouthe / enemy to vertewe
Grace stereth well / the grace of god is grete
Whiche you hathe brought / to your ryall se
And in your ryght / it hath you surely sette
Aboue vs all / to haue the soueraynte
Whose worthy power / and regall dygnyte
All our rancour / and our debate and ceace
Hath to vs brought / bothe welthe reste and peace
Frome whome dyscendeth / by the ryghtfull lyne
Noble pryuce Henry / to succede the crowne
That in his youthe / dothe so clerely shyne
In euery vertu / castynge the vyce adowne
He shall of fame / attayne the hye renowne
No doubte but grace / shall hym well enclose
Whiche by trewe ryght / sprange of the reed rose
Your noble grace / and excellent hyenes
For to accepte / I beseche ryght humbly
This lytell boke / opprest with rudenes
Without rethorycke / or colour crafty
Nothynge I am / experte in poetry
As the monke of Bury / floure of eloquence
Whiche was in tyme / of grete excellence
Of your predecessour / the .v. kynge henry
Vnto whose grace / he dyde present
Ryght famous bokes / of parfyte memory
Of his faynynge with termes eloquent
Whose fatall fyccyons / are yet permanent
Grounded on reason / with clowdy fygures
He cloked the trouthe / of all his scryptures
The lyght of trouthe / I lacke connynge to cloke
To drawe a curtayne / I dare not to presume
Nor hyde my mater / with a mysty smoke
My rudenes connynge / dothe so sore cōsume
Yet as I maye / I shall blowe out a fume
To hyde my mynde / vnderneth a fable
By conuert colour / well and probable
Besechynge your grace / to pardon myne ignoraunce
Whiche this fayned fable / to eschewe ydlenesse
Hane so compyled / now without doubtaunce
For to present / to your hye worthynesse
To folowe the trace / and all the parfytenesse
Of my mayster Lydgate / with due exercyse

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Shes Famous Now

Ive got the measles and she got the mumps
Im sick of waiting by the door in case she comes home
You wont believe it but dont you want to know
I let her go but I cant let her go
I dont wanna hear it
Im singin too high tonight, Im gonna lose my voice
I heard her on the radio dont want to sing along, but Ive got no choice
She used to be my girl but now shes famous (shes famous now)
She used to be my girl but now she is famous (shes famous now)
She was just so sweet and now theyre fallin at her feet
She used to be my girl but now shes-
I eat the muscle and she eats the leaves
High cholesterol and heart disease yea
Youll never touch the way that I feel
Just for the record she got the deal
I dont wanna hear it
Im saying goodbye tonight, I just cant stand the noise
Shes signin autographs, dont wanna say I know her but Ive got no choice
She used to be my girl but now shes famous (shes famous now)
She used to be my girl but now shes famous (shes famous now)
She was just so sweet and now theyre fallin at her feet
She used to be my girl but now shes-
Well shes like me, just not as ugly
She used to be my girl but now shes famous (shes famous now)
She used to be my girl but now shes-
She was just so sweet
She was just so sweet
She was just so sweet and now theyre fallin at her feet
She used to be my girl but now shes-
Famous now

song performed by Reel Big FishReport problemRelated quotes
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Never Deny You

All the love that we shared
Could never just disapear
And all that we've been through,
I believe in you
III, will never deny you..
III, will never deny you..
III, will never deny you..
III, will never deny you..
friend said to me one day,
I should just forget you,
But my experiance say
What we have is true
Judases, they will betray you,
Thomases, they will doubt you,
Peters, they will deny you,
but iii will never deny you,
All the love that we shared
Could never just dissapear
And all that we've been through
I believe in you
(will never deny you) I wil never deny you
(never deny you) III, will never deny you (deny you)

song performed by Ziggy MarleyReport problemRelated quotes
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Famous Fable

The famous fable,
The famous table,
The famous stable,
The famous cable,
The famous babble,
The famous gable,
The famous parable,
The famous variable
The famous sable;
But, able to crown your love with my muse!
For, you are all that i need.

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All Different, But Still The Same

Some people have short hair, some have long.
Some people have thick hair; some people’s hair is all gone.

Some people have black hair, some have gray.
Some people have brown hair, some blonde, some red.
Some people’s hair a color unsaid.

Some people are short, some people are tall.
Some people will love you; some won’t like you at all.

