Melody In Soft Gilded Brown
In a secret place in my heart there always
is a heroine playing the piano, tonight she
played Schubert's Impromptu in E-flat major
beautifully, rolling whirlpools of light-flashing
notes encircling a melody in soft gilded brown
Whorls turning and turning, I followed in a dance
moving to and fro, up and down, weaving musical
lines in my heart until the circles heaved in emotion,
reaching a peak and the gilded melody in soft velvet
brown calmed everything down
The secret place in my heart engulfed everyday
life, revelling in remembrance of every great love,
assigning delight to everything, every ray of sun-
shine, every moonbeam safe in a place where no
blight of being can touch - a Platonic world
Of perfect ideas where beauty remains an ideal
calling the dreamer forth - briefly adorning the
face of every smiling human being…
poem by Margaret Alice Second
Added by Poetry Lover
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