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Back And Forth

[Times 5] Let me see you go back
Let be see you go forth

It's Friday
and I'm ready to sing pick up my girls
and hit the party seen
tonight oh oh it's alright umm
so get up and let this funky mellow grove get
you in the mood cause you
know it's alright
(back round - so Mr. DJ keep the music grooving
don't stop moving
let me see you

song performed by Aaliyah from Age Ain't Nothing But A NumberReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Geoffrey Chaucer

Book Of The Duchesse


I have gret wonder, be this lighte,
How that I live, for day ne nighte
I may nat slepe wel nigh noght,
I have so many an ydel thoght
Purely for defaute of slepe
That, by my trouthe, I take no kepe
Of no-thing, how hit cometh or goth,
Ne me nis no-thing leef nor loth.
Al is y-liche good to me --
Ioye or sorowe, wherso hyt be --
For I have feling in no-thinge,
But, as it were, a mased thing,
Alway in point to falle a-doun;
For sorwful imaginacioun
Is alway hoolly in my minde.
And wel ye wite, agaynes kynde
Hit were to liven in this wyse;
For nature wolde nat suffyse
To noon erthely creature
Not longe tyme to endure
Withoute slepe, and been in sorwe;
And I ne may, ne night ne morwe,
Slepe; and thus melancolye
And dreed I have for to dye,
Defaute of slepe and hevinesse
Hath sleyn my spirit of quiknesse,
That I have lost al lustihede.
Suche fantasies ben in myn hede
So I not what is best to do.
But men myght axe me, why soo
I may not slepe, and what me is?
But natheles, who aske this
Leseth his asking trewely.
My-selven can not telle why
The sooth; but trewely, as I gesse,
I holde hit be a siknesse
That I have suffred this eight yere,
And yet my bote is never the nere;
For ther is phisicien but oon,
That may me hele; but that is doon.
Passe we over until eft;
That wil not be, moot nede be left;
Our first matere is good to kepe.
So whan I saw I might not slepe,
Til now late, this other night,
Upon my bedde I sat upright
And bad oon reche me a book,
A romaunce, and he hit me took

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Clannesse who so kyndly cowþe comende
& rekken vp alle þe resounz þat ho by ri3t askez,
Fayre formez my3t he fynde in for[þ]ering his speche
& in þe contrare kark & combraunce huge.
For wonder wroth is þe Wy3þat wro3t alle þinges
Wyth þe freke þat in fylþe fol3es Hym after,
As renkez of relygioun þat reden & syngen
& aprochen to hys presens & prestez arn called;
Thay teen vnto his temmple & temen to hym seluen,
Reken with reuerence þay rychen His auter;
Þay hondel þer his aune body & vsen hit boþe.
If þay in clannes be clos þay cleche gret mede;
Bot if þay conterfete crafte & cortaysye wont,
As be honest vtwyth & inwith alle fylþez,
Þen ar þay synful hemself & sulped altogeder
Boþe God & His gere, & hym to greme cachen.
He is so clene in His courte, þe Kyng þat al weldez,
& honeste in His housholde & hagherlych serued
With angelez enourled in alle þat is clene,
Boþ withine & withouten in wedez ful bry3t;
Nif he nere scoymus & skyg & non scaþe louied,
Hit were a meruayl to much, hit mo3t not falle.
Kryst kydde hit Hymself in a carp onez,
Þeras He heuened a3t happez & hy3t hem her medez.
Me mynez on one amonge oþer, as Maþew recordez,
Þat þus clanness vnclosez a ful cler speche:
Þe haþel clene of his hert hapenez ful fayre,
For he schal loke on oure Lorde with a bone chere';
As so saytz, to þat sy3t seche schal he neuer
Þat any vnclannesse hatz on, auwhere abowte;
For He þat flemus vch fylþe fer fro His hert
May not byde þat burre þat hit His body ne3en.
Forþy hy3not to heuen in haterez totorne,
Ne in þe harlatez hod, & handez vnwaschen.
For what vrþly haþel þat hy3honour haldez
Wolde lyke if a ladde com lyþerly attyred,
When he were sette solempnely in a sete ryche,
Abof dukez on dece, with dayntys serued?
Þen þe harlot with haste helded to þe table,
With rent cokrez at þe kne & his clutte traschez,
& his tabarde totorne, & his totez oute,
Oþer ani on of alle þyse, he schulde be halden vtter,
With mony blame ful bygge, a boffet peraunter,
Hurled to þe halle dore & harde þeroute schowued,
& be forboden þat bor3e to bowe þider neuer,
On payne of enprysonment & puttyng in stokkez;
& þus schal he be schent for his schrowde feble,
Þa3neuer in talle ne in tuch he trespas more.
& if vnwelcum he were to a worþlych prynce,
3et hym is þe hy3e Kyng harder in her euen;