Some people like hot weather, some like cold.
Some people are timid, some people are bold.
Some people have dark skin, some people have light.
Some people have black skin, some people have white.

Some people eat meat; some won’t touch it at all.
Some people have a good memory, some can’t recall.
Some people accept Christ, some never will.
Some people are stingy, some people give.

Some people like school, some people don’t.
Some people will excel, some people won’t.
Some people smoke cigarettes, some never will.
Some people are honest, some people steal.

Some people have book knowledge;
But don’t know the Holy Book.
Some people burn food, some people can cook.

Some people are old, some people are young.
Some people do smart things, some people do dumb.

Some people just have a diploma
Some people have degrees.
Some people do things slow, some with a breeze.
Some people are complainers, some easy to please.

Some people hate shopping, some stay in the mall.
Some people hate God, but God loves us all.

We are all different, but still the same.

When I get cut, I bleed red;
You get cut, red blood you’ll shed.

Some people are plump, some people are thin.
But we are all the same, we’re all human being.

Copyright © 2010-Phyllis Strong

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The Soldier Of Fortune

"Deny your God!" they ringed me with their spears;
Blood-crazed were they, and reeking from the strife;
Hell-hot their hate, and venom-fanged their sneers,
And one man spat on me and nursed a knife.
And there was I, sore wounded and alone,
I, the last living of my slaughtered band.
Oh sinister the sky, and cold as stone!
In one red laugh of horror reeled the land.
And dazed and desperate I faced their spears,
And like a flame out-leaped that naked knife,
And like a serpent stung their bitter jeers:
"Deny your God, and we will give you life."

Deny my God! Oh life was very sweet!
And it is hard in youth and hope to die;
And there my comrades dear lay at my feet,
And in that blear of blood soon must I lie.
And yet . . . I almost laughed -- it seemed so odd,
For long and long had I not vainly tried
To reason out and body forth my God,
And prayed for light, and doubted -- and denied:
Denied the Being I could not conceive,
Denied a life-to-be beyond the grave. . . .
And now they ask me, who do not believe,
Just to deny, to voice my doubt, to save
This life of mine that sings so in the sun,
The bloom of youth yet red upon my cheek,
My only life! -- O fools! 'tis easy done,
I will deny . . . and yet I do not speak.

"Deny your God!" their spears are all agleam,
And I can see their eyes with blood-lust shine;
Their snarling voices shrill into a scream,
And, mad to slay, they quiver for the sign.
Deny my God! yes, I could do it well;
Yet if I did, what of my race, my name?
How they would spit on me, these dogs of hell!
Spurn me, and put on me the brand of shame.
A white man's honour! what of that, I say?
Shall these black curs cry "Coward" in my face?
They who would perish for their gods of clay --
Shall I defile my country and my race?
My country! what's my country to me now?
Soldier of Fortune, free and far I roam;
All men are brothers in my heart, I vow;
The wide and wondrous world is all my home.
My country! reverent of her splendid Dead,
Her heroes proud, her martyrs pierced with pain:
For me her puissant blood was vainly shed;
For me her drums of battle beat in vain,

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I'm feeling kind of wild I have burned down a house
The pleasure is mine it may be sick and may be wrong
That's why I did it all on my own
Pain in my mind is for no one to find
Geronimo, Geronimo
I'm the world famous Geronimo
Geronimo, Geronimo
I'm a world famous man
The world has gone mad and I'm being bad
To all the people that is feeling sad
Scalps on the wall are the trophies I've made
From all the people that stood in my way
Geronimo, Geronimo
I'm the world famous Geronimo
Geronimo, Geronimo
I'm a world famous man
Someone once said that I'm acting strange
That someone ain't living no more
People get scared when I'm passing by
I am the man who brings fear in Your eyes
Geronimo, Geronimo
I'm the world famous Geronimo
Geronimo, Geronimo
I'm a world famous man
My journey began on the day I was born
Ever since then I've been hunted by a man
With a rifle and star he may give me a scare
Someday I promise to cut of his scalp
Geronimo, Geronimo
I'm the world famous Geronimo
Geronimo, Geronimo
I'm a world famous man

song performed by ZonataReport problemRelated quotes
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The Iliad: Book 2

