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Quotes about wisdom, page 19

Wise Men Say.

There are things to search for in your days.
There are things to hunt down to correct our ways
Attributes that make us better men.
Better men for both our wives and children.

One such thing I have found a difficult item to trace.
I have searched mountain high and valley low for grace.
Grace is a difficult thing to grasp.
When I think I have a hold it slips away and laughs.

Wisdom is another I have searched for in vain.
It seems to be mine, visits for moment then dissipates without my claim.
I hear wise words spoken even from my lips.
Then foolish words from the same mouth slip.

Wiser men believe the perfect flower on its leafy perch,
Is also worth man's time and life long search.
They say to give your life is no waste,
To find the perfect blossom beautiful and chaste.

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I've been accused of having wisdom.
And I smile and ask...
'When did that happen?
I felt like such a jerk in my past.'
I stumbled and fell,
Got up to fall again.
I wasn't afraid to make mistakes.
Nor did I have thoughts on my mind to win!
I wanted to do those things I was born to do.
I didn't listen much to anyone...
Who believed I was confused.
Since they had no clue of my desires...
I didn't feel there was anything I had to prove.
I've been 'me' all my life.
Who else could I be?
I've had some heartaches,
And suffered tremendously!
I've learned to forgive and let live.
A lesson I'm happy I have finally conceived.
I guess what others 'see' is a tolerance...

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Your proximity means a lot to me

Your proximity means a lot to me

Yes, it means a lot to me to be with you
And to be intimately close to you
Not just a physical togetherness
But with a soulful oneness with you
You have been the drive of my life so far
But here and there I missed you
As I chose to act differently from your direction
You never let me down any time
You kept your watch on me
Not uttering a word
Though you maintain a silence I know
What you expect me to do
That will please you
Your directions are not always worldly wise
Your directions are not always fetching
Your directions are not always rewarding
Your directions are often different from acquired wisdom
Your directions are not taught in any school

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The Philosophy Of Love

The wisest men who've ever lived divide this world in two
When they discuss God's greatest gift: the love that makes life new.
Some wise men simply fall in love with gusto, all the way!
Yet others say that's not enough and rules we must obey!
So while the world ignores life's rules and falls head over heels,
Some wise men will not love like fools, no matter how it feels!
They will not sing, they will not dance, they certainly won't flirt!
Poor dears! They never take a chance! That way, they won't get hurt!
Alas, they starve their whole lives long! Alone, no kisses found!
No cuddles felt to make them strong! By wisdom they've been bound!
Restrained, restricted, ruled by laws! No poetry declared!
No heart that waits love's open doors! No tears or laughter shared!
No soft caresses of her cheek... No touching of her lips...
No dream-girl that the heart would seek... No tapping fingertips...
If I'm a fool for loving love, then that's the way I'll be...
I'll imitate the cooing dove in hopes that you'd love me!
I'd sacrifice the loneliness, the wisdom some call peace,
In prayers for perfect happiness that some say cannot cease!
I know true love fulfils God's plans! Love thrills us to the core!
Yes, blessed is he who understands God's wisdom called 'AMOUR'....

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someday everyone will be wise in the future
everyone will be sensible and forward thinking
wear sensible shoes and act accordingly in the future
wise action according to everyone will be the act
of the future everyone will be futuristic someday
according to god according to everyone and their shoes
in the future everyone will be godless and free
act accordingly in the future or else
play accordions wisely in your godless future
in the future accordions will play themselves

act three in the future: there will be no accordions
everyone will get nostalgic for the accordion god
and act as if they were wise in the future
everyone will be according to god
in the future everyone will not act accordingly
wisdom is unholy in the future
to act accordingly is to stay out of trouble
in the future jails will be bigger and much better
everyone will need some punishment in the future

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A Poya Day

A throne draped in virgin white
Flowing gently in the mildest of mistrals
Like the gentle flight of a coasting crane
Under the lofty branches of a lonely Bo tree
As the bountiful leaves part with a vivacious rhapsody
The rustle of shelves of leaves, elating the prospering dew
Yearning to spring on the unsuspecting feet of the passing crowds
As Aurora unveiled the promise of a Poya day
As the gathering crowd await the advent of a scholarly monk
For reverberating wisdom to burgeon the mind
In the fluidity of a heavenly ataraxia, a serendipitous tranquility
Tides of an apical serenity embracing the sands of the porous psyche
As the mistral gathers vivacity, a lonely monk ascends to his apical seat
A worldly acumen resonates from the epicenter of the monk's voluble lips
To harness grains of benevolence, to nurture the voracious appetites of thawing minds
To cater to the famished intellect, to engender a transformation from within
To fuse in to the resonance of goodwill a lonely monk bestows
Worldly wisdom jumping across through mental faucets
To enliven the conscience, to lend a helping hand to the marginalized
All this wrapped in the articulate sermons of a Poya day

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Love Of The Light

The love of God is glory and pride,
happiness and a crown of joyfulness,
the love of God gladdens the heart,
giving happiness, joy and eternal life
For those who love, love without end
She was created created with the faithful in their mother's womb
She has made a home in all creation, an age old foundation
and to their descendents will she faithfully cling,
The fullness of wisdom is to love God;
She intoxicates them with her fruits;
She fills their entire hearts with treasures
and their souls with her produce.
The crown of wisdom is to love God,
She makes peace and health flourish.
The lord has seen and assessed her,
he has showered down knowledge and intelligence,
he has exalted the renown of those who practice her.
The root of wisdom is to love God,
and her branches are eternal life

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It Starts With The Fear of God

It starts with the fear of God my friend and the fear of God alone,
That removes self from the heart and places Jesus on the throne.

Worldly knowledge won't change your heart, won't change it at all,
For my heart and yours, my friend, was tainted way back at the fall.

Even if you read God's Word and thoroughly understand what it said,
It won't benefit you at all my friend, if it only stays in your head.

For a head full of knowledge, even understanding, is only the start,
It becomes a true Saving Faith when you accept Jesus into your heart.

For it is with your heart you believe and are justified in His sight,
And with your mouth you confess and are saved, much to His delight.

The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, and will be to the end,
For this world's wisdom is folly, in the eyes of The Lord my friend.

The fear of God is not weakness my friend, as it leads to Salvation,
While no fear or reverence towards God above leads to Damnation.

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Bible Stories: Job (Chapter XI)

Zophar, the Naamathite then spoke:

Should not your queries be answered?
Should garrulous be always right?
Should one’s babblings silence others?
Should none rebuke your ridicule?
You mean your statements are correct!
Do you then say, ‘I am so clean! ’

If only God does speak to you
And says, ‘wisdom is far effective! ’
And makes you answer for your guilt.
Can you unravel God’s designs?
You dare vie with the perfect God!

Wisdom is higher than heavens,
And deeper than the nether world;
’Tis broader than the ocean’s span,
And longer than earth’s dimensions.

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Anne Brontë

In Memory of a Happy Day in February

Blessed be Thou for all the joy
My soul has felt today!
O let its memory stay with me
And never pass away!
I was alone, for those I loved
Were far away from me,
The sun shone on the withered grass,
The wind blew fresh and free.

Was it the smile of early spring
That made my bosom glow?
'Twas sweet, but neither sun nor wind
Could raise my spirit so.

Was it some feeling of delight,
All vague and undefined?
No, 'twas a rapture deep and strong,
Expanding in the mind!

Was it a sanguine view of life

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poem by from Poems by Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell (1846)Report problemRelated quotes
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