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Play That Funky Music

(vanilla ice, earthquake)
Play that funky music
Play that funky music, white boy
Play that funky music
Play that funky music, white boy
Im back and Im ringin the bell
A rockin on the mike while the fly girls yell
In ecstasy in the back of me
Well thats my dj deshay cuttin all them zs
Hittin hard and the girlies goin crazy
Vanillas on the mike, man Im not lazy.
Im lettin my drug kick in
It controls my mouth and I begin
To just let it flow, let my concepts go
My posses to the side yellin, go vanilla go!
Smooth cause thats the way I will be
And if you dont give a damn, then
Why you starin at me
So get off cause I control the stage
Theres no dissin allowed
Im in my own phase
The girlies sa y they love me and that is ok
And I can dance better than any kid n play
Play that funky music come on come on
Play that funky music, white boy I cant hear you, say it,
Play that funky music say it, say it, say
Play that funky music, white boy it, come on
Yea, a little bit louder
Now come on, come on
Stage 2 -- yea the one ya wanna listen to
Its off my head so let the beat play through
So I can funk it up and make it sound good
1-2-3 yo -- knock on some wood
For good luck, I like my rhymes atrocious
Im an effect and that you can bet
I can take a fly girl and make her wet.
Im like samson -- samson to delilah
Theres no denyin, you can try to hang
But youll keep tryin to get my style
Over and over, practice makes perfect
But not if youre a loafer.
Youll get nowhere, no place, no time, no girls
Soon -- oh my god, homebody, you probably eat
Spaghetti with a spoon! come on and say it!
Play that funky music
Play that funky music, white boy
Play that funky music come on come on
Play that funky music white boy lets do it
Vip. vanilla ice yep, yep, Im comin hard like a rhino

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song performed by Vanilla IceReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Play That Funky Music

(vanilla ice, earthquake)
Play that funky music
Play that funky music, white boy
Play that funky music
Play that funky music, white boy
Im back and Im ringin the bell
A rockin on the mike while the fly girls yell
In ecstasy in the back of me
Well thats my dj deshay cuttin all them zs
Hittin hard and the girlies goin crazy
Vanillas on the mike, man Im not lazy.
Im lettin my drug kick in
It controls my mouth and I begin
To just let it flow, let my concepts go
My posses to the side yellin, go vanilla go!
Smooth cause thats the way I will be
And if you dont give a damn, then
Why you starin at me
So get off cause I control the stage
Theres no dissin allowed
Im in my own phase
The girlies sa y they love me and that is ok
And I can dance better than any kid n play
Play that funky music come on come on
Play that funky music, white boy I cant hear you, say it,
Play that funky music say it, say it, say
Play that funky music, white boy it, come on
Yea, a little bit louder
Now come on, come on
Stage 2 -- yea the one ya wanna listen to
Its off my head so let the beat play through
So I can funk it up and make it sound good
1-2-3 yo -- knock on some wood
For good luck, I like my rhymes atrocious
Im an effect and that you can bet
I can take a fly girl and make her wet.
Im like samson -- samson to delilah
Theres no denyin, you can try to hang
But youll keep tryin to get my style
Over and over, practice makes perfect
But not if youre a loafer.
Youll get nowhere, no place, no time, no girls
Soon -- oh my god, homebody, you probably eat
Spaghetti with a spoon! come on and say it!
Play that funky music
Play that funky music, white boy
Play that funky music come on come on
Play that funky music white boy lets do it
Vip. vanilla ice yep, yep, Im comin hard like a rhino

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song performed by Vanilla IceReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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She wants a love...
She can take into her arms.
Hold her with her charms.
And sing love songs,
To allure
And captivate!
Without setting off the alarm!

