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‘Bees will Return to Hives! ’

The Saffronization of India?
–Phulbani, Kandhammal, Orissa, India.
'Calm follows every storm;
But Christians must be calm! '

‘Where martyrs’ blood be spilt,
More churches will be built!
Without much shame or guilt,
Fanatics hit the hilt’

Their saffron hues, they spray
On Dalit Christians, aye!
They won’t allow them pray;
They hunt them night and day!

What tragedy now looms!
‘Turn Hindu, ’ call now booms;
‘Or die; be bruised and maimed! ’
Why Christians all are blamed?

Frenzied mobs on rampage:
A war on Christians wage;
Conversion is their lie,
As Christians many die!

Can’t one profess their faith
Of choice and freedom, say?
Are Christians not Indians?
God will show them their way!

Such states are keeping quiet;
They want Christians to fight;
‘Violence begets violence’
Most Christians stay calm, hence.

Are there no basic rights?
Most Christian homes lost lights;
Hundreds have been destroyed;
Pleas have gone null and void.

Most Christians are too hurt;
No one seems to regret;
Churches are simply torched,
And human beings scorched!

As angry mobs destroy,
And loot the Christian homes;
And burn them down overnight;
O, see the Dalit’s plight!

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