Quotes about na'ale, page 14
Saddle, addle, sad, add, deal, dad;
But, on the same day with your muse! !
From me and, to you;
For, the alter split apart and,
The ashes poured out from the alter.
Saddle, lead, lad, led, seal, sea, ale, dead;
And of your high places! !
But, she cried out for mercy!
And, like the muse of your offerings.
A son shall be born in your house as a sign! !
Because, the gift of peace had bbeen offered to you;
And, you need to saddle on to the land of joy.
poem by Edward Kofi Louis
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I Hear Wedding Bells
I hear the wedding bells ring,
they are like a song that sings from the heart,
My father takes my arm and whispers in my ear that i am beautiful,
I am slowly walking down the ale,
I look at the man that i will love forever,
He has tears in his eyes, then i start to cry too,
I wonder what he is thinking of me,
I wonder if I will make a good wife and a mother to our children to come,
I hear the wedding bells ring,
they are like a song from the heart.
poem by Katie Lathrop
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Reclaiming the Ship
Captain has stolen our ship again!
Find me another so that we can
Board and clean the all decks
Free from paper with words
'sadness', 'sorrow' and 'woe'-
All to be shown the plank, got that?
Then hide the ale from view,
Put some magnesium in his soup
(Not too much, you know what that would do) .
Kill some chickens in the coup,
Line the cupboards with the best food.
Then make sure he eats!
And when we hear that belly laugh again,
Set course for buried treasure.
poem by Harriet James
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Drunk Weather (Life Poem)
An altitude of ale
A barometer of beer
A circulation of champagne
A depression of damassine
An equilibrium of eau de vie
A fractus of fenny
A gust of grappa
A hail of horilka
An isotherm of icewine
A jet stream of jenever
A kilopascal of kirsch
A layer of limoncello
A metamorphism of mead
A nocturnal of nuvo
An overcast of ouzo
A persistence of porter
A reaction of rakia
A storm of sake
A torrent of tequila
An updraft of unicum
[...] Read more
poem by Ian Beckett
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Sonnet 6
Raise your glass! and carry on!
Forget the day's problems and smile.
Laugh and love till morning's dawn.
Let us all make it worth our while.
Meet the jester so full of tricks!
Painted faces and fairies play.
Drunken crowd nothing to risk.
The music plays all night and day!
A lady smiles and pours more ale,
Dancer's continue into the night..
A well to do man tell's his heroic tale
We are young with no real fright.
Our private world of renaissance faire,
And for tonight we shall drink and forget to care!
poem by Suelynn Walters
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He Thinks Of His Past Greatness When A Part Of The Constellations Of Heaven
I HAVE drunk ale from the Country of the Young
And weep because I know all things now:
I have been a hazel-tree, and they hung
The Pilot Star and the Crooked Plough
Among my leaves in times out of mind:
I became a rush that horses tread:
I became a man, a hater of the wind,
Knowing one, out of all things, alone, that his head
May not lie on the breast nor his lips on thc hair
Of the woman that he loves, until he dies.
O beast of the wilderness, bird of the air,
Must I endure your amorous cries?
poem by William Butler Yeats
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Whale of a Tale
Hail bishop with memory frail
wound up when night's sup d[r]owned pale ale,
in Tooting Bec Garden
sin rooting wreck, hard-on,
but confessions too catholic fail.
Head made headlines, unfortunate tale,
he could make neither heads or tails, bail
may be sought for the sot
got his lot, potty plot
grows thicker, and sicker, all quail.
For at least from his priests rose gale wail
on the whale of the tale, they'd prevail
on the bish with boys' toys
who should fish for souls' buoys,
for repentance for leaving gael trail.
poem by Jonathan Robin
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A luscious land of fertile soil,
Upon which there's been years of toil,
The towns and villages appeal,
With somewhat of an old world feel,
Traditionally brewed vintage ale,
Many a bizarre quaint tale,
Out on the broads all is tranquil,
A place to be with time to kill,
Once home of witches and fairies,
Now where to live a life of ease,
A history rearing horses,
Home of the grand national races,
Brilliantly vibrant blue skies,
Folk with Anglo and Celtic ties,
A coast that glows with golden sands,
History built on the fenlands.
poem by Christian Lacdael
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In the Island of flowers!
Marlen, male, ale, are, ear, era, men, real, realm, learn, ram;
And like fire and water! !
But, this muse of love is prepared for you alone.
Marlen, lean, ran, meal, mare, near, me, man, ream, lane, lame;
But i use to hear your steps behind me! !
Den, pen, open, men, ten, hen, green, queen, been, fen, when?
And like the ginger Bread-Man.
Meet, meat!
Of an area of low flat wet land;
Star, start!
Bee, been!
And like the art of tapping honey;
But, this muse of love is prepared for you alone.
poem by Edward Kofi Louis
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Gently stir and blow the fire,
Lay the mutton down to roast,
Dress it quickly, I desire,
In the dripping put a toast,
That I hunger may remove --
Mutton is the meat I love.
On the dresser see it lie;
Oh, the charming white and red;
Finer meat ne'er met the eye,
On the sweetest grass it fed:
Let the jack go swiftly round,
Let me have it nice and brown'd.
On the table spread the cloth,
Let the knives be sharp and clean,
Pickles get and salad both,
Let them each be fresh and green.
With small beer, good ale and wine,
Oh ye gods! how I shall dine.
poem by Jonathan Swift
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