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Quotes about wisdom, page 18

Heart Of Poetry

The mystery of words wisdom of the heart to each
angelic form, the voice of emotion in verse.

The melody of heart speak in words that feels the
emotion to express the deepness of feeling in the mind.

Thoughts of words flow to the emotion to make meaning,
to the essence that moves, sensitivity inside emotion
through the words.

Intellect of mind with the knowledge of experience power of
wisdom transcend to composition to unlock the perfect will of
words justify hidden truth.

The magnificent power compose words gives roots
blossom to the garden of heart and bring fruits to the heart of men.

Love kind words are power to win oneself to transform the
beauty of inside emotion to one particular individual.

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i find it sad how men,
in their 'infinite wisdom',
throughout the centuries,
have created a male world,
driven by a male ego,
controlled by male wisdom,
under the banner of a male god,
created in the image of man!

and yet the power of creation
has always dwelled in the feminine...
wisdom, passion, eros, beauty,
and even childbirth...
men in their fear of what they
dont understand, and of what they
cant do in themselves...
have always sought to keep the female
down, regulating her to second class
status, keeping her subjugated.

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Class Dismissed

Can anyone identify
What this is I have in my right hand?

'It is a pen, Mister Wisdom.'

Very good.
And with that pen,
On a piece of paper.
I want each of you to write this:
'If I ever allowed Mister Wisdom,
To teach and I would listen.
Perhaps he will not consider me,
A complete idiot! '
Very good.
Now take this to your parents...
And return this to me tomorrow!
With a photo of your parents attached!

Class dismissed!

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Ultimately Believed

Portraying to be a fool,
Has its benefits...
Eventually to be received.

To accept being one,
Has no advantages.
And ultimately believed.

When one lives to learn to grow,
There is much to comprehend.
Those living not wishing to comprehend,
Have shown what they've learned.
And this reflects.

'Where has all this wisdom you have come from? '

Is that what it's called?
It wasn't from a book.

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An Ageing Gipsy Woman

An ageing woman of no fixed abode
She has travelled down many a road
The lines of life etched on her face
And she is one who ages with grace.

Born into the wandering way of life
And is she a mother and to an ageing Rom a wife
And does her children play music and sing
And dance around the camp-fire in a ring.

All she asks is a small help from you
A gold or silver coin maybe two
Towards her ticket to her next destiny
How far distant from Paris or to where that might be.

The darkness of her eyes and her hair
And the colourful scarf that she wear
A beautiful though ageing Gipsy Rose
She strikes such a classical pose.

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The Difference

I can have wisdom AND knowledge,
With proof to show I do.
And be willing to volunteer my time away,
To those disrespecting I had valuable information,
That could benefit their lives.
And not ask from them a single dime.

I could be that person with no knowledge at all.
Had no wisdom to speak of and no time to volunteer.
If I had made a name for myself,
And made 'claims' of my abilities.
With my name bright up in lights for all to see them flash,
People would flock to pay to see me.
And the doing of that may not be beneficial to them,
A bit.
But just to say they witnessed it.

The difference?
Someone who makes claims,

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Poetic Waters

behold this vast lake
silent serene waters
moonlight shimmers
upon life ephemeral
crystal cut wavelets

crystal wavelets dance
whisper in moonlit breeze
breeze blow cool upon
warm flesh homage perceiving
perceiving wisdom in vast

depth shimmer creative waters

in dawn’s yellow finger
light fresh beauty focus shapes
depth colour light touch
sound scent stir movement
life springs forth creates

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A Sunday Prayer 07

Dear Lord there is so many questions
that plague our mind each day.
We hear of wars fought constantly,
each side declare God is with them.
Oh Lord, how can this be?
Who is right and who is wrong?
Pray help me understand.
A blind man when told
he could have his sight returned.
He refused to have it back,
saying he did not want to see,
the deprivation of man to his fellow man.
Oh, Lord surely there has to be explanation.
I pray to you to help me understand.
If there is to be hope for the human race,
we must understand each person’s problems;
never turn our back to those in need.
So Lord I ask you today,
grant us with your eternal wisdom,
so that we may understand and help,

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New Age

They travel
The three of them
According to secret charts
Mysterious tables and ledgers
They are kings of magic and wisdom
They have read the signs for years
Now they see them
They follow
In all their wisdom
They do not really know
The meaning
In the celestial wheel
But they follow without error

They know this land's king
Bitter and fearful
Will not be put off
And will imagine in his jealousy
To change the courses of the stars
But they sigh

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Molecular Evolution

At quite uncertain times and places,
The atoms left their heavenly path,
And by fortuitous embraces,
Engendered all that being hath.
And though they seem to cling together,
And form "associations" here,
Yet, soon or late, they burst their tether,
And through the depths of space career.

So we who sat, oppressed with science,
As British asses, wise and grave,
Are now transformed to wild Red Lions,
As round our prey we ramp and rave.
Thus, by a swift metamorphosis,
Wisdom turns wit, and science joke,
Nonsense is incense to our noses,
For when Red Lions speak, they smoke.

Hail, Nonsense! dry nurse of Red Lions,
From thee the wise their wisdom learn,

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