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Quotes about may, page 18

A clear move

See the world above
Stay where ever you are and don't move
See it to your self to reach at the end
Don't see others as masters but only friends

It might have proved too difficult
To come out of it with some insult
The frustration is in open with result
The foundation may be weak even if rebuilt

Try to reason out with your own experience
Add something to it with real context in presence
Never go for any acknowledgement or insistence
It may prove as contrary to draw any inference

The world may not look glamorous or appealing
The nice idea to flow with it may be repealing
We may feel awkward and attempt for concealing
It may aggravate the wounds without proper healing

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Days and nights

Days and nights

Day and night may come and go
What to retain and what to forgo!
Life cycle may not stop or go slow
Soul may be no where with little blow

Day may shine with rays around
Objects may rally when shine is found
Life may come to fore with beautiful liveliness
Smile may be seen with charm on the face

Why to talk of nature when everything is abundance?
We are on this beautiful earth by heavenly chance
Let us make it colorful and memorable
Enjoy with full vigor and stay comfortable

Make life not heavily laden?
It may be over all of sudden
We may have it not at will

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A go back

I shall say good luck
Do not come but go back
Before night sets
And birds return to nest

The sun has blazed all the way
I was tired throughout out the day
I could find no refuge
The ordeal seemed to me very huge

How long the coolness may remain
It may prove hollow and cause pain
Sea may calm down with blue water
Only some noise from ship's hooter

I need some rest
It is enduring test
How to retrace and come back?
There is slight pain in neck

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A sleep is must

it is for health sake
to remain asleep and to remain awake
the worry and pain may be there
but we have to stay here

Not all may find it with favor
Not all the faces may have glamor
still there is like and dislike
it certainly pounds and strike

You may resort to drugs
you may feel the presence of bugs
it has its own way to cause you worry
we must neglect it and not feel sorry

It is of no use to forget it altogether
it may go off gradually and wither
it will not allow you comfortable sleep
even if you hide under pillow and weep

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A knock at the door

It will yet knock the door
As you will then seem to be poor
the reality may not be left behind
in search of new find

The pigeon may close the eyes
with the thought that cat may not ask why
she will catch her by neck
the life will never be back

The sound can be blocked
the light too can be shadowed
The vanes may be still flowing
the red and fresh blood will be allowing

The world is there as it is
everything moves on as it was
you may observer temporary pause
you have reason and sold cause

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A need to afford

I can’t afford to remain off the guard with endless wait
I follow simple path and go straight
All worldly desires don’t appeals to me and fall on deaf ears
As if everything has been drained out with the passing of years

I remained on guard and thought to work on right
Considered rivals as friends and decided not to fight
Nothing went right as per plan and it failed to deliver
I still remained defiant in belief and firm believer

Let others try anything and go high and dry
I shall always look forward and try
May be that things may not turn to spring surprise
Surely it may not cripple the wings when sun rise

Life is really adventurous
It may prove hard and tortuous
All colors may not remain permanent and fade away
Darkness will be all over with the arrival of bright day

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A little respite

I heaved a sigh of relief
I had strong sense of belief
I was true to conscience and very brief
Pain and agony has to be borne by self

It is know fact and not be denied
You should not lament when expectations are bellied
You may feel a pinch of salt
When you receive something despite not being at fault

It may give little sense of being hurt
It is how you feel when reply received is curt
Such things are not digested easily and silently tease
It may erupt often in mind and do not cease

Some of the behavior is accepted as usual
It is termed as normal very casual
Some type of altercation is expected as outburst
It is one kind of extension of rage as thrust

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A no price tag

Love does not mean infatuation
It is immoral to have its continuation
It has no price tag or valuation
May vary from time and situation

Love is not means to be impressed
Never to desired or pressed
Pulses may send signals
That is indication of spring's arrival

Love is apparent
It can never be indifferent
It can be felt even if you remain as true friend
It may endure more till the end

General expectation is broad smile
Some invitation and company for a while
Exchange of few words and proposal for date
A constant fear in mind for not to reach late

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A new height

I looked up to see the mountain peak
My eyes could not reach as if they were so weak
How to reach out to mountain and speak?
Chances seemed to be dull and very bleak

It is not good to look beyond the capacity
One should confine to near the vicinity
If you try to reach out far then there is fear of loosing continuity
But still it is worth to try for peace and amity

When you look up to spread the wings?
New energy may set in but high hopes may hinge
There will be earnest attempt to reason it out
One should look up and not fear any fall out

It is difficult look down when reached on the top of the height
You will be bound o look downward with some less weight
There may develop some superior complex
You will the think of your self as an expert with ace

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For The Want Of Time

I never excuse for the want of time
Even though it may very important and prime
I love some of my friends and relatives
As they are close and very subjective

I may never find time in whole life
As husband has no spare time for wife
Yet something is to be talked about
Else you face the possible rout

How can I say you keep off?
How can I that rude and rough?
Everybody is built of some fine stuff
No amount of arguments can help not even bluff

I know only mortals may remain
I may prefer to be excluded in my domain
But at what cost I enjoy the fame?
What is there good in the name?

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