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All strangers and beggars are from Zeus, and a gift, though small, is precious.

in The OdysseyReport problemRelated quotes
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"As certain also of your own poets have said"—

[An imaginary person. The poet quoted by St. Paul was Aratus, a native of Tarsus.]

Cleon the poet (from the sprinkled isles,
Lily on lily, that o'erlace the sea,
And laugh their pride when the light wave lisps "Greece")—
To Protus in his Tyranny: much health!

They give thy letter to me, even now:
I read and seem as if I heard thee speak.
The master of thy galley still unlades
Gift after gift; they block my court at last
And pile themselves along its portico
Royal with sunset, like a thought of thee:
And one white she-slave from the group dispersed
Of black and white slaves (like the chequer-work
Pavement, at once my nation's work and gift,
Now covered with this settle-down of doves),
One lyric woman, in her crocus vest
Woven of sea-wools, with her two white hands
Commends to me the strainer and the cup
Thy lip hath bettered ere it blesses mine.

Well-counselled, king, in thy munificence!
For so shall men remark, in such an act
Of love for him whose song gives life its joy,
Thy recognition of the use of life;
Nor call thy spirit barely adequate
To help on life in straight ways, broad enough
For vulgar souls, by ruling and the rest.
Thou, in the daily building of thy tower—
Whether in fierce and sudden spasms of toil,
Or through dim lulls of unapparent growth,
Or when the general work 'mid good acclaim
Climbed with the eye to cheer the architect—
Didst ne'er engage in work for mere work's sake—
Hadst ever in thy heart the luring hope
Of some eventual rest a-top of it,
Whence, all the tumult of the building hushed,
Thou first of men mightst look out to the East:
The vulgar saw thy tower, thou sawest the sun.
For this, I promise on thy festival
To pour libation, looking o'er the sea,
Making this slave narrate thy fortunes, speak
Thy great words, and describe thy royal face—
Wishing thee wholly where Zeus lives the most,
Within the eventual element of calm.

Thy letter's first requirement meets me here.

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poem by from Men and Women (1855)Report problemRelated quotes
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Rudyard Kipling

The Widow At Windsor

'Ave you 'eard o' the Widow at Windsor
With a hairy gold crown on 'er 'ead?
She 'as ships on the foam -- she 'as millions at 'ome,
An' she pays us poor beggars in red.
(Ow, poor beggars in red!)
There's 'er nick on the cavalry 'orses,
There's 'er mark on the medical stores --
An' 'er troopers you'll find with a fair wind be'ind
That takes us to various wars.
(Poor beggars! -- barbarious wars!)
Then 'ere's to the Widow at Windsor,
An' 'ere's to the stores an' the guns,
The men an' the 'orses what makes up the forces
O' Missis Victorier's sons.
(Poor beggars! Victorier's sons!)

Walk wide o' the Widow at Windsor,
For 'alf o' Creation she owns:
We 'ave bought 'er the same with the sword an' the flame,
An' we've salted it down with our bones.
(Poor beggars! -- it's blue with our bones!)
Hands off o' the sons o' the Widow,
Hands off o' the goods in 'er shop,
For the Kings must come down an' the Emperors frown
When the Widow at Windsor says "Stop"!
(Poor beggars! -- we're sent to say "Stop"!)
Then 'ere's to the Lodge o' the Widow,
From the Pole to the Tropics it runs --
To the Lodge that we tile with the rank an' the file,
An' open in form with the guns.
(Poor beggars! -- it's always they guns!)

We 'ave 'eard o' the Widow at Windsor,
It's safest to let 'er alone:
For 'er sentries we stand by the sea an' the land
Wherever the bugles are blown.
(Poor beggars! -- an' don't we get blown!)
Take 'old o' the Wings o' the Mornin',
An' flop round the earth till you're dead;
But you won't get away from the tune that they play
To the bloomin' old rag over'ead.
(Poor beggars! -- it's 'ot over'ead!)
Then 'ere's to the sons o' the Widow,
Wherever, 'owever they roam.
'Ere's all they desire, an' if they require
A speedy return to their 'ome.
(Poor beggars! -- they'll never see 'ome!)