Now the other gods and the armed warriors on the plain slept
soundly, but Jove was wakeful, for he was thinking how to do honour to
Achilles, and destroyed much people at the ships of the Achaeans. In
the end he deemed it would be best to send a lying dream to King
Agamemnon; so he called one to him and said to it, "Lying Dream, go to
the ships of the Achaeans, into the tent of Agamemnon, and say to
him word to word as I now bid you. Tell him to get the Achaeans
instantly under arms, for he shall take Troy. There are no longer
divided counsels among the gods; Juno has brought them to her own
mind, and woe betides the Trojans."
The dream went when it had heard its message, and soon reached the
ships of the Achaeans. It sought Agamemnon son of Atreus and found him
in his tent, wrapped in a profound slumber. It hovered over his head
in the likeness of Nestor, son of Neleus, whom Agamemnon honoured
above all his councillors, and said:-
"You are sleeping, son of Atreus; one who has the welfare of his
host and so much other care upon his shoulders should dock his
sleep. Hear me at once, for I come as a messenger from Jove, who,
though he be not near, yet takes thought for you and pities you. He
bids you get the Achaeans instantly under arms, for you shall take
Troy. There are no longer divided counsels among the gods; Juno has
brought them over to her own mind, and woe betides the Trojans at
the hands of Jove. Remember this, and when you wake see that it does
not escape you."
The dream then left him, and he thought of things that were,
surely not to be accomplished. He thought that on that same day he was
to take the city of Priam, but he little knew what was in the mind
of Jove, who had many another hard-fought fight in store alike for
Danaans and Trojans. Then presently he woke, with the divine message
still ringing in his ears; so he sat upright, and put on his soft
shirt so fair and new, and over this his heavy cloak. He bound his
sandals on to his comely feet, and slung his silver-studded sword
about his shoulders; then he took the imperishable staff of his
father, and sallied forth to the ships of the Achaeans.
The goddess Dawn now wended her way to vast Olympus that she might
herald day to Jove and to the other immortals, and Agamemnon sent
the criers round to call the people in assembly; so they called them
and the people gathered thereon. But first he summoned a meeting of
the elders at the ship of Nestor king of Pylos, and when they were
assembled he laid a cunning counsel before them.
"My friends," said he, "I have had a dream from heaven in the dead
of night, and its face and figure resembled none but Nestor's. It
hovered over my head and said, 'You are sleeping, son of Atreus; one
who has the welfare of his host and so much other care upon his
shoulders should dock his sleep. Hear me at once, for I am a messenger
from Jove, who, though he be not near, yet takes thought for you and
pities you. He bids you get the Achaeans instantly under arms, for you
shall take Troy. There are no longer divided counsels among the
gods; Juno has brought them over to her own mind, and woe betides
the Trojans at the hands of Jove. Remember this.' The dream then

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poem by , translated by Samuel ButlerReport problemRelated quotes
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Famous Mockingbird

Fly famous mockingbird
Fly famous mockingbird
Fly famous mockingbird
Fly famous mockingbird
Fly famous mockingbird
The next morning at the camp errand wolfe and rutherford stood frozen in awe as the famous mockingbird flew out of the sky and laid the helping friendly book at their feet. the quest for the book had dragged on for so many years that its sudden appearance left the men staring in disbelief, unsure of what their next move should be. the shock wore off quickly though, and errand wolfe shot into high gear. he snatched up the book with one hand and the famous mockingbird with the other, and began to inform rutherford of his plan. he would first kill wilson, and then put the helping friendly book to work for him.
With rutherfords aid he fastened the famous mockingbird to a pole, with glue and rubber bands, to insure the secrecy of his mission, and then set out to find the only man in gamehendge who could handle the job of eliminating a king.

song performed by PhishReport problemRelated quotes
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Rudyard Kipling

A School Song

Prelude to "Stalky & Co."

"Let us now praise famous men"--
Men of little showing--
For their work continueth,
And their work continueth,
Broad and deep continues,
Greater then their knowing!

Western wind and open surge
Took us from our mothers--
Flung us on a naked shore
(Twelve bleak houses by the shore.
Seven summers by the shore! )
'Mid two hundred brothers.

There we met with famous men
Set in office o'er us;
And they beat on us with rods--
Faithfully with many rods--
Daily beat us on with rods,
For the love they bore us!

