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The Lonesome Drifter

thE man cAME upOn a NeW pLAce It Was FARtHeST Away FROM HoMe hE wAS eVeR HE WaS AlonE, HE Had nO fRieNdS hE TaLkEd an sEen tHe SaMe PEOpLe FOR OVeR a YeAR SLoWLY THOugH HE GOt mIsERable sad n dEPReSSEd fELt suiCidAL TeNDeNcieS hE goT BeAt Up n RObBeD stuFf sToLen He Wa AlsO KiNdA A DruNK lOvEd hIS BEeR fOR ThAT waS oNE of hIs DownFallS BeiNg LoNeSOmE seEKiNg oUT REfUgE IN wAtEvEr dark alLEY OR BUSh he coUlD Jus to SUrVIVe oNE NiGhT bUT iN hIs MiND hE WaS alwaYs optimiSTic BoUt thIs Or tHAT Now he doNt NoW wHat ThE Fuk tO ThINK bUt iN HiS hEaRT He HOPEs bUt wAT gOOD Is HOpE WeN SLowlY ThE FeELiNg of hoPeleSSNESs creEps Up BeHInd yA but in His LiFe He KnOWS wAT MaTtErs aNd wAt matTeRS nOT if He EvEr matTeReD WHO KNOwS HiS CraZY FeELinG hE haD In hIS head tHey mUs b EXpELLEd Foer ChanGeS WilL HapPIN He wILl bE lONLy foR A wHiLE LongEr aS WelL aS hoMlEsS, HOpElleSS? ? ? whom KnOWS ONLy He DoeS hiS hEarT HaS lEt Him Down lol OH wELl bUt WAT Has NoT kIlld hiM WiLl MAKE hIm mOrE thEN Wat hE iS FOr He iS nOt mUCh hE iS Not eVen nOtHiNg TO Some peoPlE ThE rEgulaR NorMAL pPl bUt sTiLl The man MuST ACcEPt alL His lIFe is an WAt itS BeEn tHe LaSt WHiLE tHE Plan is stiLl tHe saMe for HIm he iS goIng To Go ELSeWhErE ANd LoSe HImSelf fOR AWhIlE myBe tHiNgS WIlL B CleAr foR HIm If it doesNt kIlL hiM WHeRe he gOes TO he is Going to bE A dRIFtEr agAin AND TakE a ChanCe In hIs YoUNG lIfE AN acCepT wATeVeR lIfE oFfErs hIm on THe open Roads TO A nEw LiFe HOpEFUlLy foR he iS'tHe LoNEsoM DrIfTeR'.-.... s tO WateVeR gODs yeaH ILL pray to to StAr GodS i MAKE It to DESTINAtiON In onE pieCE.

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