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American Sniper [I Just Want to Get the Bad Guys]

Cast: Bradley Cooper, Luke Grimes

clip from American Sniper, directed by Clint Eastwood, screenplay, inspired by Chris Kyle (2014)Report problemRelated quotes
Added by Veronica Serbanoiu
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Michael: A Pastoral Poem

If from the public way you turn your steps
Up the tumultuous brook of Greenhead Ghyll,
You will suppose that with an upright path
Your feet must struggle; in such bold ascent
The pastoral mountains front you, face to face.
But, courage! for around that boisterous brook
The mountains have all opened out themselves,
And made a hidden valley of their own.
No habitation can be seen; but they
Who journey thither find themselves alone
With a few sheep, with rocks and stones, and kites
That overhead are sailing in the sky.
It is in truth an utter solitude;
Nor should I have made mention of this Dell
But for one object which you might pass by,
Might see and notice not. Beside the brook
Appears a straggling heap of unhewn stones!
And to that simple object appertains
A story--unenriched with strange events,
Yet not unfit, I deem, for the fireside,
Or for the summer shade. It was the first
Of those domestic tales that spake to me
Of shepherds, dwellers in the valleys, men
Whom I already loved; not verily
For their own sakes, but for the fields and hills
Where was their occupation and abode.
And hence this Tale, while I was yet a Boy
Careless of books, yet having felt the power
Of Nature, by the gentle agency
Of natural objects, led me on to feel
For passions that were not my own, and think
(At random and imperfectly indeed)
On man, the heart of man, and human life.
Therefore, although it be a history
Homely and rude, I will relate the same
For the delight of a few natural hearts;
And, with yet fonder feeling, for the sake
Of youthful Poets, who among these hills
Will be my second self when I am gone.
UPON the forest-side in Grasmere Vale
There dwelt a Shepherd, Michael was his name;
An old man, stout of heart, and strong of limb.
His bodily frame had been from youth to age
Of an unusual strength: his mind was keen,
Intense, and frugal, apt for all affairs,
And in his shepherd's calling he was prompt
And watchful more than ordinary men.
Hence had he learned the meaning of all winds,
Of blasts of every tone; and, oftentimes,
When others heeded not, He heard the South

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Bradley The Kind Heart

Bradley The Kind Heart

I remember the day,
I was sending off "Unfreezing Prince Emeray".
I was at Kinkos and approached Bradley with my book,
I asked him for his opinion after he had a look.
Funny Bradley has one of my character's names,
I met his mother Jean and my life was never the same.
I helped Bradley's mother at the end of her time here,
She was a great storyteller, artist, inventor and very sincere.
Jean said she loved Bradley and me and then she passed on,
I bought Shieka pup for Laddy so he would'nt be withdrawn.
Now Bradley helped me out with Shieka and my Acura car,
I drove Black Cherry for miles very far.
He was there when I bought Black Pearl,
she is my new ride that was a miracle.
Bradley I have Sam the dog from the carnival,
She helped Shieka and Shiekee bond real well.
Bradley was there when "Unfreezing Prince Emeray"
was mailed back in soft cover.
Since then I've put Jean in my Butterfly books
as the Butterfly Queen Fairy Godmother.
Thank you Bradley, for you have a kind heart,
your generosity helped me get a new start

Written by Suzae Chevalier on October 11,2011

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Bradley The Kind Heart

I remember the day,
I was sending off “Unfreezing Prince Emeray”.
I was at Kinkos and approached Bradley with my book,
I asked him for his opinion after he had a look.
Funny Bradley has one of my character’s names,
I met his mother Jean and my life was never the same.
I helped Bradley’s mother at the end of her time here,
She was a great storyteller, artist, inventor and very sincere.
Jean said she loved Bradley and me and then she passed on,
I bought Shieka pup for Laddy so he would'nt be withdrawn.
Now Bradley helped me out with Shieka and my Acura car,
I drove Black Cherry for miles very far.
He was there when I bought Black Pearl,
she is my new ride that was a miracle.
Bradley I have Sam the dog from the carnival,
She helped Shieka and Shiekee bond real well.
Bradley was there when “Unfreezing Prince Emeray”
was mailed back in soft cover.
Since then I’ve put Jean in my Butterfly books
as the Butterfly Queen Fairy Godmother.
Thank you Bradley, for you have a kind heart,
your generosity helped me get a new start.