Out of Egypt unto Troy--
Over Himalaya--
Far and sure our bands have gone--
Hy-Brazil or Babylon,
Islands of the Southern Run,
And Cities of Cathaia!

And we all praise famous men--
Ancients of the College;
For they taught us common sense--
Tried to teach us common sense--
Truth and God's Own Common Sense,
Which is more than knowledge!

Each degree of Latitude
Strung about Creation
Seeth one or more of us
(Of one muster each of us),
Diligent in that he does,
Keen in his vocation.

This we learned from famous men,
Knowing not its uses,
When they showed, in daily work--
Man must finish off his work--
Right or wrong, his daily work--

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It's Not What You Think

Lee Thompson Young: Well saving is the game,
Silverstone is the name... Secret Agent Status...
Day starts early and he's on the move
He has to have breakfast in his dressing room
Knock, knock 5 minutes to chew
Go to make up then it's time to hear,
Take 1, take 2 everybody's telling him what to do
It's a great big price to pay to be the man
So listen to what I have to say
It's not what you think when you see him roll
In the limo down the street baby you should know
That everything that ain't gold.
(he's the famous Jett Jackson)
It's not what you think cuz when he's all alone
Reminices 'bout the past and he finds himself
Trying to go back home.
(he's the famous Jett Jackson)
He thinks about what he used to be back home
Everything was quiet, nothing really going on
Talking to his peeps on the telephone
Now his life has changed nothing is the same
He took it to the next level, now he's gotta keep it all together
It's not what you think when you see him roll
In the limo down the street baby you should know
That everything that ain't gold.
(he's the famous Jett Jackson)
It's not what you think cuz when he's all alone
Reminices 'bout the past and he finds himself
Trying to go back home.
(he's the famous Jett Jackson)
(RAP) Silverstone is the code name
and if saving the world was a basketball game
only the stakes were higher
The only difference between me and MJ would be that I haven't yet retired
(still in the game)
Articles and track team the way that I inspire
Villans and thugs for hire to run like somebody set their socks on fire
Evil doers know by now to say,"aww man he's cocked his eyebrow
This cat's about to say goodbye now find a place to lie down
Duck and cover cuz he's sharper than a diamond cutter
Slicker than a stick of butter",
But even the best of the best can't work alone
So as far as sidekicks go Hawk's is one of the nicest and
Artimus supplies us with expensive and high tech devices
But in comparison my lop-sided grin is still priceless
The best secret agent that mankind's no mystery
It's not what you think when you see him roll
In the limo down the street baby you should know
That everything that ain't gold.
(he's the famous Jett Jackson)

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song performed by YoungstownReport problemRelated quotes
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Winin Boy

Im the winin boy, dont you deny my name.
Im the winin boy, dont you deny my name,
Now my name.
Well, Im the winin boy, dont you deny my name,
I pick it up and shake it like sweet stavin chain.
Mm, the winin boy, dont deny now my name.
Now mama mama, mama look at sis.
Oh, mama mama, take a look at little sis,
Look at sis.
Well now mama mama, mama take a look at sis,
Lord, shes out on the levee doin the double twist,
Mm, the winin boy, dont you deny now my name.
Im the winin boy, now dont you deny my name.
Im the winin boy, dont you deny my name,
Now my name.
Lord, Im the winin boy, dont you deny my name,
Ill pick it up and shake it, lord, like sweet stavin chain
Mm, the winin boy, dont you deny now my name.

song performed by Janis JoplinReport problemRelated quotes
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Some People

Some people seem to have it all
Some people always have to crawl
Some people pay to be abused
Some people end up destitute
Some people search their souls for truth
Some people try to be of use
Some people pray before they kill
Some people kill just for the thrill
Some people follow one mans vision, some others die on television
Some people build their homes on sand, some people live in garbage cans
Some people think that live is dear, some people hope the end is near
Some people fight for right to life, some people hate to stay alive
Some people dream of life on mars, some people end their life in cars
Some people throw their lives away, some others go on holidays
Some people live and love in vain, some people dont and go insane
Some people always need to win, some other people love to sin
Some people breaking all their vows, some people slashing sacred cows
Some people like to worship stars, some people think the worlds a farce
Some people try to make ends meet, some others end up kissing feet
Some people find their holy grail, some other people go to hell
Some people never catch their breath, some people drink themselves to death
Some people seem to have it all, some people always have to crawl
Some people pay to be abused, some people end up destitute
Some people search their souls for truth
Some people try to be of use
Some people

song performed by AlphavilleReport problemRelated quotes
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Ordinary People

