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Quotes about agreed, page 19

which Of The Wound

'which of the wound'

voice are all stand silent
words are helpless to express
eyes are also determined
to hide tears within
expressions are ready
to eliminate the pain
also got some fickle thing
a false show of enthusiasm wave
lips agreed to show
a fake smile altogether
how would you know
which of the wound
is left open to stitch on....

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Hear me friends
women or men
poor, endowed
by incident of race or creed-
as his centuries greatest sage
Auden said
til they're dead
'there is no difference between men
beyond becoming age; '
Having long agreed
I only add to these
those that cruelty kept back
by reason God-ordained,
good and bad
Need or none;
Lovely sincerity or un-
and, of course, greed.

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The Lies

Let the gods be forced to religion,
Yesterday we signed a pact with constitution.
Your lies do not affect me as a word and deed,
Let them cheer and also jeer, be a man who has agreed.
Never can we gobble up the tries of others,
Quite like gangs we destroy, with the flutters.
Feathers arrange themselves with awe,
Let authority begin answering and then draw.

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At one's wits' end

In the wind chill,
A broken-wing lavish bird
Crash-land to my wistful world
and begged for a shelter.
I said that I can look after her
bringing fruits from an orchard.
I never latch the cage my little bird
but one thing you have to promise me.
Never try to flee once you get your wings back.
She agreed with a sarcastic smile.

To the birds cannot flutter!

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The Waiting....

The waiting has been
all agreed upon,
not too early and
not for long,
when it is time for me to leave
leave i must,
the opportunity is over
like time
it slips and finally gone
there is no worry
when you by all means
late you've come
by then i must and should have
been gone

but look,
what crazy man could i have been
all these days waiting...

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Either Or

'Take these tears', she said,
'remember them,
no matter what may come.
True love must be sworn
with either tears or blood.'

'Yes', he agreed,
(through his own) , I'm in.
A bit orphic, maybe, but true.'
And he remembered them
through thick and thin.

Cut it this way or that
a good man knows their worth:
blood. tears.
Knows there's no substitute.
A good woman knows he knows.

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A Butcher Was Called for The Surgeon İnterview

'Yes, Thank you very much for your interest
About the Surgeon vacancy,
But we're sorry to inform you
That your application has been rejected.'
'Why Sir? '
'They agreed that both of you cut
With your sharp instruments
And take everything out for biopsy.
But the difference they say
A Surgeon fix everything as earlier
And you throw half of the gadgets into trash bin! '

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Death Of A Godman

I have agreed to cede
an unwritten moon
in a killing frenzy,
for a chequered spirituality.

Now visitation will start
ravishing the light at dawn.
The grievers will assemble
for a final scoop of dust.

Forgive my star,
for a failed touchdown.
A child stands before glitterati
born again to suffer the other sky.

Nothing comes out of nothing.
The circle was complete.

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Hark, All Ye Lovely Saints Above

Hark, all ye lovely saints above,
Diana hath agreed with Love,
His fiery weapon to remove. Fa la.
Do you not see
How they agree?
Then cease, fair ladies; why weep ye? Fa la.

See, see, your mistress bids you cease,
And welcome Love, with love's increase;
Diana hath procured your peace. Fa la.
Cupid hath sworn
His bow forlorn
To break and burn, ere ladies mourn. Fa la.

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I dropped down to my knees

I dropped down to my knees
He said; do me like you do other men
I said, say please
He agreed and we made the love of men
Caught by passion that seem
To burn within us together
Our love has stood the weather that
Weather away the love of other men
If only because we know
That storm will blow
But we must carry on
Wrapped in each other’s arms
Under the cover of our love.

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