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'The Roman Catholic Church has never forgiven us for converting Sir Arthur Conan Doyle from his Agnosticism; and when Men like Mr. Dennis Bradley can no longer be Content with the old Faith, a Spirit of Jealousy is naturally roused.'
-A Spiritualist Paper

She sat upon her Seven Hills
She rent the scarlet robes about her,
Nor yet in her two thousand years
Had ever grieved that men should doubt her;
But what new horror shakes the mind
Making her moan and mutter madly;
Lo! Rome's high heart is broken at last
Her foes have borrowed Dennis Bradley.

If she must lean on lesser props
Of earthly fame or ancient art,
Make shift with Raphael and Racine
Put up with Dante and Descartes,
Not wholly can she mask her grief
But touch the wound and murmur sadly,
'These lesser things are theirs to love
Who lose the love of Mr. Bradley.'

She saw great Origen depart
And Photius rend the world asunder,
Her cry to all the East rolled back
In Islam its ironic thunder,
She lost Jerusalem and the North
Accepting these arrangements gladly
Until it came to be a case
Of Conan Doyle v. Dennis Bradley.

O fond and foolish hopes that still
In broken hearts unbroken burn,
What if, grown weary of new ways,
The precious wanderer should return
The Trumpet whose uncertain sound
Has just been cracking rather badly
May yet within her courts remain
His Trumpet-blown by Dennis Bradley.

His and her Trumpet blown before
The battle where the good cause wins
Louder than all the Irish harps
Or the Italian violins;
When armed and mounted like St. Joan
She meets the mad world riding madly
Under the Oriflamme of old
Crying, 'Mont-joie St. Dennis Bradley!'

But in this hour she sorrows still,
Though all anew the generations

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Old Town Types No. 13 - Larrikin Luke

Luke Gale, the larrikin lad, dwelt in Larrikin Lane,
A low street, a by-street, right at the edge of the town;
King of the boys and hobbledehoys - a vulgar youth, and vain,
Winning from all respectable folk a very respectable frown.
But, oh, to see him on Saturday nights, dolled in his nobbiest duds,
Doing the weekly Saturday rounds; impudent, out for larks
Eyeing the girls at the Saturday shops
Coming for candy and acidy drops,
While Luke and his henchmen leaned on posts, passing inane remarks.

Larrikin Luke knew how to dress; short, black-braided coat,
Big, black, felt hat, low and broad of brim;
Shirt, white and collarless quite, narrow tie at the throat
Neatly drawn thro' a quandong ring; vest low-cut and trim.
But, pride of his wardrobe, badge of his clan, flapping about his feet,
Black pants - wonderful pants, by a snake-skin belt girt low,
Belled at the bottoms and tight on the thighs;
A curly fringe combed down to his eyes;
Thimble heels to his shiny shoes, laced right down to the toe.

When General Booth sent soldiers hence banging the 'Salvo' drum,
Larrikin Luke and his rowdy push hatched more larrikin plots;
And the 'Starvation Army' marched, to the joy of the township's scum,
Down the streets as they wildly beat on old tins and pots.
And the grave town elders shook their heads hearing the ribald songs
As the badgered brothers of 'Blood and Fire' meekly knelt to pray;
'Larrikin Luke is doomed,' they said;
'Nothing but gaol for him ahead.'
Now Luke and his lads have long passed on, but Booth's men came to stay.

Larrikin Luke, when I saw him last, was a sober man and grey,
Boss of a thriving business now, moved to a different town;
Married and made and settled down; marking the young folk's way,
As any respectable citizen would, with a very respectable frown.
A serious man, Luke Gale, esquire, with a grown-up family now,
A family man, and a solid man, as every townsman grants,
Chiding the wayward young, forsooth!
But I see him still in his own wild youth,
With his thimble heels, and his broad-brimmed hat, and those queer bell-bottomed pants.

