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Quotes about god, page 18

V. Count Guido Franceschini

Thanks, Sir, but, should it please the reverend Court,
I feel I can stand somehow, half sit down
Without help, make shift to even speak, you see,
Fortified by the sip of … why, 't is wine,
Velletri,—and not vinegar and gall,
So changed and good the times grow! Thanks, kind Sir!
Oh, but one sip's enough! I want my head
To save my neck, there's work awaits me still.
How cautious and considerate … aie, aie, aie,
Nor your fault, sweet Sir! Come, you take to heart
An ordinary matter. Law is law.
Noblemen were exempt, the vulgar thought,
From racking; but, since law thinks otherwise,
I have been put to the rack: all's over now,
And neither wrist—what men style, out of joint:
If any harm be, 't is the shoulder-blade,
The left one, that seems wrong i' the socket,—Sirs,
Much could not happen, I was quick to faint,
Being past my prime of life, and out of health.
In short, I thank you,—yes, and mean the word.

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Can God? Will God? Has God?

Can God? God can!
Can God? God can!
Can God? God can!
Do the impossible.
Will God? God will!
Will God? God will!
Will God? God will!
Do the impossible.
Has God? God Has!
Has God? God Has!
Has God? God Has!
Done the impossible.

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No Secrets

God knows us better than I know me
God knows we love the creator of our sea.

God knows we love color and softness of skin
God knows we try not to intentionally sin.

God knows we love the other half of earth's human gender
God knows we love children and the one from December.

God knows we love all living life
The fish, animals and of course; our loving wife.

God knows us because of the time lent
Even when we sit and just question; where it went.

God is our happiness, tears and joy
Magnificence seen in both the girls and the boys.

God knows we love silence and the word
God knows we love the beauty of a flying bird.

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Why Can't They Leave God Alone?

Why can’t they leave God alone?
They curse God for not existing-
While blaming God for every evil in the world-
They mock God-
They hate God -
They laugh at God -
They continually prove that God does not help anyone-
They say God causes the wars -
They put all their heart and mind into driving God out of our hearts and minds-
They do not stop
They cannot be quiet
They try day after day to show that our universe
Has no need of a Creator-
And that we are not in any way cared for or loved
By any higher personal power-
They want to hurt not only God
But all those who believe in God-
They call us deluded -
They say we are ignorant and primitive and stupid-
They try to revenge themselves on God

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With All My Heart, God, Let Me… (A Song)

With all my heart, God, let me praise you;
With all my heart, God, let me thank you;
With all my heart, God, let me serve you;
With all my heart, God, let me love you.

With all my heart, God, let me seek you;
With all my heart, God, let me trust you;
With all my heart, God, let me call you;
With all my heart, God, let me reach you.

With all my heart, God, let me rejoice;
With all my heart, God, let me obey;
With all my heart, God, let me repent;
With all my heart, God, let me be glad.

With all my heart, God, let me be pure;
With all my heart, God, let me await;
With all my heart, God, let me sing songs;
With all my heart, God, let me not sin.

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Don't Ask God

Don’t ask God for wisdom lest he give you folly to teach your heart.
Don’t ask God for wealth lest he give you poverty to make you depend on him.
Don’t ask God for vision lest he give you blindness to guide your way.
Don’t ask God for strength lest he give you weakness to sustain you.
Don’t ask God for protection lest he give you adversity, so he can fight for you.
Don’t ask God for progress lest he give you stillness so you can know him.
Don’t ask God for water lest he give you thirst, so you can seek the living water.
Don’t ask God for food lest he give you hunger for righteousness.
Don’t ask God for joy, lest he give you mourning to put your heart on eternity.
Don’t ask God for beauty lest he give you ashes to teach you how to look inward.
Don’t ask God for friends lest he give you enemies so he can be your friend.
Don’t ask God for life lest he give you death to mortify your flesh.
Don’t ask God for crown lest he give you a cross to save your soul.

In pride,
In selfishness,
In haughtiness,
In foolishness
In arrogance,
In self righteousness,

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Is Rebirth On Earth A Myth?

Rebirth may be really true
In my most humble view
This concept is not new
Another birth is surely due

If sins all methodically commit
God will not simply leave it
To escape, God will not permit
Proper reasons, one must submit

If answers are not satisfactory
Suffering is made obligatory
Hell is a punishment factory
Rejecting our cock and bull story

A tiniest creature moves
God's presence, this proves
Life to it, God approves
Its life, a small touch removes

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Bible in Poetry: Gospel of St. Luke (Chapter 1)

The disciples were eye-witnesses to
The ministry of Jesus and God’s word.
In Herod’s (The King of Judea) days,
There lived a priest by name, Zehariah
Of priestly division of Abijah.

His wife’s name was Elizabeth,
One of the daughters of Aaron;
Both lived a righteous life in eyes of God,
Observing all the commandments of Lord.
Advanced in age, they did not have children!

Zachariah entered God’s sanctuary,
To burn incense, while people prayed outside;
An angel of the Lord appeared and said,
‘Don’t be afraid; your prayer, God has heard.’

‘Your wife will bear a son, and name him ‘John’.
His birth will bring all gladness and great joy;
He will become great in the eyes of God;

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Lenexa Baptist Church = Miracles & The Mystery Of Prayer


Miracles are the extraordinary acts of God
If you don't believe it, why pray?
Some say, they're just happenings brought about by luck
Thus, superstition has led the rest of us, astray.

Woe to what the misinformed might think
Who claim their excellence is their own.
A wise man knows his gifts are from Heaven
And by repentance, his gratitude is shown.

I believe in miracles for I'm alive and well
I'm loved by God, family, and a few good friends.
I've lived long enough to see miracles transpire
As one must end, another descends.


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At The Gate

THE monastery towers, as pure and fair
As virgin vows, reached up white hands to Heaven;
The walls, to guard the hidden heart of prayer,
Were strong as sin, and white as sin forgiven;
And there came holy men, by world's woe driven;
And all about the gold-green meadows lay
Flower-decked, like children dear that keep May-holiday.

'Here,' said the Abbot, 'let us spend our days,
Days sweetened by the lilies of pure prayer,
Hung with white garlands of the rose of praise;
And, lest the World should enter with her snare--
Enter and laugh and take us unaware
With her red rose, her purple and her gold--
Choose we a stranger's hand the porter's keys to hold.'

They chose a beggar from the world outside
To keep their worldward door for them, and he,
Filled with a humble and adoring pride,
Built up a wall of proud humility

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