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City Of Beggars

The sky is always blue in the city of beggars
There is not much green in the city of beggars
There are buildings being built so fast in the city of beggars
In every corner that you encounter
The city of beggars are growing so fast
And in the city of beggars lives 30 million people
The air is not that good in the city of beggars
Because of the factories and the cars
The city of beggars never sleep
The noise goes on 24 hours a day
It is not safe to walk in the street of beggars
Because you can get robbed and killed at any time of the night or day
The traffic is chaotic in the city of beggars
Thanks God there is no snow in the city of beggars

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Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The Masque Of Pandora


HEPHAESTUS (standing before the statue of Pandora.)
Not fashioned out of gold, like Hera's throne,
Nor forged of iron like the thunderbolts
Of Zeus omnipotent, or other works
Wrought by my hands at Lemnos or Olympus,
But moulded in soft clay, that unresisting
Yields itself to the touch, this lovely form
Before me stands, perfect in every part.
Not Aphrodite's self appeared more fair,
When first upwafted by caressing winds
She came to high Olympus, and the gods
Paid homage to her beauty. Thus her hair
Was cinctured; thus her floating drapery
Was like a cloud about her, and her face
Was radiant with the sunshine and the sea.

Is thy work done, Hephaestus?

It is finished!

Not finished till I breathe the breath of life
Into her nostrils, and she moves and speaks.

Will she become immortal like ourselves?

The form that thou hast fashioned out of clay
Is of the earth and mortal; but the spirit,
The life, the exhalation of my breath,
Is of diviner essence and immortal.
The gods shall shower on her their benefactions,
She shall possess all gifts: the gift of song,
The gift of eloquence, the gift of beauty,
The fascination and the nameless charm
That shall lead all men captive.

Wherefore? wherefore?

(A wind shakes the house.)

I hear the rushing of a mighty wind
Through all the halls and chambers of my house!
Her parted lips inhale it, and her bosom

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The Beggar's Daughter of Bednall-Green

Part the First
Itt was a blind beggar, had long lost his sight,
He had a faire daughter of bewty most bright;
And many a gallant brave suiter had shee,
For none was soe comelye as pretty Bessee.

And though shee was of favor most faire,
Yett seing shee was but a poor beggars heyre,
Of ancyent housekeepers despised was shee,
Whose sonnes came as suitors to prettye Bessee.

Wherefore in great sorrow faire Bessy did say,
'Good father, and mother, let me goe away
To seeke out my fortune, whatever itt bee.'
This suite then they granted to prettye Bessee.

Then Bessy, that was of bewtye soe bright,
All cladd in gray russett, and late in the night
From father and mother alone parted shee,
Who sighed and sobbed for prettye Bessee.

Shee went till shee came to Stratford-le-Bow,
Then knew shee not whither, nor which way to goe;
With teares shee lamented her hard destinie,
So sadd and soe heavy was pretty Bessee.

Shee kept on her journey untill it was day,
And went unto Rumford along the hye way;
Where at the Queenes Armes entertained was shee,
Soe faire and wel favoured was pretty Bessee.

Shee had not beene there a month to an end,
But master and mistres and all was her friend;
And every brave gallant that once did her see
Was straight-way enamoured of pretty Bessee.

Great gifts they did send her of silver and gold,
And in their songs daylye her love was extold;
Her beawtye was blazed in every degree,
Soe faire and soe comelye was pretty Bessee.

The young men of Rumford in her had their joy;
Shee shewed herself courteous, and modestlye coye,
And at her commandment still wold they bee,
Soe fayre and so comelye was pretty Bessee.