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Pontius Pilate Said

Pontius Pilate was Prefect of Judea
the Roman governor of Judea
during the reign of Tiberius Caesar.

Luke said at Luke 3: 1 “In the fifteenth
year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar,
when Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea
and Herod was district ruler of Galilee...”

That John the Baptist gave answer
that he was not the Christ declaring
as recorded at Luke 3: 16 “John gave
the answer, saying to all: “I, for my

part, baptize YOU with water; but
the one stronger than I am is coming,
the lace of whose sandals I am not fit
to untie. He will baptize you people

with holy spirit and fire.” Amen Lord!

Luke faithfully records at Luke 3: 21-22
by what authority Jesus the Messiah would
come writing “Now when all the people were
baptized, Jesus also was baptized and, as he

was praying, the heaven was opened up and the
holy spirit in bodily shape like a dove came down
upon him, and a voice came out of heaven; “You
are my son, the beloved; I have approved you.””

Years later just before Calvary, in Latin calvaria
“skull” translated from Aramaic Golgotha, John
faithfully records at John 18: 37 “Therefore Pilate
said to him: “Well, then, are you a king? ” Jesus

answered: “You yourself are saying that I am a king.
For this I have been born, and for this I have come
into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth.
Everyone that is on the side of the truth listens to my voice.”””

And Pontius “Pilate said to him: “What is truth? ”

Now do not be mislead Brothers and Sisters in Christ.
Any official professional master, in the art of appeasement,
who plays the game of massive truth manipulation, in
self serving advancement, knows ‘the truth is never the truth.’

All politicians and government officials know play the game that
‘the truth is never the truth’ truth is what people wish to believe!

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An Early Resurrection

This was at Golgotha
the Skull Place

where Christ
was crucified to save

from consequences of sin
the entire human race!

But nothing strange happened
while Christ was on the Cross
right? To prove...
this was God’s Son? Wrong! ! !

“Well, by now it was about
the sixth hour, and yet
a darkness fell over all the earth

until the ninth hour, because the sunlight
failed; then the curtain of the sanctuary
was rent down the middle.” Luke 23: 44.

Darkness never fell across the entire earth
at this time right? It is a fairy tale right? Wrong! ! !

It is historically recorded at Tarsus,
in China, the Americas. The exact date,
to the day, the exact time, the exact
duration of time! Research! Check it! I have! ...

“Again Jesus cried out
with a loud voice,
and yielded up [his] spirit.” Matthew 27: 50.

And nothing happened right
because he was not
the Son of God right? Wrong! ! ! (Revelation 5: 5-7.)

“And, look! the curtain
of the sanctuary
was rent in two,
from top to bottom,

and the earth quaked,
and the rock-masses were split.” Matthew 27: 51.

God’s testimony
that this was his
only begotten son! ! ! (John 3: 16-19.)

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Luke Havergal

Go to the western gate, Luke Havergal,
There where the vines cling crimson on the wall,
And in the twilight wait for what will come.
The leaves will whisper there of her, and some,
Like flying words, will strike you as they fall;
But go, and if you listen she will call.
Go to the western gate, Luke Havergal—
Luke Havergal.

No, there is not a dawn in eastern skies
To rift the fiery night that’s in your eyes;
But there, where western glooms are gathering,
The dark will end the dark, if anything:
God slays Himself with every leaf that flies,
And hell is more than half of paradise.
No, there is not a dawn in eastern skies—
In eastern skies.

Out of a grave I come to tell you this,
Out of a grave I come to quench the kiss
That flames upon your forehead with a glow
That blinds you to the way that you must go.
Yes, there is yet one way to where she is,
Bitter, but one that faith may never miss.
Out of a grave I come to tell you this—
To tell you this.

There is the western gate, Luke Havergal,
There are the crimson leaves upon the wall.
Go, for the winds are tearing them away,—
Nor think to riddle the dead words they say,
Nor any more to feel them as they fall;
But go, and if you trust her she will call.
There is the western gate, Luke Havergal—
Luke Havergal.

poem by from The Children of the Night (1897)Report problemRelated quotes
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Luke Havergal

Go to the western gate, Luke Havergal,
There where the vines cling crimson on the wall,
And in the twilight wait for what will come.
The leaves will whisper there of her, and some,
Like flying words, will strike you as they fall;
But go, and if you listen she will call.
Go to the western gate, Luke Havergal—
Luke Havergal.