He wants a love...
No other one has had.
When it is 'his' booty...
He likes it slow not fast!
And he's glad no one has had,
To touch his booty's ass!
If that has to happen,
He knew he would be sad!

'What' they want...
Maybe a bit too soon.
They need more memory moments.
Before beginning to cast eyes on that 'fullmoon'!
As they lay naked on the basement floor...
Sighing and grinding in lovebird swoons!

'WHAT? '

Steamheaters drip...
Just 'getting it'!
They both are wet,
From the basement water!

Steamheaters kiss...
With sexiness.
He sucked her tits,
'Til her husband caught her,
With his best friend...
'getin' it! '

For clarification,
Will you say that again, please? '

You want it sung?

I just want it heard.
I may have misunderstood!
What I thought your blurted,

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Funky Pretty

A pisces lady loves romance (she loves romance)
Her movements tell you at a glance (she loves to dance)
Why they say pisces rules the dance (shes got the glance)
She values flowers more than gold (she flows like gold)
Thinks of her men as knights of old (shes never bold)
Shes very spiritual Im told (she has never told)
But wheres my spark in the dark?
Glow glow glow cmon glow
The funky pretty flame in my heart
Me and my pisces lady are apart
Her calender is not like ours (she rules the hours)
The hieroglyphs mark changing hours (she rules the stars)
Her guiding light is from the stars (shes got the powers)
A book of verse a jug of wine (shes soft like wine)
Shell always tell whats on your mind (shes much like time)
By just your birthday place and time (shes very fine)
cause its a silent night in the sea
And if youre cosmicly conscious youll see
Why shes a princess incarnate to me
Daughter of neptune the ruler of the sea
The queen in copenhagee (funky pretty)
The dream of amsterdamee (pretty funky)
The cream of gay parisee (funky pretty)
The theme of u say asee (pretty funky)
The scene in great britainyee (funky pretty)
The meaning in los angees (pretty funky)
The heat in tokyosee (funky pretty)
The treat in manhattohsee (pretty funky)
Yeah yeah funky pretty
She said dont worry its alright
Im coming back when the aspects are right
And now I look in the paper each day
Wonderin what my horoscope will say
Funky (oooo funky)
I still remember funky pretty (ooooo)
Why shouldnt my pisces lady tell me why
(why cant you tell me why)
Funky (ooo funky) (something so why)
I still remember funky pretty (something so why)
Why shouldnt my pisces lady tell me why
(why cant you tell me why)
Funky (ooo funky) (something so why)
I still remember funky pretty (something so why)
Why shouldnt my pisces lady tell me why
(why cant you tell me why)
Funky (ooo funky) (something so why)
I still remember funky pretty (something so why)
Why shouldnt my pisces lady tell me why

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song performed by Beach BoysReport problemRelated quotes
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Its Alright

(its alright)
(its alright)
I can hear it
(alright alright alright alright)
(alright alright alright alright)
Dictation being forced in afghanistan
Revolution in south africa taking a stand
People in eurasia on the brink of oppression
I hope its gonna be alright
cause the music plays forever
(for it goes on and on and on and on)
I hope its gonna be alright
(alright alright alright alright)
Generations will come and go (will come and go)
But theres one thing for sure
Music is our lifes foundation
And shall succeed all the nations to come
I hope its gonna be alright
cause the music plays forever
(for it goes on and on and on and on...)
I hope its gonna be alright
(on and on and on...)
cause the music plays forever
(for it goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on)
The year three thousand may still come to pass
But the music shall last
I can hear it on a timeless wavelength
Never dissipating but giving us strength
I hope its gonna be alright
(alright alright alright alright)
(alright alright alright alright)
(alright alright alright alright)
I hope its gonna be alright
(pu bu dup dup pu pu du bu dup...)
(alright alright alright alright)
(alright alright alright alright)
(for it goes on and on and on and on)
(alright alright alright alright)
Let your body move tonight
cause its gonna be alright
(its alright) (it will be alright)
(its alright) (its gonna be alright)
(its gonna be)
(its gonna be)

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song performed by Pet Shop BoysReport problemRelated quotes
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Funky New Year

