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Quotes about agreed, page 20


Greenland Hotel,
72 sheep and 36 cartons of schnapps!
To conduct yourself;
To conduct herself;
To conduct himself;
To conduct myself;

[...] Read more

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I will always love you

I loved you, much more than you will ever know
I loved you, and agreed to the cross to go
I loved you, even before you knew my name
I loved you, and willingly bore all your shame
I loved you, even when you were full of sin
I loved you, and died that I your soul should win
I loved you, so much and willingly died.
I loved you, then 'Father forgive I cried.'

.... and I will always love you

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Critic Agreed Agenda

masterpieces are critic agreed agenda
who decides subject topic to acclaim?
artists significant declared eccentric?

people seek pursue status quo attainment
comfortable lives require basic necessities
achieve in current existing state extant affairs

within global concerns covetousness resides
need greed exploits contemporary opportunity
vision artist evokes ignored spiritual harmony

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How Tuneful Is The Voice Of Sea

How tuneful is the voice of sea,
What true accord in ocean's murmur,
And in the reed's light, rhythmic tremour
What tender musicality!

In nature all is harmony,
A consonance fore'er agreed on,
And 'tis alone our phantom freedom
That is disturbingly off-key.

Whence comes this breach? How to explain
Why with the sea its song sonorous
The soul declines to sing in chorus?
Why does the thinking reed complain?

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Before sinking to knees.
I will talk to flowers.
Day of arrival has come.

In death, wisdom of trees
will eject the seeds
of fire on hip-locked roots.

A miracle will raise the bones
from the rage of crowd.
The king has agreed to depart.

Darkness sings in the
valley of sun.
Tongues are free to weave the moon.

Till the words are ready
to walk on street of sorrow
to remove the blood soaked prints.

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Come Dance!

lover, come dance!
i have grown weary
of fireflies and spiders.
the bark of the tree tastes like need,
and the howling has a face.
i am mad with desire,
in the tooth of the wind!
the dust on my feet only memory!
the key is gone, but the lock is broken,
the shadows have agreed to leave.
the hawk rises to taste the sky,
rough hands born to caress.
lonliness doesnt even build a good fire,
the waves lap at the shore!

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Who Knows Which Way the Wind Blows For Them

No it is not a bother at all.
I can not remember if it was you or me,
I do believe we both agreed,
We could care less.
And went on to accept happiness,
To enrich our giving lives.

That is why the lack of caring,
Has reflected as is observed.
And those who rejected our efforts then,
Are the same ones proclaiming...
A mending of fences with unity can be done.
Who knows which way the wind blows for them!

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A Good Life

Living outside those and these planets is funny,
And I like fierce planets of natured tips and peaks.
This is the better bargain of a Life without virtue,
An opposite deal over and under the agreed art.

Forceful plans are plenty and pretty, of each blood,
Such too many like to love altogether, and live alone,
Towards the towers of colourful nature and genius,
As if food is good in dozens of days and real life.

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Coitus non interruptus

As Mom and Dad play loves game.
The baby stirs uneasily.
just as the crashing climax came.
The baby settles quietly.
Perhaps the babe is satisfied
and felt the moment of release.
That’s why she slept on. never cried
and let her parents sleep in peace.
She does not even wake to feed
but sleeps right through ‘til morning light.
A perfect child they’re both agreed.
When morning comes all three awake,
they are content make no mistake.

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Getting It

Some find that the only attention they can get,
Is to demand it.

I'm from the 'old school'.
IF I should get any at all,
I appreciate it.
It's not expected.

I often felt that way around my ex-wife.
Who I do admit...
Did have unique gifts,
And talents.

And 'getting it' was mostly,
From a charitable deed she delivered.
Established and released...
If we agreed to meet on the same foundation.
Which then mutually satisfied our donations.

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