No, there is not a dawn in eastern skies
To rift the fiery night that’s in your eyes;
But there, where western glooms are gathering,
The dark will end the dark, if anything:
God slays Himself with every leaf that flies,
And hell is more than half of paradise.
No, there is not a dawn in eastern skies—
In eastern skies.

Out of a grave I come to tell you this,
Out of a grave I come to quench the kiss
That flames upon your forehead with a glow
That blinds you to the way that you must go.
Yes, there is yet one way to where she is,
Bitter, but one that faith may never miss.
Out of a grave I come to tell you this—
To tell you this.

There is the western gate, Luke Havergal,
There are the crimson leaves upon the wall.
Go, for the winds are tearing them away,—
Nor think to riddle the dead words they say,
Nor any more to feel them as they fall;
But go, and if you trust her she will call.
There is the western gate, Luke Havergal—
Luke Havergal.

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Added by Dan Costinaş
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Meaning Embedded In The Bible?

Some Biblical symbolism and prophecy
are easy to interpret some are very deep
in some I am on milk in others I eat meat

Proverbs and Psalms are written
with great love in simple beauty
meaning is usually easy to discern

Gospels of Matthew Mark Luke John
make a reader knowledgeable of Jesus
a miraculous journey discovery to learn

Acts continues Luke's address beginning
with another prologue to excellent Theophilus
statements of fact given full credence among us

eyewitnesses and attendants of the message
delivered to us resolved traced are all things
from start of Christ’s teachings with accuracy

written in logical order is Luke’s Gospel now
an early church testimony continues previous
work in a unity of language style numerous

parallels an emphasis on work of Holy Spirit
the most excellent role of women Christians
even the prophet Joel stressed role of women

“And in the last days, ” God said, “I shall pour
out some of my spirit upon every sort of flesh,
and your sons and daughters will prophecy

and your young men will see visions and your
old men will dream dreams and even upon my
men slaves and upon my women slaves I will

pour out some of my spirit in those days,
and they will prophecy. Acts 2: 17-18.
Luke is an eyewitness participant in events.

Famous 'we passages' events described in first
person narrative reads like Luke’s personal diary
passages indicate Luke was closely associated

with Paul the bulk of Acts deals with evangelizing
efforts of Paul events described end abruptly with
Paul's arrival in Rome his subsequent two-year stay

in about A.D.60! evangelizing is key message
ministry opened gentile inclusion in heavenly

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Doin' Time

You know whats taking place?
Check this out
This is sublime
I'm mad lion for the borderline
This is sublime
I'm mad lion for the borderline hey
Summertime and the livin's easy
Bradley's on the microphone with ras-mg
All the people in the dance will agree that we're well qualified to
The lbc
Me and louie we're gunna run to the party and dance till the rhythm it
Ba da ba bye bye
Ba da ba bye bye
Me and my girl we got this relationship
I love her so bad but she treats me like shhh
All locked down like a penitentiary
She spreads her lovin all over and when she gets home there's none left
For me
Summertime and the livin's easy
Bradley's on the microphone with ras-mg
All the people in the dance will agree that we're well qualified to
The lbc
Me and louie we're gunna run to the party and dance till the rhythm it
When the music hits you shall feel no pain
Take a spliff of sensemillia make it run through your brain
Me and sublime we sound 1 - the same
Two lions into the jungle that they just can't tame
So bring all your people
And bring it
You better take your lovin and fling it
You better bring your lovin home
Come and love your maximo
24/7 say me can't sink so low
Ba da ba bye bye
Ba da ba bye bye
Ba da ba bye bye
Ba da ba bye bye
So take this veil from off my eyes
My burning sun will some day rise
And what am i gunna be doin for a wife
I said i'm gunna play with myself
Show them now we've come off the shelf
Summertime and the livin's easy
Bradley's on the microphone with ras-mg