Went to a party just last night
Wanted to bring the year in right
Woke up this morning I don't know how
Last night I was a happy man, but the way I feel right now
It's gonna be a FUNKY NEW YEAR
Ooo, Ahh, got to be a FUNKY NEW YEAR
Can't remember when I ever felt worse
Nothing matters and everything hurts
They were passin' round the bottle, made me feel brand new
Trouble with the new man he wants a hit too, hit me
oooooo, it's a FUNKY NEW YEAR
Nurse I'm worse FUNKY NEW YEAR
I got to perk up a little FUNKY NEW YEAR
My hair hurts FUNKY NEW YEAR
A party baby
Never again FUNKY NEW YEAR
Who's shoes are these FUNKY NEW YEAR
Party hardy baby FUNKY NEW YEAR
What year is this anyway?

song performed by EaglesReport problemRelated quotes
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Backdoor Medley

I. backdoor love affair
Got to have you, baby, even
Though you say that you dont care.
Got to have you, baby, even
Though you say that you dont care.
Any way you want it,
Settle for a backdoor love affair.
Ii. mellow down easy
Jump, jump here, jump, jump there,
Jump, jump, baby, everywhere.
Dont you mellow down easy,
Babe, you got to mellow down easy.
Dont you mellow down easy.
Got to mellow down easy.
Dont you mellow down easy.
Got to mellow down easy, babe.
Dont you mellow down easy.
Got to mellow down easy.
Dont you mellow down easy.
Mellow down easy when you really wanna blow your top.
Shake, shake here, shake, shake there,
Shake, shake, baby, everywhere.
Dont you mellow down easy,
Babe, you got to mellow down easy.
Dont you mellow down easy.
Got to mellow down easy.
Dont you mellow down easy.
Got to mellow down easy, babe.
Dont you mellow down easy.
Got to mellow down easy.
Dont you mellow down easy.
Mellow down easy when you really wanna blow your top.
Shake, shake here, shake, shake there,
Shake, shake, baby, everywhere.
Dont you mellow down easy,
Babe, you got to mellow down easy.
Dont you mellow down easy.
Got to mellow down easy.
Dont you mellow down easy.
Got to mellow down easy, babe.
Dont you mellow down easy.
Got to mellow down easy.
Dont you mellow down easy.
Mellow down easy when you really wanna blow your top.
Iii. backdoor love affair no.2
Baby baby baby baby, dont you want a man like me?
Uh-huh uh-huh, yes I do, yes I do.
Oh, baby baby baby baby, dont you want a man like me?
Uh-huh uh-huh, uh-huh uh-huh, uh-huh uh-huh.
Oh, I give you lovin by the daytime,

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song performed by ZZ TopReport problemRelated quotes
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Where's The Party

Where's the party (party, party)
Where's the party (party, party)
Show me the way, show me the way
It's like a holiday
That happens everyday
I get to celebrate
No matter what you say
When I get real bored
I want something more
I never lose my head
Cause I know the score
Show me the way
Show me the way
C'mon, show me the way
Where's the party?
All I Wanna do is have some fun
Where's the party?
Party all night 'til I can't go on
Where's the party?
All I Wanna do is have some fun
Where's the party?
Show me the way, show me the way
One thing I know
Is when I feel low
I never have to worry
Got a place to party
no one's getting mean
It's so obscene
No matter what goes down
I just get what I need
Show me the way
Show me the way
C'mon, show me the way
Where's the party?
All I Wanna do is have some fun
Where's the party?
Party all night 'til I can't go on
Where's the party?
All I Wanna do is have some fun
Where's the party?
Show me the way, show me the way
Where's the party, where's the party
party, party, party, party, party, party, party, party
Show me the way
Show me the way
C'mon, show me the way
Where's the party?
All I Wanna do is have some fun
Where's the party?

