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Quotes about puzzle, page 18

Cut the Puzzle Out

Sometimes when you break up with your friend,
you make a mistake, you have a very bad situation.
Well, cut the puzzle out,
put it together,
that means to make a new friend,
or get along better.
It also means that when you have a friend,
you should help them out, that's how this song goes.
Now, when you have a friend, you should help them out,
help, help, help your friends.
Ooh, yeah!
You should help them out, help them out, help them out,
help them, help them, help them out.

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I must accept the insignificance
and solve the puzzle of night.
Possessed sunlight always pursues
the shadows of words.

Philosophy of veils descends on awareness
casting silhoutte of differences.
Nocturnal sweat of sky
overwhelms the grass with dew.

I pick up the fallen stars on my eyelids.
A love affair of moon smarts in wind.
Right now I want peace with myself.

Summons of death will arrive,
when you would have finished your innings,
and start dressing up to welcome
the beautiful sunset.

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Alone with my solitude

I was standing at the edge
Looking at the city lights
Wondering if it would hurt more
To jump or just to live
I felt the cold of the wind
I saw the moon
And I was wondering where you fit in all of this
The truth hit me hard this time
And is still hunting for more
Just to say your name
Is pain
You are just one piece of this wicked puzzle
Called my life
Every day, every night
Just a pain to me
And now I’m standing here
Alone with my solitude
Wondering if I should make the jump

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Dumping Ground

The dumping ground,
Attracts dysfunctions of all kinds.
Those with and/or without minds...
Wherever and whenever,
The scent of encouragement is found...

And anyone not playing a part,
In this disturbed slice of life ordered...
Complete with social misfits witnessed.
Can only be made to feel,
Like a piece of a puzzle that does not quite fit.
Although the allure of it often smuggles,
Anyone with a consciousness away!

This is the dumping ground found...
Surrounding to enrich,

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Jigsaw of life

Square peice of sorrow
Round peice of happiness
Diamond peice of faith
Jagged peice of hate
Oblong peice of hope

Stepping stones
Peices of paper
Wooden blocks

Many roads to wander
Many turns to take
Many mistakes to ponder
Many joys to shed tears

Sorrow, happiness, hate, faith and hope
Fit together at times
Easier than others
Patience they say
Will win at the end of the day

[...] Read more

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Ku' Tshime la Boxen" AKA- The Lost Portraits

It's been a while since she said a word
I wonder on my own
She and I met in a different land
We meet again on this journey

My Mind Becomes Blank Again
Like the plain sheet of paper
on my hand
And a pen!
But the silence of my mind gets louder

"Ku' Tshime la Boxen"
Here lies a rock
Its inscriptions read…..
"Lezzie' our mother and mentor"..

? ? .. a sign, a question
A Missing piece of the puzzle
The corner stone...
I am trying to draw a portrait

[...] Read more

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I am the king the most unruly
In my kingdom No rules no law
At my will things are pushed or pulled
My pleasure is your wonder
Dazzle, puzzle, bewilder
You are out when I break down
Under my own jurisdiction
I don't follow
Whatever is the scenario,
Big or small I only know,
How to play with whims
How to play with fancies,
I am very, very simple
With awe you call me a miracle
Down the ages the test of truth
And the testimony of faith
But the quality of both not lies in me
But lies in beauty and in its utility.

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Consciousness In A Body

We are condensed particles of light-
we can't see it even at night.
Everything in God's creation
has a consciousness without hesitation.
Isn't it grand when you finally understand
we are all a part of the puzzle in this 3d land?
Now our thoughts are of a different dimension-
dreaming at night—there is no ego
in this interaction.
So if we just go with the flow
look at life as a tapestry we sow—
Sow everyday along with others
we are all God's sisters and brothers.

Written by Christina Sunrise on July 29,2012

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Life has a habit at times
of making you think you’re losing it.
First you lose one thing and then another.
You search for both but find nothing.
You know you’re not imagining it,
but are puzzled where they have gone.
There seems no logical explanation,
only that they are not around any more.
They say they will turn up again,
but the problem is when and where.
Only the future knows the answer
and right now, it isn’t saying.
The puzzle then remains,
where have the missing things gone.

5 January 2009

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A very good day

Nothing stays forever
Still it is pursued forever
It is illusory and mirage
We are just pet in cage

What to think and what to do?
Everything seems good and true
No firm decision but puzzle in mind
How to go deep and really find

Will this be life long confusion?
What else can we do except confession?
Is there no remedy for reasonable exit?
Can we not write clearly on paper sheet?

This may be read by all
Possibly it may bring down the wall
Age long confusion may end one day?
It will be nice and very good day

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