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song performed by SublimeReport problemRelated quotes
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American Sniper

Cast: Bradley Cooper, Sienna Miller, Jake McDorman, Brian Hallisay, Kyle Gallner, Luke Grimes, Sam Jaeger, Keir O'Donnell

trailer for American Sniper, directed by Clint Eastwood, screenplay by , inspired by Chris Kyle (2014)Report problemRelated quotes
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American Sniper [trailer 2]

Cast: Bradley Cooper, Sienna Miller, Jake McDorman, Brian Hallisay, Kyle Gallner, Luke Grimes, Sam Jaeger, Keir O'Donnell

trailer for American Sniper, directed by Clint Eastwood, screenplay by , inspired by Chris Kyle (2014)Report problemRelated quotes
Added by Veronica Serbanoiu
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Cooper went out late last night
I heard the slam from her door
Foggy ways, november daze
All the white wolves were smiling
Cooper went out walkin the clouds
She left everything in a mess
shut your mouth when you talk to me
Her words were always so small
And theres a sound from the telephone
When can I say shes coming home?
Leave me the number youre dialing from
And may I ask whos calling?
May I ask whos calling?
Cooper went out, 3 oclock sharp
I heard the bells from the church
Someone said they saw a car
Picking her up by the stations
Cooper went out and thats all there is
Im just no one from next door
Everything will be alright
When all the flowers have cried
Then theres a voice on the telephone
When can I say shes coming home?
Leave me the number youre dialing from
And may I ask whos callin? (whos calling? )
May I ask whos calling? (whos calling? )
May I ask whos calling?

song performed by RoxetteReport problemRelated quotes
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James Russell Lowell

A Fable For Critics

Phoebus, sitting one day in a laurel-tree's shade,
Was reminded of Daphne, of whom it was made,
For the god being one day too warm in his wooing,
She took to the tree to escape his pursuing;
Be the cause what it might, from his offers she shrunk,
And, Ginevra-like, shut herself up in a trunk;
And, though 'twas a step into which he had driven her,
He somehow or other had never forgiven her;
Her memory he nursed as a kind of a tonic,
Something bitter to chew when he'd play the Byronic,
And I can't count the obstinate nymphs that he brought over
By a strange kind of smile he put on when he thought of her.
'My case is like Dido's,' he sometimes remarked;
'When I last saw my love, she was fairly embarked
In a laurel, as _she_ thought-but (ah, how Fate mocks!)
She has found it by this time a very bad box;
Let hunters from me take this saw when they need it,-
You're not always sure of your game when you've treed it.
Just conceive such a change taking place in one's mistress!
What romance would be left?-who can flatter or kiss trees?
And, for mercy's sake, how could one keep up a dialogue
With a dull wooden thing that will live and will die a log,-
Not to say that the thought would forever intrude
That you've less chance to win her the more she is wood?
Ah! it went to my heart, and the memory still grieves,
To see those loved graces all taking their leaves;
Those charms beyond speech, so enchanting but now,
As they left me forever, each making its bough!
If her tongue _had_ a tang sometimes more than was right,
Her new bark is worse than ten times her old bite.'

Now, Daphne-before she was happily treeified-
Over all other blossoms the lily had deified,
And when she expected the god on a visit
('Twas before he had made his intentions explicit),
Some buds she arranged with a vast deal of care,
To look as if artlessly twined in her hair,
Where they seemed, as he said, when he paid his addresses,
Like the day breaking through, the long night of her tresses;
So whenever he wished to be quite irresistible,
Like a man with eight trumps in his hand at a whist-table
(I feared me at first that the rhyme was untwistable,
Though I might have lugged in an allusion to Cristabel),-
He would take up a lily, and gloomily look in it,
As I shall at the--, when they cut up my book in it.

Well, here, after all the bad rhyme I've been spinning,
I've got back at last to my story's beginning:
Sitting there, as I say, in the shade of his mistress,
As dull as a volume of old Chester mysteries,

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Banned In The U. S. A.