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song performed by Vitamin CReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Funky, Funky, Xmas

Ho, ho, ho, oh, little train, my little elf, another great christmas.
Ah, man, its boring, its boring, same thing every year,
So lets have a funky christmas!
Have a funky funky christmas, have a funky funky christmas.
New kids on the block, lets rock, its christmas time.
Were gonna celebrate it with a rhyme.
Danny d, are you ready? - ready as Ill ever be
Steady - you know, joey joe is ready
Jordan and jon, yeah, come on, we got a funky, funky christmas going on.
Have a funky...
Funky christmas and a funky new year, I swear we got ourselves a party here
Girls on the floor knows our posse at the door
Should I stop - nah cool - heres more of this song, a funky christmas melody
cause jordan k feels so christmasy
Throw your hands in the air pause, kick the ballistics santa claus
Have a funky...
Sneaking downstairs on christmas eve
I saw a sight that you just wouldnt believe
St. nick by the fireplace dusting off his head with a frown on his face
He said hay - said what - he said you - I said what
He said you left the fire burning and I burnt my butt
So now Ive learned youve got to turn the fireplace down
So santa wont get burned
Have a funky...
Have a funky...
Slipping and sliding through the city streets
Ill be in town getting down to the christmas beat
Its danny d Im here with christmas cheer
No feeling to end the party of the year
Its going Im showing fresh rhymes Im throwing
Its snowing outside but we ho-ho-hoing
Santas on the way, sleigh bells are ringing, swinging, everybody start singing
Have a funky....
Its christmas, can you swing this?
Funky, dope jam top on your christmas list, do you dig this?
Boy, there aint no twist, just something you wish for and you almost missed huh
Funky christmas and a happy new year, how could you be booing it
With donnie d doing it?
Have a funky....
Ho, ho, ho, this is the mc santa claus and my elf little joe
Yeah, merry christmas, merry christmas, we gonna kick the ballistics
Of our christmas wishes.

song performed by New Kids On The BlockReport problemRelated quotes
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Some people like to rock, some people like to roll,
but moving and a grooving gonna satisfy my soul.
Let's have party, let's have party, send it to the store,
let's buy some more, let's have party tonight.
I've never kissed a bear, I've never kissed a goon,
but I can shake a chicken in the middle of the room.
Let's have party, let's have party, send it to the store,
let's buy some more, let's have party tonight.
Now, honky-tonky Joe is knocking at the door,
bring him in and fill him up and set him on the floor.
Let's have party, yeah, let's have party, send it to the store,
let's buy some more, let's have party tonight.
Party, party, well, I feel it in my leg, feel it in my shoe,
tell me, pretty baby if you think you feel it too.
Let's have party, let's have party,
oh, I'm gonna send it to the store, let's buy some more,
let's have party tonight.
Some people like to rock, some people like to roll,
but moving and a grooving gonna satisfy my soul.
Let's have party, let's have party, send it to the store,
let's buy some more, let's have party tonight.
We're gonna send it to the store, let's buy some more, have party tonight.
Oh yeah, we're gonna have ourselves a little party, yeah, yeah, tonight.
I'm not giving in, man, I'm gonna have a party, yeah.
Party, party, yeah, I'm not going home yet,
send it to the store, let's buy some more, we're gonna have a party tonight.
Some people like to rock, people like to roll,
but moving and a grooving gonna satisfy my soul, let's have a party.

song performed by Paul McCartneyReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Happy People

Ladies and Gentlemen
This here's another one for the steppers
DJ Wayne Williams put the Record on
Woah-ohh-ohh... yeah, oh yeah
Woah (whoa...) yeah (follow me, follow me, follow me) woah
Tell me what do we do when the DJ's playing our favourite groove?
(We step) to when? (The whole night through)
And what do we do when we're all dressed up and in the mood?
(We step) to what? (A stepper's groove)
Where do we go soon as the weekend gets here?
(The club) why? (To party and have some fun)
What is it that can come and take away all your stress, tell me?
(Music) no further questions you have passed my test
Happy people (yeah, yeah, yeah) ohh
Keeps the world (yeah, yeah) (turning) oh yeah (turning) I believe it
Happy people (yeah, yeah, yeah) ohh
Keeps us all (yeah, yeah) (dancing) dancing (dancing) oh whoa
Happy people (yeah, yeah, yeah) yeah
Keeps us all(yeah, yeah) (stepping) stepping (stepping) ooh, and
Happy people (yeah, yeah, yeah) oh-oh
Keeps the music (yeah, yeah) (grooving, grooving)
Tell me... now what do you do (what do you do) when the feeling has come over you (yeah... oh)
(You let go) and what? (let it take control) (whoa)
Ladies, what do you say when a gentlemen asks you to dance, you (ooh)
(say yes) and then? (Get on the dance floor)
Even when it seems we're going through some hard times, what do we do?
(Keep smiling) 'cause we know (we're gonna make it through)
Now, what is it that can come and take away all your stress, tell me? (No stress)
(Music) no further questions, you have passed my test
Happy people (yeah, yeah, yeah) whoo
Keeps the world (yeah, yeah) (turning) turning (turning) oh I believe it
Happy people (yeah, yeah, yeah) whoo
Keep us (yeah, yeah) (dancing) dancing, dancing (dancing)
Happy people (yeah, yeah, yeah) yeah
Keep us (yeah, yeah) (stepping) keep us stepping (stepping)
Happy people (yeah, yeah, yeah)(happy people) oh-oh
Keeps us yeah(yeah, yeah) (grooving) grooving (grooving)
I just wanna get dressed and go out, yeah
(I wanna get dressed, I wanna go out) ohh
(Can you tell me where the spot is?)
Where they're partying all night (yeah)
And everybody's having a good time (yeah, yeah)
(I wanna get live, I wanna get loud) (yeah, whoo)
(Can you tell me where the spot is?) (Take me to that place)
Come on take me to that place (take me to that place)
Where there are nothing but happy...
Woah... yeah
(Happy) ohh
(Happy) ooh

