Me and My Mouse
[Discovering the Hidden Beauty of Bani]
In each click, screen to screen, we're travelers
To Philippines where I left nearly four decades
Exploring her hidden beauty is so much to bear
Upon my eyes to enjoy pictures as it cascades
Our voyage to places where I have never been
As fruitful as if I was there scene after scene
Much ado to disagree between real and unreal
Though for sure, nothing differs if life's swell
So my mouse took me home where I was born
An old town then, now her beauty has grown
Like the beaches of Olanen, Tubong, and Surip
Places I had not known yet to swim I skipped
Natives say if USA has Grand Canyon and Falls
Then my mouse brought me to Baliwanga Falls
Since this falls' depth and beauty of Bani now exist
I urged to stay longer as tourists of the "Wild West"
To my surprise as we went farther to the northwest
Here's an "archway of stalactites and stalagmites"
The Nalsoc Cave is the gateway to China Sea
And where Spaniards entered into this country
Figment of imagination is just a vehicle of mind
My mouse and I have more barrios to visit around
But time has come for me to rest in Namagbagan
Where Cristina Resort made me feel like: "I'm home! "
poem by Efren Petalver Carranza
Added by Poetry Lover
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