Government of the people
For the people
By the people
[news reporter]:
Earlier today in broward county,
Appalling courtjudges upheld the previousruling
To ban the sale of miami rap group the 2 live crews double-platinum album,
Nasty as they wanna be, in broward county.
[someone else commenting]
We think its the banning of free speech.
First amendment protects material, resultably.
Luke (being interviewed):
We dont talk about, uh, harrassing and sexually brutalizing women in my music, man!
We dont do that in my music, man! Im tired of you saying that!
Verse 1: [fresh kid ice]
Weve got white-collar people trying to grab our style
Saying were too nasty and were 2 live
Corrupted politicians playing games
Bringing us down to boost their fame
They must be joking thinking we will fall
But theyre like flies movin the wall
We stand tall from beginning to end
With the help from fans and all our friends
Freedom of speech will never die
For us to help, our ancestors died
Dont keep thinking that we will quit
Well always stand and never sit
Were 2 live, 2 black, 2 strong
Doing the right thing, and not the wrong
So listen up, yall, to what we say
We wont be banned in the u.s.a.!
Chorus: (3x)
Banned in the usa, I was
Lukes concerts are for adults
[luke] (being interviewed):
If its an adult show you have to be 18
Our record is a year old, but with all the publicity,
Theres a lot of people ... curiosity is around!
Were selling records to a totally different audience.
I take a precaution that nobody else has not stickered my album, I made
Two versions, two versions two versions..
Verse 2: [brother marquis]
The first amendment gave us freedom of speech
So what you sayin? it didnt include me?
I like to party and have a good time
Theres nothin but pleasure written in our rhyme
I know you dont think well ever quit
Weve got some people on our side who wont take your lip
Were gonna do all the things we wanna do

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song performed by 2 Live CrewReport problemRelated quotes
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The Borough. Letter XXII: Peter Grimes

Old Peter Grimes made fishing his employ,
His wife he cabin'd with him and his boy,
And seem'd that life laborious to enjoy:
To town came quiet Peter with his fish,
And had of all a civil word and wish.
He left his trade upon the sabbath-day,
And took young Peter in his hand to pray:
But soon the stubborn boy from care broke loose,
At first refused, then added his abuse:
His father's love he scorn'd, his power defied,
But being drunk, wept sorely when he died.

Yes! then he wept, and to his mind there came
Much of his conduct, and he felt the shame,--
How he had oft the good old man reviled,
And never paid the duty of a child;
How, when the father in his Bible read,
He in contempt and anger left the shed:
"It is the word of life," the parent cried;
--"This is the life itself," the boy replied;
And while old Peter in amazement stood,
Gave the hot spirit to his boiling blood:--
How he, with oath and furious speech, began
To prove his freedom and assert the man;
And when the parent check'd his impious rage,
How he had cursed the tyranny of age,--
Nay, once had dealt the sacrilegious blow
On his bare head, and laid his parent low;
The father groan'd--"If thou art old," said he,
"And hast a son--thou wilt remember me:
Thy mother left me in a happy time,
Thou kill'dst not her--Heav'n spares the double-crime."

On an inn-settle, in his maudlin grief,
This he revolved, and drank for his relief.

Now lived the youth in freedom, but debarr'd
From constant pleasure, and he thought it hard;
Hard that he could not every wish obey,
But must awhile relinquish ale and play;
Hard! that he could not to his cards attend,
But must acquire the money he would spend.

With greedy eye he look'd on all he saw,
He knew not justice, and he laugh'd at law;
On all he mark'd he stretch'd his ready hand;
He fish'd by water, and he filch'd by land:
Oft in the night has Peter dropp'd his oar,
Fled from his boat and sought for prey on shore;
Oft up the hedge-row glided, on his back

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You've Got Magic!

'America - You've Got Magic! '
Ran the sign on the Glitzy Floor,
For this was the latest Reality Show
To consume consumers with awe;
Some Boffin, deep in a Think-Tank
Had been racking his brain for weeks,
And this was the format he gave them;
Home Magicians! - with tricks and treats!

The Show was into the knockout stage,
The Advertisers were rapt,
None of your Song and Dancing here,
Nobody shedding Fat,
No-one stuck in a boring House
With brains the size of a pea,
But plenty of age-old magic tricks
For the rest of the world to see.