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song performed by R. KellyReport problemRelated quotes
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Don't worry, i won't hurt u
I only want u 2 have some fun
I was dreamin' when i wrote this
Forgive me if it goes astray
But when i woke up this mornin'
Coulda sworn it was judgment day
The sky was all purple,
There were people runnin' everywhere
Tryin' 2 run from the destruction,
U know i didn't even care
'cuz they say two thousand zero zero party over,
Oops out of time
So tonight i'm gonna party like it's 1999
I was dreamin' when i wrote this
So sue me if i go 2 fast
But life is just a party, and parties weren't meant 2 last
War is all around us, my mind says prepare 2 fight
So if i gotta die i'm gonna listen 2 my body tonight
Yeah, they say two thousand zero zero party over,
Oops out of time
So tonight i'm gonna party like it's 1999
Lemme tell ya somethin'
If u didn't come 2 party,
Don't bother knockin' on my door
I got a lion in my pocket,
And baby he's ready 2 roar
Yeah, everybody's got a bomb,
We could all die any day
But before i'll let that happen,
I'll dance my life away
Oh, they say two thousand zero zero party over,
Oops out of time
We're runnin' outta time (tonight i'm gonna)
So tonight we gonna (party like it's 1999)
We gonna, oww
Say it 1 more time
Two thousand zero zero party over oops,
Out of time
No, no (tonight i'm gonna)
So tonight we gonna (party like it's 1999)
We gonna, oww
Alright, it's 1999
You say it, 1999
1999 don't stop, don't stop, say it 1 more time
Two thousand zero zero party over,
Oops out of time
Yeah, yeah (tonight i'm gonna)
So tonight we gonna (party like it's 1999)

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song performed by Gary NumanReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Hit Me With A Rock

When I was a little boy
(when I was just a boy)
And my mother would call my name
(when I was just a boy)
Shed say I had to be in the house by seven
(when I was just a boy)
But Id stay out late at night
(when I was just a boy)
And when Id finally get back in
Oh, I know shed hit me, shed hit me
Shed sit me on her knees and whip me
Oh, shed hit me with a rock
Shed whip me with a rock, oh baby
Shed hit me (hit me with a rock)
Shed hit me, hit me, hit me, hit me
(hit me with a rock)
And when I was grown to be a man
(grown to be a man)
The minute the boss would call my name
(grown to be a man)
And say I had to be in the office by seven
(grown to be a man)
Im a constipated man
(grown to be a man)
And when Id finally get back in
Oh, my bossd hit me, hed hit me
Hed tie me to a chair and whip me
Oh hed hit me with a rock
Hed whip me with a rock, oh baby
Hed hit me (hit me with a rock)
Hed hit me, hit me, hit me, hit me
(hit me with a rock)
When I was grown to be president
(was the president)
The minute the congressd call my name
(was the president)
And said some papers had to be signed by thursday
(had to be signed by thursday)
Id fly away to pakistan
(was the president)
And the second that Id get back home
Oh, I know theyd hit me, theyd hit me
With leather and chains theyd whip me
Oh, theyd hit me with a rock
Theyd whip me with a rock, oh baby
Theyd hit me. (hit me with a rock)
Theyd hit me, hit me, hit me, hit me
(hit me with a rock)
Hit me, hit me, hit me
(hit me with a rock)