Foure suitors att once unto her did goe,
They craved her favor, but still she sayd noe;
'I wild not wish gentles to marry with mee,-'
Yett ever they honored pretty Bessee.

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Beggars Day

If this is heaven, then Im in hell
If trust is misfortune, then wish me well
While I think of sadness baby
Your light shines through, your light shines through
Your light shines through
Because its beggars day
Because its beggars day
Because its beggars day
Ive lost control of my darker side
A world all for free, on a nastier ride
*and I have crossed myself in anger
All your mercy cant save me, all your mercy cant save me
All your mercy cant save me
Because its beggars day
Because its beggars day
Because its beggars day
Its beggars day
You know its beggars day
Because its beggars day
See this love, Ive stored for you
Wheel it and deal it, but our feelins are true
Repeat *
Chorus (2x)
(written by nils lofgren)
(published by almo music corp./hilmer publishing co. ascap)

song performed by NazarethReport problemRelated quotes
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What I Am Is God’s Gift, What I Become Is My Gift To God


What I am is God’s gift, what I become is my gift to God tells us that our own body and the life that breath in our body is God’s precious gift to us but what this body can become and what sense or impact of our being as a person to others and to God is our gift to the Almighty. Our own body and life is our own gift from God on the day of our creation from womb till we joined this world to become what we want to mirror in this journey of life. God has given us all the provisions to live and all the faculties we need to grow as a person. He gave us a body strong enough to withstand trials of life like illness, sorrows and pains to keep us not so much fragile to anything that we can paint our own journey in this life. No doubt the life we breath is indeed God’s most precious gift to all of us. Precious than anything like glittering gold or diamonds. Our life is really beyond compare being the ultimate reasons God had created this world and the very reason why He gave his only begotten Son to secure and protect such gift to all of us. Truly, our own life is our gift from God but what we become as a person is our gift in return to God.

What we wanted to become in the eyes of men and God is our gift in return to such noble and precious gift of life we had from God. Our body is the temple of God’s Kingdom when we let our soul glitter like diamond upon the eyes of God if sense of righteousness lives within every breath we take as we deal with other people and so with God. It is how we used this body as an instrument to fulfill our own mission in this life through our own vocation, work or services we take is our gift to God. Everything we do in this life in the service to other people and to God is our own gift to the Almighty. Everything we do to the temple of God’s Kingdom, our body, determines the impact of our sense of being as a person in the eyes of God and men. Truly, if we wanted to be looked upon as a glittering diamond in the yes of God and men, we must live in righteousness upholding all the fundamental truth and wisdom of God as we relate with other people and as we serve with prudence sharing our life and services to others.

Our own sense of being, purpose or mission through our various ways, vocations or services is the way how we return our gratitude and appreciation to our gift of life from God. The way how we share our own life to give life and light to others is our gift to God. Make this life then shine for others and to God for it is our own little way of returning the favor of God’s grace and love to us.

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The Gift You Are

This song appears on four albums, and was first released on the flower that shattered the stone album, and has also been released on the stonehaven sunrise, the gift you are and the john denver
Ction - annies song albums.
Imagine a month of sundays
Each one a cloudy day
Imagine the moment the sun came shining through
Imagine that ray of sunshine as you
Remember your darkest hour
With dawn still far away
Remember the way that you longed for mornings light
And think of yourself as a candle in the night
Make believe this is the first day
Everything all brand new
Make believe that the sun is your own lucky star
And then understand the kind of gift you are
The gift you are
Like the very first breath of spring
The gift you are
All the joy that love can bring
The gift you are
All of our dreams come true
The gift you are
The gift of you
You are the promise of all the ages
You are the prodigal son
You are the vision of prophets and sages
You are the only one
Dream of a bright tomorrow
Know that your dream will come true
Carry your dream in a sparkling crystal jar
Then you will know the kind of gift you are
The gift you are
Like the very first breath of spring
The gift you are
All the joy that love can bring
The gift you are
All of our dreams come true
The gift you are
The gift of you
The gift you are
Like the very first breath of springtime
The gift you are
All the joy that love can bring
The gift you are
All of our dreams come true - yes they do
The gift you are
The gift of you
The gift you are
The gift of you
Words and music by john denver

song performed by John DenverReport problemRelated quotes
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A Gift