The Judges sat in their glory
Each equipped with a magic wand,
The first of them, Benjamin Glowery
Played his part, in a deep despond,
He hated the Hatted Rabbits
And the Doves that flew over the stage,
While contestants that showed him a Card Trick
Bore the brunt of his fearful rage.

He'd wave his wand in rejection
Like thumbs down, as they did in Rome,
And depending on Betty Abullbull
He would send them all packing, home,
While Betty paraded her implants
And her elegant, coiffured hair,
She was there for the sex attraction
As there wasn't much intellect there.

The third was a known Magician
Who had fallen on harder times,
He'd taken the job for the money
He was known as 'Impeccable' Grimes,
He spent more time on his fingernails
Than watching the acts begin,
He said that he knew all the magic tricks,
That nothing was new to him!

He waited to see how Glowery went
Then voted the other way,
So often it was up to Abullbull
Whether the act would go, or stay,
The audience cheered and hooted,

[...] Read more

poem by Report problemRelated quotes
Added by Poetry Lover
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I Love America

I love that mountain with those four big heads
I love Velveeta slapped on Wonder Bread
I love a commie... if'n he's good and dead, yup
I love America
I love Old Glory and homemade pie
I think them Ruskies should be sterilized
I love my chicken Kentucky Fried...
Finger Lickin' Good!
Hey there, this is A.B. Cooper from
Cooper's Carnival of Clean and Classic Cars
It's our Fourth of July ... sale.
Here at Cooper's Carnival of Clean and Classic Cars
At the corner of Collins and Commerce
I've got lot full of the finest funny looking cars money can buy
At prices even you can afford
So come on down and say hello to me, and granny
And bring the kids to meet my snake
I say, "bye"
Granny says, "bye"
and the snake says, "sssssssssss"
I love General Patton in World War II
My Pocket Fisherman and my Crazy Glue
I love the Beav and Wally too, yeah
I love America
I love the bomb, hot dogs and mustard
I love my girl, but I sure don't trust her
I love what the Indians did to Custer
I love America
Here they come!
There they go!
I love my jeans and I love my hair
I love a real tight skirt and a real nice pair
And on the fourth of July, I love the rockets' red glare
I love America
I watch the A-Team every Tuesday night
I graduated, but I ain't to bright
I love Detroit 'cause I was born to fight
I love America
I love the Tigers but I hate the Mets
I ride my Hog but I race my Vette
I gotta job, but hell I'm still in debt
I love America
I love my bar and I love my truck
I'd do most anything to make a buck
I love a waitress who loves to... flirt!
They're the best kind I love America
Turn me on
Well, I gotta go now
I love America
Bye Bye, I tell you what though, I really do love it

[...] Read more

song performed by Alice CooperReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Ocean Club

My name is norman -- lou norman.
Ive been in this business for fifteen years.
If people have a problem and dont want talk to the police, they want talk to me.
So, this friday afternoon I got a phone call,
Young lady asked me to go downtown.
What the hell is a girl like mandy cooper doing at the lower manhattan ocean club?
Looking like a taxi [texan? ] model
And with a voice like mahalia jackson.
She dont need to work in slots like this.
She got the pair of blue eyes that look green to me.
And then she approached me.
Oh boy
Miss cooper, I suppose?
Lets stop playing games.
Im on the job here, lets come to terms.
She tried to wind me up with some nonsense about an ex-boyfriend who was giving her a hard time.
I said listen honey, we all know you can help yourself.
If you want me to work on your case, lets get things straight -- and now.
Oh boy
Nobody is ever gonna damage your career.
With a voice like this and a pair of eyes, youre gonna be huge in any business.
You still dont smoke?
I need a drink.
And maybe youll join me.
Looks better for the chappy over there
Looks like old friends
Meeting after a hard nights work.
I walked to the corner slowly,
Wanted to ask mr. big here for a light.
He turned around.
I put a quarter into the jukebox and played a beautiful ave maria
When I turned around, miss cooper had gone.

song performed by YelloReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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