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song performed by Weird Al YankovicReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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I Dont Stop Rappin

Dont stop
Dont stop that rap
Too short
And I dont stop rappin
Just dont stop
Too short
I dont stop rappin
Dont stop that rap
Well Im sir too short
The true mc
Fresh again with the brand new beat
The big bank roller, I know whats happening
I get on the mike and I dont stop rappin
Dont stop
Dont stop that rap
Too short
I dont stop rappin
My rap dont stop, you know it cant
I get on the mic and I make big bank
Unlike some rappers that I know
Trying to get no, but that dont go
Im that rapper, sir too short
I know youve heard my name before
And if you havent, now you have
Sir too short dont stop that rap
Dont stop
I dont stop rappin
Too short
Dont stop that rap
Im so rough so tough when I talk my stuff
I dont stop rappin cuz Im too tough
Telling you rappers what its all about
Most mcs are played out
But not too short, Im the best
You know too short is so so fresh
If thats not short, your mind is snapping
The best is fresh cause I dont stop rappin
Dont stop
Dont stop rappin
Too short
I dont stop rappin
Im sir too short, the rapping man
Im a cold mc and I know I am
Im the big time rapper from east oakland
Into music and making fans
I love young ladies who love my rhymes
Cuz what they say is right on time
The only mc with fresh hits
Its sir too short, he never quits
Thats so so true, what they say

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song performed by Too ShortReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Tonights The Night

Well tonight's the night I'm gonna get right
Gonna hit the scene with my friends
Tonight's the night Imma feel alright, feel alright again
Tonight's the night Imma do what I gotta do to get out of here
Tonight's the night Imma feel alright, feel alright again
Bought myself a quick, cheap ticket, looking for a brand new scene
Gotta get the hell outta Hollwyood cause everything is halloween
Hit the town brass knuckles, make all the good people stare
I hope I don't end up in jail, but then again I don't realy care
Tonight's the night I'm going to get right
Gonna hit the scene with my friends
Tonight's the night Imma feel alright, feel alright again
Tonight's the night Imma do what I gotta do to get out of here
Tonight's the night Imma feel alright, feel alright again
Think it's time to have some fun, but what am I gonna wear
And where are we gonna go, and who's gonna do my hair
Got these hotass boots, but ain't got nothin to do
Somebody better give me some gas money, we're sitting here like fools
Tonight's the night I'm gonna get right
Gonna hit the scene with my friends
Tonight's the night Imma feel alright, feel alright again
Tonight's the night Imma do what I gotta do to get outta here
Tonight's the night Imma feel alright, feel alright again
I'm leaving today, I'm going far, far, far away
Got no reason to stay cause I don't wanna play
So can you hang, it's gonna be all night
Tonight's the night I'm gonna get right
Gonna hit the scene with my friends
Tonight's the night Imma feel alright, feel alright again
Tonight's the night Imma do what I gotta do to get outta here
Tonight's the night Imma feel alright, feel alright again
Bought myself a quick, cheap ticket, lookin for a brand new scene
Gotta get the hell outta Hollywood cause every day is halloween
Hit the town with brass knuckles, all the good people stare
I hope I don't end up in jail, but then again I don't really care
Tonight's the night I'm gonna get right
Gonna hit the scene with my friends
Tonight's the night Imma feel alright, feel alright again
Tonight's the night Imma do what I gotta do to get outta here
Tonight's the night Imma feel alright, feel alright again

song performed by PinkReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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D. M. S. R.