Im just a gift to the women of this world
Im just a gift to the women of this world
Responsibility sits so hard on my shoulder
Like a good wine, Im better as I grow older, and now -
- Im just a gift to the women of this world
Im just a gift to the women of this world
Im just a gift to the women of this world
Its hard to settle for second best
After youve had me, you know that youve had the best
And now you know that -
- Im just a gift to the women of this world
(Im just a gift to the women of this world)
(Im just a gift to the women of this world)
Responsibility sits hard on my shoulder
Like a good wine, Im better as I get older, and now -
- Im just a gift to the women of this world
You know that Im just a gift to the women of this world
Just a gift now
(Im just a gift to the women of this world)
(Im just a gift to the women of this world)
(Im just a gift to the women of this world)
(Im just a gift to the women of this world, just now)
(Im just a gift to the women of this world, just a gift)
(Im just a gift to the women of this world)
Im just a gift to the women of this world
Im just a gift to the women of this world

song performed by Lou ReedReport problemRelated quotes
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Theme From The City Of Beggars

Free the beggars from poverty today
Free the beggars from the slam today
Free the beggars from slave labour
Give the beggars some hope today
Put a smile on the beggars face
The beggars are starving today
So go ahead and feed the beggars some bread and water
Because that is better than nothing
Give the beggars the same right
That the rich got

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L'Ancien Regime

Who has a thing to bring
For a gift to our lord the king,
Our king all kings above?
A young girl brought him love;
And he dowered her with shame,
With a sort of infamous fame,
And then with lonely years
Of penance and bitter tears --
Love is scarcely the thing
To bring as a gift for our king.

Who has a thing to bring
For a gift to our lord the king?
A statesman brought him planned
Justice for all the land;
And he in recompense got
Fierce struggle with brigue and plot,
Then a fall from lofty place
Into exile and disgrace --
Justice is never the thing
To bring as a gift for our king.

Who has a thing to bring
For a gift to our lord the king?
A writer brought him truth;
And first he imprisoned the youth,
And then he bestowed a free pyre
That the works might have plenty of fire,
And also to cure the pain
Of the headache called thought in the brain --
Truth is a very bad thing
To bring as a gift for our king.

Who has a thing to bring
For a gift to our lord the king?
The people brought their sure
Loyalty fervid and pure;
And he gave them bountiful spoil
Of taxes and hunger and toil,
Ignorance, brutish plight,
And wholesale slaughter in fight --
Loyalty's quite the worst thing
To bring as a gift for our king.

Who has a thing to bring
For a gift to our lord the king?
A courtier brought to his feet
Servility graceful and sweet,
With an ever ready smile
And an ever supple guile;

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Strangers But Strangers And Strangers

strangers but strangers and strangers
life goes on truth goes gos on humanity goes on
meaning goes on time goes on rain goes on storms go on
animals kingdom s go on in the forest of Darwin
strangers but strangers and strangers
images go on in the line of alternative realities
images are close relationship with human existence
strangers but strangers and strangers
facts are not strange but language is strange
strangers but strangers and strangers