In a dusty town a clock struck high noon, two men stood face to face.
One wore black and one wore white, but of fear there wasnt a trace.
Two hundred years later two hot rods drag through the very same place,
And a half a million people
Moved in to pick up the pace, a factory full of people.
Makin parts to go to outer space, a train load of people.
They were aimin for another place, out of town people.
Theres a man in the window with a big cigar, says everythings for sale.
The house and the boat and the railroad car, the owners gotta go to jail.
He acquired these things from a life of crime, now hes selling them to raise his bail.
He was rippin off the people.
Sellin guns to the underground, tryin to help the people.
Lose their ass for a piece of ground, rippin off the people.
Skimmin the top when there was no one around, tryin to help the people.
He was dealing antiques in a hardware store but he sure had a lot to hide.
He had a backroom full of the guns of war and a ton of ammunition besides.
Well, he walked with a cane, kept a bolt on the door with five pit bulls inside,
Just a warning to the people
Who might try to break in at night, protection from the people.
Selling safety in the darkest night, tryin to help the people.
Get the drugs to the street all right, ordinary people.
Well, its hard to say where a man goes wrong, might be here and it might be there.
What starts out weak might get too strong, if you cant tell foul from fair.
But its hard to judge from an angry throng of hands stretched into the air,
The vigilante people.
Takin law into their own hands, conscientious people.
Crackin down on the druglords land, government people.
Confiscatin all the dealers land, patch-of-ground people.
Down at the factory, theyre puttin new windows in.
The vandals made a mess of things, and the homeless just walked right in.
Well, they worked here once, and they live here now, but they might work here again,
Theyre ordinary people.
And theyre livin in a nightmare, hard workin people.
And they dont know how they go there, ordinary people.
And they think that you dont care, hard workin people.
Down on the assembly line, they keep puttin the same thing out.
But the people today, they just aint buyin, nobody can figure it out.
Well, they try like hell to build a quality end, theyre workin hard without a doubt,
Theyre ordinary people.
And the dollars what its all about, hard workin people.
But the customers are walkin out, lee iacocca people.
Yeah, they look but they just dont buy, hard workin people.
Two out of work models and a fashion slave try to dance away the michelob night.
The bartender poured himself another drink, while two drunks sat watchin the fight.
The champ went down, then he got up again, and then he went out like a light,
He was fightin for the people.
But his timing wasnt right, for las vegas people
Who came to see a las vegas fight, high rollin people.
Takin limos though the neon night, fightin for the people.
And then a new rolls royce and a company car they went flyin down the street.

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song performed by Neil YoungReport problemRelated quotes
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That Little Hole

Some people keep their love in a safe, then forget the combination
Some people think life's a masquerade ball, keeping up with the latest fashion
Some people sell dreams like rag magazines, on the busy fast food city street corners
Some people give, some people take, Some people share, some people fake
And they all believe their mouths to be religion, I ask you who puts their faith in that little hole

Me, I’m happy to be breathing
with both feet on the ground

Some people hide from the world and it’s charms, others flee from its tragedy
Some people wish for a place to call home while they kill off every living thing they see
Some people await the rapture and fate, others are simply looking for the cure
Some people lead some people follow, some people spit, some people swallow
And they all believe their mouths to be religion, I ask you who puts their faith in that little hole

Me, I’m happy to be breathing

Some people search for Utopia and peace, but never seem to laugh
Some people forgot what it’s like to be young, having grown up much to fast
Some people preach salvation and hope to anyone willing to pay
Some people judge to quick, some never judge at all, some people climb, some are simply happy to fall
And they all believe their mouths to be religion, I ask you who puts their faith in that little hole

Me, I’m happy to be breathing
with both feet on the ground

Some people feel the mirror holds the key, to their tomorrows and prosperity
Some people are sealed off from the world by their hearts, their leaders, or their personality
Some people are like cannibals, they devour what they need and move on
Some people are criminals trying to make ends meet, steeling from others trying to make ends meet
And they all believe their mouths to be religion, I ask you who puts their faith in that little hole