Everybody, get on the floor
What the helld u come here 4?
Girl it aint no use, u might as well get loose
Work your body like a whore
Say everybody -- get on the beat
Were gonna show u mothers how 2 scream
People everywhere, loosen up your hair
Take a deeper breath and sing along with me, yes
Are u ready?
Everybody everybody ooh (ooh), alright (alright), dance music sex romance
Oh, everybody say ooh (ooh), alright (alright), dance music sex romance
Everybody (everybody) -- loosen up
Shake it like u just dont care (shake it like u just dont care)
Nevermind your friends, girl it aint no sin
2 strip right down 2 your underwear
I say everybody (everybody) -- screw the masses
We only want 2 have some fun (have some fun)
I say do whatever we want, wear lingerie 2 a restaurant
Police aint got no gun, u dont have 2 run
Everybody ooh (ooh), alright (alright), dance music sex romance
Everybody say ooh (ooh), alright (alright), dance music sex romance, oh
Everybody clap your hands now
All the white people clap your hands on the four now
One two three, one two three, one two three, one two three, listen 2 me
I dont wanna be a poet
cuz I dont wanna blow it
I dont care 2 win awards
All I wanna do is dance
Play music sex romance
And try my best 2 never get bored
If u feel all right lemme hear u scream
Somebody say dance (dance), music (music),
Sex (sex), romance (romance)
Somebody say dance (dance), music (music),
Sex (sex), romance (romance)
Everybody say dance (dance), music (music),
Sex (sex), romance (romance)
Everybody say dance (dance), music (music),
Oh say sex (sex), romance (romance)
Everybody dance (dance), music (music),
Everybody say sex (sex), romance (romance) ((d.m.s.r.))
Everybody dance (dance), music (music),
Sex(sex), romance (romance) ((d.m.s.r.))
Jamie starrs a thief
Its time 2 fix your clock
Vanity 6 is so sweet
No u can all take a bite of my purple rock, can we stop?
Are u ready? (hey!)
Everybody sing this song now, ooh (ooh), alright (alright),

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song performed by PrinceReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Alright Tonight

Do you wanna boogie?
Do you wanna blow?
She said: I do I do I do
Do you want to love me?
Do you wanna blow?
She said: I do I do I do
She said: alright tonight, alright tonight
She said: alright tonight, alright tonight
She said: alright tonight, alright tonight
Do you wanna party?
Do you wanna ????
She said: I do I do I do
Wanna know the level?
She said: I do I do I do
She said: alright tonight, alright tonight
She said: alright tonight, alright tonight
Alright tonight
Alright tonight
Alright tonight
Do you wanna journey?
Do you wanna show?
She said: I do I do I do
Don't want it keep it coming
Wanna keep it up
She said: I do I do I do
She said: alright tonight, alright tonight
She said: alright tonight, alright tonight
Alright tonight
Alright tonight
Alright tonight
Only wanna be tonight
Baby I'm alright tonight

song performed by AC-DCReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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The House Of Dust: Complete


The sun goes down in a cold pale flare of light.
The trees grow dark: the shadows lean to the east:
And lights wink out through the windows, one by one.
A clamor of frosty sirens mourns at the night.
Pale slate-grey clouds whirl up from the sunken sun.

And the wandering one, the inquisitive dreamer of dreams,
The eternal asker of answers, stands in the street,
And lifts his palms for the first cold ghost of rain.
The purple lights leap down the hill before him.
The gorgeous night has begun again.

'I will ask them all, I will ask them all their dreams,
I will hold my light above them and seek their faces.
I will hear them whisper, invisible in their veins . . .'
The eternal asker of answers becomes as the darkness,
Or as a wind blown over a myriad forest,
Or as the numberless voices of long-drawn rains.

We hear him and take him among us, like a wind of music,
Like the ghost of a music we have somewhere heard;
We crowd through the streets in a dazzle of pallid lamplight,
We pour in a sinister wave, ascend a stair,
With laughter and cry, and word upon murmured word;
We flow, we descend, we turn . . . and the eternal dreamer
Moves among us like light, like evening air . . .

Good-night! Good-night! Good-night! We go our ways,
The rain runs over the pavement before our feet,
The cold rain falls, the rain sings.
We walk, we run, we ride. We turn our faces
To what the eternal evening brings.

Our hands are hot and raw with the stones we have laid,
We have built a tower of stone high into the sky,
We have built a city of towers.

Our hands are light, they are singing with emptiness.
Our souls are light; they have shaken a burden of hours . . .
What did we build it for? Was it all a dream? . . .
Ghostly above us in lamplight the towers gleam . . .
And after a while they will fall to dust and rain;
Or else we will tear them down with impatient hands;
And hew rock out of the earth, and build them again.


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poem by Report problemRelated quotes
Added by Poetry Lover
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