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Strangers Again

(stewart, cregan, savigar)
Here we go babe putting each other down
I dont know how long this love will last
If we keep kicking it around
We threaten each other with leaving
Neither one of us giving in
Were walking on thin ice baby
I dont wanna see it end
And oh Ive never let any woman this close to me
Dont let me down
Put in some trust dont give up on us
Strangers again
We should talk it over
Strangers again
Lets make love and say were sorry
Strangers again
We both need a shoulder, dont let it go
I cant stand the silence
When we dont get along
Both of us believing
That the other must surely be wrong
So strange how two people
Can be so very cruel
Both of us should know by now
Neither ones the other ones fool
And oh Ive never let any woman this close to me
So dont let me down
Put in some trust dont give up on us
Strangers again
We should talk it over
Strangers again
Lets make love and say were sorry
Strangers again
We both need a shoulder, dont let it go
Oh Ive never let any woman this close to me
So dont let me down
Why dont ya put in some trust
Dont give up on us
Strangers again
We should talk it over
Strangers again
Lets make love and say were sorry
Strangers again
We both need a shoulder, dont let it go
Strangers again
I dont know what happened
Strangers again
Yesterday was full of passion
Strangers again
We both need a shoulder, dont let it go

song performed by Rod StewartReport problemRelated quotes
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They're Not Suited Totally

Two strangers,
Too soon meet...
To agree,
No one else can match their needs.

Two strangers,
Too soon meet...
To soon discover,
They're not suited totally!

After feeding sexual needs,
They're not suited totally.
Petty issues raises heat.
And they're not suited totally.
There's no cure or remedy,
That will make two strangers see...
Eye to eye,
As days go by.

Two strangers,
Too soon meet...
To agree,
No one else can match their needs.

Two strangers,
Too soon meet...
To soon discover,
They're not suited totally!

Between them there's no history.
And two strangers will never see...
Eye to eye,
As days go by.

After feeding sexual needs,
They're not suited totally.
Petty issues raises heat.
And they're not suited totally.
There's no cure or remedy,
And soon two strangers will agree...
Between them there's no chemistry.
And one of them wishes to leave.
Since there is no history.
And two strangers will never see...
Eye to eye,
As days go by.

Two strangers...
They're not suited totally!
Between them there's no history.

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All Are Precious

Every child’s, a precious one!
Every spouse, a precious one;
Every sibling, a precious one;
For, most have small, a family norm!

Every parent’s, a precious one!
Every student’s, a precious one!
Every teacher, a precious one;
For, most have small, a family norm!

Every worker’s, a precious one!
Every inmate, a precious one;
Every colleague, a precious one;
For, most have small, a family norm!

Every person’s, a precious one!
Every life, a precious one;
Every soul, a precious one;
For, most have small, a family norm!

So, take all care of every life,
And don’t take undue risks at all;
Life’s most precious thing on earth;
For, most have small, a family norm!

Copyright by Dr John Celes 24-10-2010

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Healthy Back Bag

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Pearl of delight that a prince doth please
To grace in gold enclosed so clear,
I vow that from over orient seas
Never proved I any in price her peer.
So round, so radiant ranged by these,
So fine, so smooth did her sides appear
That ever in judging gems that please
Her only alone I deemed as dear.
Alas! I lost her in garden near:
Through grass to the ground from me it shot;
I pine now oppressed by love-wound drear
For that pearl, mine own, without a spot.

Since in that spot it sped from me,
I have looked and longed for that precious thing
That me once was wont from woe to free,
To uplift my lot and healing bring,
But my heart doth hurt now cruelly,
My breast with burning torment sting.
Yet in secret hour came soft to me
The sweetest song I e'er heard sing;
Yea, many a thought in mind did spring
To think that her radiance in clay should rot.
O mould! Thou marrest a lovely thing,
My pearl, mine own, without a spot.

In that spot must needs be spices spread
Where away such wealth to waste hath run;
Blossoms pale and blue and red
There shimmer shining in the sun;
No flower nor fruit their hue may shed
Where it down into darkling earth was done,
For all grass must grow from grains that are dead,
No wheat would else to barn be won.
From good all good is ever begun,
And fail so fair a seed could not,
So that sprang and sprouted spices none
From that precious pearl without a spot.