Me, I’m happy to be breathing
with both feet on the ground

Some people feel its much more real, to chase rainbows on canvass painted skies
Some people think their shit don’t stink, some have the trust of a saint and tell lies
Some people’s minds react like a nuclear bomb, some people are one with the galaxy
Some people die as they lived, others live as they die, some never give up hope, others don’t even try
And they all believe their mouths to be religion, I ask you who puts their faith in that little hole

Some people wear their hearts on their sleeve, others forget what it means to be free
Some people speak of friendships and love, but don’t know what it means to be a friend
Some people search for enlightenment in the stars, in tea leaves, other find it floating in a glass
Some people smile, some people cry, some people live, some people try
And they all believe their mouths to be religion, I ask you who puts their faith in that little hole

Some people are afraid to take risks, or to be anything they wish until they die
Some people love the sound of their voice, some talk more than they listen
Some people don’t suffer fools only to find the jokes on them

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Virginia's Story

Elizabeth Gates-Wooten is my Grand mom.

She was born in Canada with her father and brothers.
They owned a Barber Shoppe.
I don't remember exactly where in Canada.
I believe it was right over the border like Windsor or Toronto.
I never knew exactly where it was.

When she was old enough she got married.

First, she married a man by the name of Frank Gates.
He was from Madagascar.
He fathered my mom and her brother and sister.
The boy's name was Frank Gates, Jr.
Two girls name were Anna and Agnes.

Agnes was my mother.

Frank Gates went crazy after the war
He drank a lot and died
Then grandma Elizabeth married a man by the name of Mr. Wooten.
He had a German name, but I don't think he was German.
She took his last name after they got married.

Then they moved to West Virginia in the United States.

Their son, Frank Gates Jr. Became a delegate in the democratic party.
He use to get into a lot of trouble because he liked to fight.
He was a delegate from the 1940's to 1970's.
He died of gout in the 1970's.

Anna was a maid and cook.

She baked cakes and stuff for people as a side line.
She had a hump on her back (scoliosis) .
She had to walk with a cane.
She could cook good though.
She did this kind of work all of her life, just like her mom, Elizabeth

They were both good cooks

They had a lot of money because they had these skills
Especially when people had parties.
Because they would make all of this food and then they would have left-overs.
We got to eat a lot of stuff we normally wouldn't get because of that.
When they cooked, they didn't use no measuring stuff, they would just use there hand.

My moms name was Agnes Barrie Gates.

She married James Wright and moved to Cleveland.

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Exodus (Laswell Mix)

[Bob Marley]
Exodus: Movement of Jah people! Oh-oh-oh, yea-eah!
Men and people will fight ya down (Tell me why!)
When ya see Jah light. (Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!)
Let me tell you if you're not wrong; (Then, why?)
Everything is all right.
So we gonna walk - all right! - through de roads of creation:
We the generation (Tell me why!)
(Trod through great tribulation) trod through great tribulation.
Exodus, all right! Movement of Jah people!
Oh, yeah! O-oo, yeah! All right!
Exodus: Movement of Jah people! Oh, yeah!
Yeah-yeah-yeah, well!
Uh! Open your eyes and look within:
Are you satisfied (with the life you're living)? Uh!
We know where we're going, uh!
We know where we're from.
We're leaving Babylon,
We're going to our Father land.
2, 3, 4: Exodus: movement of Jah people! Oh, yeah!
(Movement of Jah people!) Send us another brother Moses!
(Movement of Jah people!) From across the Red Sea!
(Movement of Jah people!) Send us another brother Moses!
(Movement of Jah people!) From across the Red Sea!
Movement of Jah people!
/Instrumental break/
Exodus, all right! Oo-oo-ooh! Oo-ooh!
Movement of Jah people! Oh, yeah!
Exodus! All right!
Exodus! Now, now, now, now!
Exodus! Oh, yea-ea-ea-ea-ea-ea-eah!
Exodus! All right!
Exodus! Uh-uh-uh-uh!
Move! Move! Move! Move! Move! Move!
Open your eyes and look within:
Are you satisfied with the life you're living?
We know where we're going;
We know where we're from.
We're leaving Babylon, y'all!
We're going to our Father's land.
Exodus, all right! Movement of Jah people!
Exodus: movement of Jah people!
Movement of Jah people!
Movement of Jah people!

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song performed by Bob MarleyReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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