That spot whereof I speak I found
When I entered in that garden green,
As August's season high came round
When corn is cut with sickles keen.
There, where that pearl rolled down, a mound
With herbs was shadowed fair and sheen,
With gillyflower, ginger, and gromwell crowned,
And peonies powdered all between.

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(bobby braddock)
Two strangers passing on the sidewalk
Barely brush each others hand
He says Im sorry
She says dont worry
And that is how it all began
A few short days and night together
And its like they were meant to be
Lying there with her he softly whispers
Just think what we were so recently
Strangers, strangers
The world greatest lovers
Last week we were strangers
Two strangers passing in the hallway
Barely touch each others heart
Now theyre pretending
Two shadows blending
But theyre a million miles apart
Soon shell be packing up her suitcase
Theyll be dividing all the blame
They know how they started
Now empty hearted
They dont have a clue how they became
Strangers, strangers
The world greatest lovers
And now they are strangers
The worlds greatest lovers
Have turned into strangers
Strangers, strangers

song performed by Martina McbrideReport problemRelated quotes
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Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Second Book

TIMES followed one another. Came a morn
I stood upon the brink of twenty years,
And looked before and after, as I stood
Woman and artist,–either incomplete,
Both credulous of completion. There I held
The whole creation in my little cup,
And smiled with thirsty lips before I drank,
'Good health to you and me, sweet neighbour mine
And all these peoples.'
I was glad, that day;
The June was in me, with its multitudes
Of nightingales all singing in the dark,
And rosebuds reddening where the calyx split.
I felt so young, so strong, so sure of God!
So glad, I could not choose be very wise!
And, old at twenty, was inclined to pull
My childhood backward in a childish jest
To see the face of't once more, and farewell!
In which fantastic mood I bounded forth
At early morning,–would not wait so long
As even to snatch my bonnet by the strings,
But, brushing a green trail across the lawn
With my gown in the dew, took will and way
Among the acacias of the shrubberies,
To fly my fancies in the open air
And keep my birthday, till my aunt awoke
To stop good dreams. Meanwhile I murmured on,
As honeyed bees keep humming to themselves;
'The worthiest poets have remained uncrowned
Till death has bleached their foreheads to the bone,
And so with me it must be, unless I prove
Unworthy of the grand adversity,–
And certainly I would not fail so much.
What, therefore, if I crown myself to-day
In sport, not pride, to learn the feel of it,
Before my brows be numb as Dante's own
To all the tender pricking of such leaves?
Such leaves? what leaves?'
I pulled the branches down,
To choose from.
'Not the bay! I choose no bay;
The fates deny us if we are overbold:
Nor myrtle–which means chiefly love; and love
Is something awful which one dare not touch
So early o' mornings. This verbena strains
The point of passionate fragrance; and hard by,
This guelder rose, at far too slight a beck
Of the wind, will toss about her flower-apples.
Ah–there's my choice,–that ivy on the wall,
That headlong ivy! not a leaf will grow

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poem by from Aurora Leigh (1856)Report problemRelated quotes
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3306 plan tackle bag
10 pound bag of endives yield
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$2 grab bag nsd
1970s bean bag
18th century shooting bags
48 superman bop bag
2006 kawasaki ninja 250r bags
1976 electra glide saddle bags
1940 s english aoutomobiles gas bags
40 lb bag of cement
07 cr-v safety bag plastic pillar
2 gauge ear plug grab bag
1998 saturn sl2 air bag module
40 degree helix sleeping bag
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2000 mercedes air bag problem
2ply snap handle bag
1987 bmw k75s saddle bags
2003 bozo desktop bop bag
135 approved electronic flight bag
2005 toyota matrix side air bags
2006 bag gucci spring
3 insulated sleeping bags
4in bag ice one
2008 street bob hard bags
45 micron bag
250 ninja nelson-rigg saddle bag
24 wheeled garment bag
1996 lincoln continental air bag suspension
2006 aka boule bag
400d horn bag

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